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Posts posted by Bilboro-lad

  1. I lived in Bilborough until I was 13 so early days were all around Wollaton Hall, Sandhills, Hemlock Stone but mainly down the old Wollaton canal around the old train bridge and up the slag heaps of the pit. Does anyone remember the slag heap that was on fire underneath? We used to call it 'hot sands'. I guess it must had had a lightning strike one day and it smouldered forever.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Re 97%.

    This actually now becomes meaningless. In answer to where did you get the information you replied.

    Post 97 Guardian, Post 121 The News.

    Which makes either (a) very forgetful, therefore not worth listening to. Or (b) A liar, therefore not worth listening to.

    I could include DIM but we all know that anyway.

    Are you some kind of sociopath? You are certainly coming across as one. I note that you keep using the word 'we'. Who is 'we'? Why do you feel the need to have security in numbers (even if imagined)? You are coming across as a very weak individual issuing insults over a screen. Not very clever really is it? For the sake of all concerned, I'll ignore you and you ignore me eh? Why subject the other forum members to your unpleasantness? Is that a deal?

  3. There we go. You have brainwashed yourself into believing only what you want to believe. It's a well known phenomena.

    That report came from people who work in the petrochemical industry in Alberta and nowhere else.

    You have chosen to live a delusion and only you know why. Read ALL of the comments. After all, they are ALL strangers to you and me aren't they? Do you actually know any of them? Thought not.

  4. How well you describe yourself and your way of thinking.

    Totally one sided no rationale to your train of thought if you can muster a train of thought that is.

    Your non arguments sound more like an emergency siren Whee Whaa, Whee Whaa. on and on. Like I said same old words mostly meaningless.

    And there we have it. A perfect example of irrational thought leading to a conspiratorial explanation. At one moment in time you had a 'Eureka moment' when all became clear to you. When was that?

  5. It all comes down to a pattern of irrational thought. You have chosen a set belief without evidence and then set out to prove yourself correct.

    However, the secret is in the word 'irrational'.

    Basically what it means is that you've brain-washed yourself into a belief pattern that you can no-longer control.

    Any 'facts' that come to light that are against your beliefs will be investigated with suspicion and dismissed as falsehood or an attempt to hoodwink the unwary.

    That's how conspiracy theories work.

    If I say that 97% of climate scientists say that climate change is man made - you'll instantly say "Ah yes but if they want a research grant they have to be pro-climate change." That's irrational thought but because you have programmed your brain in a set way you cannot see it.

    Without meaning to be rude, you have simply deluded yourself.

  6. So you are saying then that 97% of climate scientists cannot make up their own minds and arrive at the answer that YOU insist that they should therefore they are in league with the 'establishment' to make money from phony climate change. Err - forgive me if I slip you quietly into the basket of conspiracy theorists. Sorry about that, but you give me no alternative.

  7. I see the conspiracy theorists are back. Why does anyone watch or read the news if it's all rigged? Come on guys, tell me why you do it. Tell me how you keep up to date with current affairs. If you don't believe anything - why do you believe in denying climate change? Where does your info come from?

  8. But that's how science works. Someone comes up with a theory that either holds up or it doesn't. That theory is challenged and altered according to investigation by thousands of trained people. At the moment 97% of them are in favour of man made climate change. If new evidence comes up then the theory will change. It's an on-going thing, it's not a one off statement unless it becomes a scientific law. At this point in time the scientific community are very much in favour of man ,made climate change. It's not my opinion, it's just where we are at this time. If the level falls from 97% to 55% then obviously I would be more sceptical. It's not good making up your mind that you don't believe it and then attempting to find some rather dubious map or graph to prove the point. Making a decision without proof or evidence is faith. We have faith that God created the earth in 6 days, but that';s not science is it?

  9. I find it odd that you are the only person that has realised this. Why aren't you contacting the universities and telling them the secret? I read somewhere that they have looked and looked at solar activity but can find no link whatsoever. Why are the 97% so stupid if the answer is so simple? Are all scientists that dim - or just climate change scientists?