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Posts posted by crankypig

  1. Next story


    My daughter and I went to motorpoint arena to see Bryan Ferry.

    Sitting facing us we both saw a man dressed in very old fashioned clothes,he had on what I think is called a tricorn hat.No one else sat on a few seats either side of him.We somehow felt compelled to look at him,he didn't appear to be watching the show and sat very still.Anyway when we did take our eyes off him to watch Bryan ,we looked for the man again later on and he had gone and didn't come back.

    I think there used to be a burial ground under the arena,maybe he wondered what the racket was and came up to have a look?

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  2. Another ghost story


      Still at the old house as mentioned in my other posts.

    As a kid I used to see a big black dog waddling around the house,it was sort of like a Labrador but shorter in height and chubby.If I was going through a doorway and the dog was there I would move to one side to let it pass.One day I asked Mam where the dog was,she looked at me as if I was crackers,we havnt got a dog she said.Never saw the dog again after that.The strange thing about the dog was that it never looked up,it was always looking at the ground ,and it never barked or went outside.

  3. Not really stealing I suppose but very crafty.

    When shopping in little waitrose in town,we would often see a certain old lady ask for fish or meat from the counter at back of the shop(they have got rid of this counter now) 

    She would then look as if she was browsing and craftily leave the fish or meat on the chilled meat/fish section ,hang around for ages,till the staff reduced it and put it with the reduced items.The woman would then put it in her basket and go to the checkout.Crafty bugger.

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  4. A few minutes ago our door bell rang,I went to the door(chain on of course) a young lad stood there saying something like 'I call earlier'.

    Yes our doorbell did ring about 7 pm,but I wasn't expecting anyone ,so ignored it.

    This time I said no thank you and shut the door.

    He then stood at the end  of our drive and removed a white apron he had been wearing,some writing on it which I couldn't read in the dark. ,and pulled his hood up.

    Ha Ha I thought,this is the same lad I saw when I was waiting for the bus at 2-30. 

    I thought he looked suspect then,he was going up to every house along the road ,he must have been out for some hours.

    Anyone seen him in your area?

    • Upvote 1
  5. Chulla #78

    That is very interesting Chulla maybe she was a ghost as well? 


    Now for my next story.

    Still at the old house.Sometimes at night I would feel someone get into bed ,always behind me,he would put his very thin arms round me very tightly,I often tried to look to see who it was,but he held on in such a way that I couldnt turn.He felt quite cold but not freezing.

    On telling my sister she said he visited her too.We told mam,and she admitted he had been getting in her bed for ages,she even named him Jobi,we all thought it was a boy for some reason.

    I wondered if it could have been the boy I saw years earlier and he had grown.

    Do ghosts grow up?  I've no idea.

    We were never scared of Jobi  just annoyed if he had woken us.

  6. #76



    This story is about the orchard. I mentioned in the previous post.

    One night my auntie who lived next door but one with my granny,was round at our house as she often was.I went out to the outside toilet,on my way back I heard a lot of rustling and a noises like branches being trampled,I told my auntie and she came outside with me and she screamed and ran back in.what we had seen was a massive black bull with a ring in its nose.My dad went out,nothing there.Many years later the orchard was being cleared and all the trees taken out to make way for the Carlton central school our house was still there at the time.While they were digging they found....loads of bull rings.My aunt asked if she could have one,the workmen looked at her gone out.

    There were never any bulls kept in the orchard while we all lived in those houses so it must have been a ghost bull.

    Got to charge my iPad up now,it will be back with more if you would like that.

    • Upvote 3
  7. Another ghost story (2nd attempt don't know where the other one went)


    I used to love playing in the garden as a child.Ours was an old fashioned garden with flowers and vegetables,a path ran down the middle,there was an orchard to the r hand side(not ours) at the bottom was a low wall,behind that fields and allotments.Just before you came to the wall there were some old iron

    arches ,the kind that often had roses round(but these were bare)I used to see a young girl near the arches she would wait for me but when I tried to catch up with her she would walk off,then she would go through the gate in the wall.I didn't follow her or mam would have told me off for going out of the gate.The girl was wearing a pretty party type dress to her ankles.Never found out who she was.

    I have a few more stories about that house. If anyone's interested.

    Its a pity that house is not still standing,it was real spooky looking.

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  8. #6 


    Well,seeing as you are interested I will start from when I was a kid.Cant remember quite how old I was but I don't think I had started school.(didn't start school till I was six,due to illness)

    We lived in a very old house in Carlton ,which I have mentioned in another post.

    Anyway ,I was upstairs playing in what we called the back bedroom.I heard someone crying  I saw a little boy he was crying for his daddy,he didn't speak to me ,nor I to him.He was wearing a cap ,an old fashioned jacket ,short knee length trousers ,he opened the door of the tank cupboard and went in

    I went downstairs and told mam ,of course when she went to look he had gone.

    Later,mam got talking to an old lady in the house at the other end of the four houses,she told mam that she had heard that a little boy who who once lived there had died from tuberculosis,his father was a doctor but couldn't save him.



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  9. Drivers in china who dazzle other road users with full beam headlights are made to stare into the lights for a minute as punishment.


    A mans pea coat takes its name from the Dutch word pijjakker,which referred to the type of cloth it was made from.


    There are still 1,480  gaslights in Londons streets.


    There are an estimated 32,000 parakeets living wild in the uk.