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About theriotsquad

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  1. Check out the recent updates at Wrestling Heritage. We have now added letters U and V to the A-Z section, and FILO in the features section has continued to grow. One of our readers is seeking information on a 1950s/60s wrestler named Peter Patridge (or similar). He seems to have everyone stumped so far, but if you have any knowledge of him please let us know. Likewise, if any member of your family contributed to the golden years of British wrestling please do get in touch. Visit Wrestling Heritage SEnd a message to Wrestling Heritage
  2. Wrestling Heritage is almost eight months old. We already have over seventy articles on-line and there are many more ready for publishing. We intend to make the festive period really special for old time wrestling fans like yourself with some of our best articles yet.... Start Christmas celebrations right now and commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of an authentic World Heavyweight Champion visiting British rings in A Legend In Our Midst. Coming soon... A superb piece that recalls the Specialty Manoeuvres that made our favourites really special. Later this month Ray Noble remembers his
  3. Oops. The email address is the* Sorry about that *Remove ~
  4. Was any member of your family a professional wrestler? Were you a professional wrestler? In the 1950s, 60s and 70s millions of people enjoyed watching professional wrestling. Many of those wrestlers are now largely forgotten. Wrestling Heritage is an innovative website dedicated to all professional wrestlers active at any time in the years 1945 to 1988. It is the only wrestling website dedicated to the classic years of wrestling that contains entirely original comment. Wrestling Heritage is the only British website giving professional wrestlers the respect they deserve. Have a look at