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Posts posted by BeestonMick

  1. MPs to vote on national anthem for England

    Yes, yes, yes and about soddin' time!!

    And did those feet in ancient time
    Walk upon England's mountains green?
    And was the holy Lamb of God
    On England's pleasant pastures seen?

    And did the Countenance Divine
    Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
    And was Jerusalem builded here
    Among these dark Satanic Mills?

    Bring me my bow of burning gold!
    Bring me my arrows of desire!
    Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
    Bring me my chariot of fire!

    I will not cease from mental fight,
    Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
    Till we have built Jerusalem
    In England's green and pleasant land

    I have so envied other countries for years, including Wales and Scotland, who have rousing anthems that stir the blood. God save the Queen is a dirge and couldn't stir a pudding.

    Let's just hope the MP's make the correct decision.

    And, and by the way, maybe once they adopt something better for an anthem they'll stop England cricket playing in blue.

    • Upvote 6
  2. Many, many years ago I knicked a cutting from a money plant in a Chinese restaurant in Chilwell. I potted it and it grew, and grew and now after about thirty years I've still incarnations of the original. Last year I decided to give the two pot full's I've got a haircut. I kept one and chucked the other outside. We've had a couple of reasonable frosts of late and a particularly bad one today. I thought I'd check to see if the frost had got to the plant but low and behold it was there, smiling at me as though nothing had ever happened. On top of all that it had dropped leaves over the summer and at least half a dozen had self set and were growing fine so:

    Crassula ovata, I salute you.


    • Upvote 2
  3. The Exchange wasn't a pub I walked past the Flying horse to get to very often.

    Yeh, what was the issue with the Exchange? Was it rough or something? I know a mate of mine got filled in in the place after a footy game but that could have happened anywhere. I certainly went in the place occasionally but then I liked all the dodgy places, I still do.

  4. Twenty metres used to get me in trouble occasionally. One day back in the UK I was chatting to a bloke on Ogisawa island on the key. I could hear somebody trying to break in and ignored it but eventually I had to listen. It came from a US frigate that was sailing in the area and he said I was bleeding on to a US Navy frequency (yes me, on 80 watts, not the guy who was a whole lot closer to him) and could I please clear off, which I did. He sent me a QSL card from the frigate though which I thought was nice even though I was never a QSL hound.

  5. Didn't the "Flying Horse" have a reputation for being a gay bar in the early 70's?

    There used to be a few go in there but it wasn't really a gay bar as such. I used to use the pub at weekends while waiting for the GF or mates to turn up. To be honest, back then, we wouldn't have known if anyone was 'gay' anyway, I don't think mincing was popular then.

  6. When I was running the packet radio station in Long Eaton (GB7LED) I used 2m for the downlink and 70cms for the up. The repeater was in Matlock and I could see it fine to transmit to using 70cms but not for down hence I used 2m, strange stuff this VHF.

    In the 70's I sat on an airfield in Kuruman South Africa (back of beyond) waiting for my guv'nor to arrive on a Cessna. I sat listening to the 10m band on my Belcom and ended up having a discussion with a farmer in Perth Australia who was ploughing his fields at the time. This was on less than 4 watts from my car. At the same time I could hear taxis in Johannesburg 500 miles away on 2m, I thought someone was winding me up. It was skipping on every band for the best part of a day, it must have been some sun spot that day!!

    • Upvote 1
  7. #2 - I meant to reply to this yesterday and forgot. My boy said that in Calgary (so I assume the rest of Canada) they have satellite dishes and fibre optic in new areas, pretty much the same as here by the looks of things.

    #4 - Exactly, it's probably 'cos nobody bothered to take them down. or the wind never finished them off.

    I remember us having an Alba TV when I was a nipper that was BBC only. When ITV came along my dad, who was in to radio and TV stuff, had ITV added which, I presume now, was a totally new receiver added to the existing BBC one. I say that because if you switched it over you had to wait five minutes for it to warm up. My mother used to go nuts as my dad would turn it over ten minutes early for football (not an every day event in those days) when she was watching something - used to make me chuckle even at seven years of age.

  8. After suffering and overcoming a rotten situation with the last mortgage I had (thank you dad) due to negative equity I vowed never to buy again. I haven't and I'm quite happy renting, I share a four bedroom house on three floors with two other people who I hardly see. If I have issues with payments (not that I expect to) etc. the social will sort it out, they won't even talk to you if you have a mortgage.

    • Upvote 4
  9. Not particularly a Nott's fan but not a hater either, spent many an afternoon down the lane with my dad and sister. They would do well to find someone similar to Colin Calderwood who knows the division, is calm and collected and has contacts at Man.U or some other breeder of youngsters. He did an excellent job for Florest and someone in a similar vain could do well at Notts, You can't have a manager on a budget. They need to get the club back to a professional footballing mentality.

  10. Ben, skip this post :ninja:

    The problem with the boxes (and electronics in general) is that the tech changes constantly, almost on a daily basis. Whatever you buy today will be out of date by Tuesday. Personally I think a quad core is sufficient and far more than is required for what the box does, just go for as much memory as you can get.

    • Upvote 1