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Posts posted by Astwood

  1. On 3/14/2021 at 6:05 PM, LizzieM said:

    Yes he was SG, he bought me a Beach Boys LP for my 17th Birthday and I’ve still got it! 
    He used to knock about with Pete Ottoway (?), not sure if they were schoolfriends or if they knew each other from work.  

    I suspect you have the names muddled - Peter Ottewell was in my Class and his nickname was Fred. We got kept in in Physics and he put 2 pigeons in his haversack and let them out in the Physics Lab.,, Mr Tebbutt had a fit and kept us in another night too.


  2. Taff who died after an injury in a Rugby Match, was Anthony Harvey, who at the time, was going out with Liz Clipson, I believe. Think he lived on Melbury. There was a commemorative tree outside the main entrance but don't know if it is still there since the school was knocked down. There was also one to a girl who was knocked over riding her bike and, I think, one to Mick Winkley who was killed with his family in France. His brother survved the crash.


  3. I asked someone about Brenda Thompson - I knew her before we went to BGS. Someone said that they thought she had emigrated to Australia. I organised the 1997 Re-union and discovered that there are a large number of Bilborough pupils in Oz and NZ. Mr/Dr Jacob asked me to organise another reunion at Phil Soar's bash in 2014 but I told him it was someone else's turn to have a go but that I would help them, if they wanted me to do so. In 1997 the school was still standing so we could have a reunion there but now it has gone, so a venue would be a problem.

  4. On 3/10/2021 at 12:54 PM, Fairlad said:

    I originally posted this message on a St Martins Church page but was advised by Cliff Ton that the posts were from 2009! (I will get the hang of checking first I'm sure). I have re-posted it here as it is still relevant to my growing up in Bilborough during my teenage years in the 60's.


    I used to go the St Martins every Sunday. I was also an alter boy! The main reason for attending church was so that I could go to the youth club held in the church hall , (now communal garages and houses), on a Saturday night. We also had some great dances there. This was in the early to mid 60's.

    Names I remember? Here goes, Lesley Taylor, Brenda Thompson, Mick Chambers (my best mate), Mick Wright, John Hooper, Keith Jewsbury, Janice Coats (Lollipop), Heather and Hazel Burton , Diane ?, Robert Bridges, Richard Savage, Doreen ? (lived on Wotton Close, opposite Caincross Road playing fields), Jane Marson (my cousin), Mick Wilkinson (St Martins vicar's son), Toni Bakewell.

    I also remember Father Lavender, Brother Michael, Father Shewring and Father Wilkinson from the church.

    One day Mick Wilkinson got the keys to the church and we explored the bell tower and enjoyed the views from the roof.

    The houses that fill the land between Wigman Road and Strelley Road was originally waste ground belonging to the church (gleeb land), a raised bank with trees and shrubs ran from St Martins Walk to Strelley Road and in that corner was a fresh water spring and a large pond. An occasional fair was also held on there.

    I remember all of the people listed - I used to go to St Martins and was in the Brownies and Guides there for a while. I remember the Glebe field and the rump of Goose Fair used to pitch up on the Sunday after the end of Goose Fair. There was a service on the dodgems! My name was Janice Matkin and I arranged the 1997 re-union of Bilborough Grammar on the site, sadly no longer there, neither is Glenbrook Junior Girls' school.

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  5. On 2/18/2015 at 12:32 AM, BilboroughShirley said:


    I think this all started in the winter of 1962/63. A great winter. It snowed so much we did not go out for games so they taught us barn dancing with all the crazy moves. There was one called "the basket" where people sometimes got thrown across the floor. We went wrong so often it was one big laugh. The events were led by a member of the 6th form.

    Jim Sullivan the Maths Teacher used to front the Friday Barn dancing or any other day when we couldn't go 'OUT' One day he jumped off the stage on to a chair and went right through it!

    I happened to drive past Glenbrook Junior Girls' school recently and it has suffered the same fate as Bilborough GS - knocked down with a new school on the site!



  6. On 2/18/2015 at 12:32 AM, BilboroughShirley said:


    I think this all started in the winter of 1962/63. A great winter. It snowed so much we did not go out for games so they taught us barn dancing with all the crazy moves. There was one called "the basket" where people sometimes got thrown across the floor. We went wrong so often it was one big laugh. The events were led by a member of the 6th form.

    Didn't Mr Sullivan, Maths teacher take dancing on a friday lunch time if it was raining and an IN day?


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  7. I used to go Old Tyme dancing at Old Park Farm and there were a couple of Brownie/Guide dos there too. The library was there before they built the 'new' one behind the Pelican Pub on Bracebridge drive. When I took my driving test in 1969 I had to reverse around a corner in Morval road and saw the building as shown on this site. Unfortunately it caught fire and was demolished shortly afterwards. One wonders if the fire played into the hands of developers...........................................


  8. When we went to the Lakes we too were dropped off at various points and as we wandered down the road found various other little groups of BGS people. We then flagged down a farm truck which happened to be flat-backed so the people on the outside held on to the outside board of the truck and we all held on to each other's legs to stop rolling off when we went round the tight corners. Of course it was raining, it always does in the Lakes! We regarded that as using initiative!

    When we got to Ambleside we went into a café and the lady had made some flapjacks but they weren't good enough to sell as they were all crumbly. We demolished them for her - no problem and they were free! I think I got dropped off somewhere near Langton Matravers and had to walk back to Swanage - fortunately most of it was downhill. I remember Mr Whitfield moaning at us that we didn't know what a sea cabbage was - you get soooo many of those in Nottm - and it was sooo near our A level exam. I guess I must have some photos somewhere of Swanage. That Easter holiday wasn't an Easter holiday - I was just back from Paris - got the last train out of Gare du Nord before the riots kicked off, had half a day at home and then off to Swanage for the field trip. Do you remember Martin Naylor setting off the fire extinguisher in the classroom - he said it was an accident!

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  9. I went to the Lakes in 1967 and then to Swanage in 1968. We had to get out of the Camm's coach at the bottom of the hill, ( Isn't it strange how YHAs are always at the top of hills?) as it couldn't get up the hill and also the Warden of the YHA in Swanage died just as we got back to Nottm; we were his last group visit. I remember the cliffs at Kimmeridge Bay burning due to the oil in them and Nigel Hoad catching all sorts of things which were destined for various sleeping bags and also him picking up jelly fish too. We always walked miles on the first couple of days. Talking of Camm's coaches, we went to Stratford (Avon) in one to see 'King Lear' one of our A level texts and had to push start it after the play in order to get back to Nottm. I seem to recall that we didn't get back till 1 in the morning. The day we went was my 18th birthday and I also took A level French Spoken that afternoon too. I remember going to a Pub on the front at Swanage which had 2 exits, one conveniently came out near the pier near a bench a bit away from the Pub itself and we had mints in pockets. When I taught Geography we used to let the Sixth Form go to the Pub when we were on field trips, but we were in the adjacent room. In some of the places we went there was nothing else to do!

  10. I did go on the Field Trip to Swanage in 1968, the year before was to the Lake District (Elterwater) and I did take Geography A level. I don't remember anyone arriving late called Pearson in my year and I thought that Stuart Gregory had gone long before 1965. We did O levels in 1965/6 and, if you recall, you couldn't stay on to the Sixth Form unless you had 5 O's mimimum, if not you had to repeat the year.

  11. Of course I wasn't in the Dick Cooper gang, I am female! Donald Scrimshaw was at Glenbrook Jnr Boys and I heard he'd gone off to be a jockey, don't know if it's true. So, if you were the year below me you must have come across Eileen Asher + Liz Clipson but I can't remember any other names. A guy I do remember and don't know what happened to him was Stuart Gregory aka Tats, he suddenly disappeared round about the third year and was never heard of again. Not many of my year came to the 1997 Re-union so there are a large number of people whom I haven't seen since 1966 after O levels or 1968, post A levels. Don't suppose it helps that I don't live in Nottm either.

  12. I have been reading this with great interest. I have to tell you that some of the teachers mentioned are no longer with us - Mr Redding, Mr Robshaw, Mr Gilliver, Mr Newcombe, Miss England, Mr Bristow, Dr Peake, Mr Williams. I last heard a few years ago that Miss Betts had Alzheimers Disease and I have no doubt that some of the other Members of Staff have gone to the Staffroom in the sky. It was Miss Louden, Lois, who was the Maths Teacher and played cricket for England Ladies. Her nickname was Passion Flower or Pash when I was there 1961-8, then on to University. I still go up to Nottingham fairly regularly and I still find it sad to see all of those houses on 'our' playing field. Contrary to some of the accounts on this site I enjoyed my time there, got a decent set of public exam results and D of E Gold. I think it was an excellent school although sometimes did not think so at the time!

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  13. Bilbraborn - if you were in 1L and had Miss Louden for Maths and a Form Teacher then we were in the same form! Also you talked about Mr Pither - I think you will find that Mr Bartlett was i/c music when we were in the first year. I think it was a shame that the place was allowed to fall into disrepair. When I went to the Re-union in 2005 before it was knocked down I was astonished at some of the delapidation. There are schools near where I now live which are much older and still being used, in fact I used to teach in some!