Merthyr Imp

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Posts posted by Merthyr Imp

  1. I hadn't intended to include this with it not being a Notts theatre, but as it's coincidental with the recent death of Brian Rix here it is. My next theatre trip happened to be to see one of his farces while on holiday in London - 21 July 1967. This was at the Garrick Theatre at the end of Charing Cross Road, just up from Trafalgar Square. I still have the ticket stub, and it cost 15 shillings for a seat in the stalls.




    We saw 'Let Sleeping Wives Lie', and I  must say I can recall a lot more of this production than I can about 'Saint Joan' seen just a year before! None of the details of the plot though, just that it involved trying to keep some sort of secret from an American businessman.  Some notable names in the cast, not least Andrew Sachs long before he became famous on TV, plus early 1950s British film star Derek Farr, Bill Treacher, later of EastEnders and Leo Franklyn - a Brian Rix regular - who was the father of William Franklyn.






    • Upvote 3
  2. 2 hours ago, DJ360 said:

    I worked on it painting when I first came up this way .  We had scaffolding but no boards, kickers, ladders or anything.  We got to the top by climbing hand over hand up the outside of the scaffolding.  That was 1971. Scared the waste matter out of me.



    Reminds me of the very first documentary about Fred Dibnah that was shown on TV - couldn't believe him climbing the ladder up a chimney hand over hand, then standing on boards round the top with no handrail.


    I suppose it's all about confidence in what you're doing.

    • Upvote 1
  3. My last school trip was to the Playhouse in March or April 1966 to see Shaw's 'Saint Joan' as we were doing it for O Level. 




    In the title role was the 31-year-old Judi Dench, and although I'm not sure any of us knew of her we did know Jimmy Thompson who played the part of the Dauphin and was well known for starring with Pinky & Perky on TV.




    A few other names that stand out in the cast are John Shrapnel, Ronald Hines (maybe best known for later being in 'Not in Front of the Children' on TV) and Harold innocent.




    I remember that Thursdays used to be early closing day in Nottingham, but it's interesting to note that Pearson's were closed all day.

  4. 2 hours ago, MargieH said:

    The little circle looks greyish white to me, not blue.  Perhaps it depends on the theme colour you're using as to how one perceives it -  I' m on the Old  School one.


    I would have said it was whitish-grey. Anyway, speaking for myself I would much prefer to have a red & white striped circle.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

    So if you were in a Morrison shelter, i.e. under your kitchen table, and your home suffered a direct hit, you'd be crushed firstly by the weight of the kitchen table with the added weight of the house on top of it. I've never understood the logic of Morrison shelters.

    I don't think it was meant to protect from a direct hit, but from lesser damage caused by a bomb falling nearby.

  6. I've tried the various themes, and with Medevil Magic (Default) you get the white type on the white background on the list of forums that alan S mentions above (can't give the post number as that no longer appears).


    With OldSchoolV4, which LOOKS the best, I find that when I go to (for example) 'Activity' at the top then 'Unread Content' or any of the four options the text disappears.


    FB Look is OK and Default is probably better.

  7. 2 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:

    When you first visit the site...

    Click on Activity

    Then on All Activity

    What you then see is the equivalent of the old Home page which you used to get when you went to Nottstalgia. It lists all the latest updates on the various threads which are active.


    But on the old home page it didn't use to list all the postings that were new it just used to list the threads that had a new posting on.



  8. The latest issue of the magazine 'Steam Days' (September issue) arrived in the post today, and although I haven't read it yet what looks well worth checking out is an article 'The Last Weekend of the Great Central's London Extension' by a David Pearce. 

    Several good photos of Victoria Station are included along with some at Wilford and the bridge over the Trent. Also a good map centring on the GC line through West Bridgford.  The article seems to consist of memories of someone who lived in sight of the line there.

  9. By the time of the next school trip the new Playhouse had been opened. I think this must have been in the autumn of 1964 or 1965 when we were taken to see 'The Merchant of Venice' which we were studying that year. It starred the great Alastair Sim as Shylock, and I was aware enough of who he was to appreciate seeing him, presumably having seen some of his films on TV.


    Also appearing was the young Gemma Jones, maybe best known later as 'The Duchess of Duke Street', as Portia but there's no-one else of note in the cast.


    I can remember very little about it other than the curtain call at the end.


  10. Full details are on the East Midlands Trains website showing what arrangements were/are in operation, eg. passengers: from Sheffield/Chesterfield allowed to travel via Doncaster to King's Cross and from Nottingham via Grantham to King's Cross. Derby passengers allowed to travel via Birmingham from Euston.

    I think the limited service from Leicester to St Pancras that's mentioned may be due to the number of trains being stranded north of the bridge collapse.

    They're working towards a normal service being resumed tomorrow (Wednesday), presumably using the slow line through Barrow-upon-Soar.

  11. #15

    Sacrilege no excuse.

    Could have renumbered & renamed one of the preserved castles & kept them in green

    Does it say in the books what colour the engine is? I've never read any of them so I've no idea, although I do know departure from King's Cross is involved, so it does seem strange that 'Castle' haulage is involved. Having said that, the Great Western didn't have a monopoly on 'Castle' names - maybe it's meant to be a B17.

    As I say, I haven't read the books so don't know much of what occurs in them.