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Posts posted by Beefsteak

  1. Crows , Rooks, Jackdaws and Magpies even had a pair of Ravens attempting to build in one of the trees !Green and Gold Finches on the feeders, along with Blue, Great and Coal Tits , Pied Wagtails , Wood Pigeons , Collared Doves, Buzzards overhead, a Sparrow Hawk having his dinner, Sparrows , Starlings, Dunnock, we even had an escaped Zebra Finch once!

    As for animals:- We have Squirrels passing through, the odd Hedgehog, Frogs (Regardless of the fact we have no discernible water supply) there's also a pair of Lop eared Rabbits to be found and for some strange reason a large heard of Wildebeest are sometimes to be found lurking around the herbaceous border.

  2. Cleverest street cleaners!?

    I told you all the tale recently of our local street cleaner who always had a fag hanging from his mouth ( Grow up !) He was told that (When the smoking in the work place ban came in) as his workplace was outdoors he couldn't smoke in the street any more (Only on his way to and from work) And he fell for it , hook line and sinker!!

  3. Last night when Trevor started this it was really bad for me, first time I'd had any issues like it (Every time I tried to open a page or reply to something it came up) I was trying for ages to start this self same topic and all i got was the Zyma screen.

    I refreshed , and rebooted , to no avail.

    It's fine today though!

  4. Hey Carni, ever tried that with soft boiled eggs? I had a Heston Blumenthol (whatever) recipe for them. I've lost it now , but you boiled your eggs for only about a minute and then ran them under the cold tap to stop them cooking. you then wrapped them in the sausage meat and cooked them . When you cut into them the egg was lovely and still slightl runny. Slurp slurp!