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Posts posted by Bilboro-lad

  1. Basically the gist of it all is that if you go looking for trouble you'll probably find it. In our litigious society hospitals will elect to operate to avoid a 'failure to act' lawsuit.

    Personally, I'd rather keep my tackle in working order until there is a problem.

    That's my choice and it's made after reading about the issue and following best medical practice.

    I'm not in a high risk group. I'm white and there is no familial history.

  2. It doesn't matter how slowly you read it - medical opinion is against PSA testing per se due to its unreliability and the side effects of biopsies.

    It's not ME you have to convince but the medical establishments across the world.

    So get over it eh guys? Stop preaching. Then again I guess you know best eh? What a pity that medical research around the world is so stupid.

    You remind me of those people that are pro smoking because their granny smoked and lived to be 95.

  3. Well if you are not an expert on anything stop disregarding information given by experts all over the world. As far as the drugs thing goes, I quoted an oft repeated idiom: Sex, drugs, rock and roll. It refers to a lifestyle. I have never injected any substance or touched hard drugs. As a matter of interest, smoking cigarettes kills more people than all the illegal drugs combined and multiplied by ten. The difference between you and me in regard to PSA testing is that I am happy to change my mind when the combined medical opinion of the world changes. You are not. You've made up your mind and that's all there is to it. It's called 'dogma' and it isn't healthy.

  4. Well what's that certain age then? And how many die at that certain age? If you think the medical establishment is wrong - then write to your MP.

    So your husband and his brother have taken into account the false positive PSA test? The false negative biopsy results? The side effects of biopsy such as infection and impotence? Dismissed the entire medical profession's opinion? And then calls everyone STUPID that follows medical advice? Well he must be some clever fella, I can see why you married him.

  5. But it was simply bad luck in your case. If checking the entire population were a good idea like bowel cancer or breast screening it would be done.

    Just because someone wins the lottery every week it doesn't follow that we all will if we start to play.

    Current medical advice is that PSA testing for the population at large is NOT a good idea. Write to the Minister for Health if you think that it is.

    Biopsies have side effects and are not overly accurate. So if you have a high PSA reading and a negative biopsy - was the PSA a false positive? Or the biopsy a false negative? Most GPs seem to be against it. It's up to everyone to make up their own minds, not you to browbeat them into a test that may do more harm than good. That's all I've got to say on the matter. Let everyone talk to their GP and make up their own minds.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I went hitching around Australia when I was 16 in 1970. No credit card in back pocket in those days, not even any loose change.

    Travelled up to Darwin with Sole Bros circus and left it at Darwin. Survived by picking up Coke bottles for the deposit and scavenging stale bread from the bakery after it closed. I lived in a cave on the beach. Eventually went back to Sydney and shacked up with a stripper in Kings Cross (Sydney's red light district) Made a living playing guitar in the cafes. I lived a completely nocturnal lifestyle going to bed when the sun rose.

    Sex, drugs and rock and roll was the order of that year. 'Twas fun though. I'd do it again.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Telling them to carry on as they are is a sure route to an early grave. Anyway, it seems that you know best and that science/medicine has got it wrong.

    From Cancer Research:

    Heavy/long-term smoking is associated with an 11–22% increase in risk of prostate cancer, and current smokers have a 14% increased risk of dying of prostate cancer, with a risk increase of 24–30% for those with the highest exposures, according to a meta-analysis.

    BTW, Mr Charlesworth - do you smoke?

  8. It's no good shouting. Basically what you are saying is that you won £100 on a scratch card and now we should all go out and buy scratch cards. You keep banging on about just one form of illness when it isn't really likely to be the one that kills us. Stopping smoking, stopping drinking and watching our diets is what will save lives. Let's get it into perspective shall we?

  9. If you smoke you have a 50% chance of dying from it. STOP SMOKING.

    Smoking kills over 100,000 every year - but I don't see everyone packing up.

    If you want to get checked with a PSA test then fine, but it isn't recommended by the health authorities.

  10. Colly. I too asked about the test when I last had a blood test but the gp said that having the test will often show a false positive and that would lead to rather unpleasant tests via biopsy up the bum and the biopsy itself can cause complications that you never had before the test. Statistically 48 men have to be treated for prostate cancer (not tested) to save one life. There are other things far more likely to kill you than that. If it were crucial to health then testing would be carried out like the bowel cancer screening. The fact that it isn't indicates it doesn't help.