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Everything posted by Paul_B

  1. Thank-you and I will post the final documentation from the work once completed (I expect early next year). Providing that I get enough respondents to hopefully show that my method works! Fingers crossed!
  2. Good morning all. I apologise for any trouble that this survey request has created. It was clearly not meant to do so. My research does not use the survey for the main basis/data of research – that has already been undertaken. The purpose of the survey (as it states at the end) is to validate and check the other methods of obtaining settlement classification that I have used. Thus, sample sizes can be much smaller. I hope this eases the concerns that have been raised. Bilboro-lad is right that we should be careful about personal information but I can assure everyone that I also take a very s
  3. The harvesting is by using the Bing API which is based on search engine results. "A village to me may be a town to others" - which is exactly the point of the survey. Traditional settlement classifications are usually along the lines of: City / Town / Village / Hamlet with no flexibility of being multi-categorical. If you would like further details please email my university account ( and I will be happy to answer your questions there, rather than side-track this thread.
  4. If you are sceptical - please message my university account (as in the survey) and I will respond. The postcode is useful for my PhD work which maps neighbourhoods and I hope it will validate my work and yes - it is optional Sample size is a control by itself. If you ask enough people - many effects should be averaged out. I certainly do not want to ask only 3 people - that would be pointless. The study is as darkazana states about perceptions of how different people can describe place. A probabilistic settlement classification may give a far m
  5. I can assure you that I am a University student The control is adjustment for age / gender / length of residency I hope that they aren't "silly questions" I can go into details on the rationale but do not wish to bias any responses
  6. I am a PhD student at the University of Nottingham extracting settlement classification from data harvested from the mass content of web pages. For example, my research has shown that 54% of data refer to Arnold as a suburb whilst 46% call it a town. In order to validate my work – I need to ask people in Nottinghamshire how they would describe specific places. I would be extremely grateful if any of your members were able to complete my questionnaire. How would you describe different parts of Nottinghamshire? Fill in this quick survey (10 mins) to possibly win up to £50 gift vouchers: https: