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Posts posted by Bilbraborn

  1. Railway sleepers at the storage depot near Lenton Junction sometime in the 70s. I remember seeing Lenton Flats silhouetted in the glow.

    Going back even further to the mid fifties when I was very young. We had been to Central Market where my Dad bought an apple tree (a Cox) and when we emerged there was a massive commotion nearby. It was the council rent office on fire. It was just around the corner then. I might have been young but I well remember huge flames and the firemen holding all these women back who were shouting 'Burn! Burn!.

  2. Good to have you back Pixie. My wife went through hell having our children. Apart from miscarriages, our first had Phoetal Distress as he was about to be born and had to be fetched out quickly and revived. As a result my wife had to have lots of stitches and was ill for some time. When son number two was conceived, she had trouble carrying him and he was born prem by weight (not time) and the midwife terrified me by giving him to me to hold - he was so tiny. Visit the barbers shop on Highbury Road Bulwell and see him. You wouldn't believe how tiny he was at birth.

    My wife says it was all worth it. Although they are now grown up and with families of their own, she adores them.

    • Upvote 3
  3. Notty Ash. I did all those walks with my grand-daughter and many more besides, including most of the Chesterfield canal that is still in existence. She walks the flippin' legs off me these days. We even walked the old (LD&ECR) railway line from Ollerton to Fledborough and beyond through some of the wildest scenery in Nottinghamshire. This is impossible now as it has been turned into a test track and is used by trains regularly.

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  4. Coal is like everything else. If no-one buys it, it will not sell and the industry disappears. And as for foreign coal? We all buy as cheaply as we can. Besides, those luverly people in Europe want all coal fired power stations shut down.

    As the price of gas and electric rises, more people won't be able to afford it. I suppose it is a sure way of reducing the population.

  5. Definitely for earning money. But I dare say the councils would say that if we are daft enough to speed, then we deserve to pay. For some, speed humps are better but we have them outside our house. Empty lorries going to the industrial estate nearby keep us awake so we would prefer cameras if there must be something. The humps mean motorcyclists can get away with it.

  6. Re #72. I would have thought there would have been a system to over-ride this. Given that they were built for town traffic. I suppose it's similar to diesel buses overheating after crawling along in low gear. (In fact some of those in Glasgow that I drove often did overheat). However, in one of my local history books called 'Nottingham Then', there is a photograph of a Trolleybus on fire on London Road.

  7. Nottingham Victoria Station was probably handier for the city centre than the Midland. That said, The GCR was built across the grain of the land in Nottinghamshire. This would have made it extremely expensive to quadruple the track, Think of the civil engineering. Starting with the tunnel through the Robin Hood Hills, Bulwell Viaduct,, then the huge embankments across the Daybrook Valley, the three tunnels through Nottingham and the long viaduct across the Meadows. Those three tunnels were real bottlenecks. Just think of the coast of widening them.


    In its heyday you could have got a train to almost anywhere (and if Edward Watkin had got his way even Europe). Engines from the GWR, LNER, LMS and of course the LNER were regular visitors. Indeed the York/Bournemouth was often seen with green (southern) carriages.

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