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Everything posted by Caz

  1. I found the answers to your phobia questions @ google, so blame them if they are wrong
  2. Oh bless Den, your wife must really love you & the dog!! I didn't get an egg cuz I didn't want one they make you fat you know,well they do if you eat enough of them We had a picnic & I had a glass of wine instead,how's that for will power?? Ps Is that you in the photo Bip? if it is some dirty blighter stole your guns!!??
  3. I hear you can get CD's with sounds of trains & steam whooshing out of the chimmney too, great way to spend a saturday night
  4. Ok how about the phobia for ice is Cryophobia?? & the phobia for lightening is Karuanophobia?? that's it now Ann i'm all done my head hurts too
  5. I'm imagining you are doing the same as the little man in the red coat in your avatar?? LOl
  6. Don't worry Bip we know you are all man.......................your'e mum told us so
  7. So you are worried this expat section is turning into a girlie section hey Den?? Well! seeing as we only have one male expat who contributes to this site it would be very difficult for it to be anything else . Ayup where are you? we girlies need you to help bolster our esteem -_-
  8. Wait until you get to Nottm Cali the cadburys chocolate tastes much better there,in fact all the chocolate tastes better. Don't know about the U.S.A or Canada but here in Oz they add something to the choc to stop it melting & it's b****y horrible, just occasionally though Cadburys choc tastes great! we have cadburys cream eggs most of the year too
  9. Yeah George was definately younger than you Mick,about the same age as me in fact :lol:
  10. Ok see how I go: Fear of Women Gynephobia Sea Thalassophobia Sound Acousticophobia Eyes Ommetophobia Pleasure Hedonophobia Ice Pagaphobia Lightening Brontophobia Mice Musophobi
  11. Hi Girls Hope you get lots too, only problem is we have to excercise to get rid of the extra weight we put on eating them dont we? Not sure about the clucking bunnies??
  12. Would he be related to George Oldknow?? he was in my yr at TBS & also at Arkwright School,in fact I think I posted a photo on there & he was on it, did they come from a well known Meadows family Mick??
  13. Very good Mick,gave me a chuckle :lol:
  14. Hang on i'm having a moment I remember walking down that jitty many times trying to have a last drag on my fag before I got to school it was always soggy on the end because it was always passed around the other girls, couldn't afford one each we had to share
  15. Looks like we might have hit a dead end Toots, but I'll check on the weekend & see if Chris has a few titbits to tell me. My mum wouldn't know the Whitemoor club as she didn't move there until she was quite old[45ish].Do you go to Whitemoor very often nowdays? it's changed quite a bit since we were young,not for the better either. Where do you live now Toots still in Nottm??
  16. It's the curry sauce that's worrying me
  17. Here in Oz at Easter we have the Easter bunny visit,what about you guys who delivers your choccie eggs??
  18. Was that on the Trent side Mick next to the rock gardens??
  19. Stop beating yourself & post another quiz quick!! :o PS When you see Daph & Divinia can you say hi from me please??
  20. Yep you were quite right BIP that was useless
  21. Great photos Mick unfortunately a little too old for me to remember.
  22. You big fibber Ilko, even I know he was a geordie & i've had my brain removed DUH!!