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Posts posted by BeestonMick

  1. Just lately I've gone back to drinking Strongbow after a good few years off it, my doctors fault but that's another story. At the weekend me and a few mates went in to Cardiff on the lash and a barmaid in "The Borough" was most put out when I told her:

    I don't like this glasspost-6850-0-46559000-1449582301.jpgI want this glass please post-6850-0-92332600-1449582327.jpg

    She couldn't understand why so I told her the yuppie glass looks unstable and easy to knock over and I didn't need any excuse to knock drinks over. She didn't want to do it but capitulated in the end when she saw I wasn't for persuasion.

    What the hell? Me customer, me want, get on with it like!

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  2. Had an Emish Android box (recommended) for Yonks which saves me £90/month. As far as the software being opened, it was never closed. The fully loaded variety just means all the most popular apps are already loaded so you don't have to bother. If you need to know how to install apps just search "add porn to kodi" for example, there are tons of youtube 'how to' vids. I also bought a USB keyboard for a tenner which makes the whole thing a lot easier. Somebody told me there's the possibility to watch 100,000,000 million movies, that could well take a lifetime.

  3. Yup, when he was writing music with Paul and performing live with the Beatles, pre-Maharishi Yogi, I quite liked him but his political side annoyed me. I detested Yoko Ono as well, what was that all about? I saw them at the Odeon in Nottingham back in the day, the first and last time I went to a gig with my sister.

    He was full of bull like this as well:


    I think basically he was a smartarse.

  4. It's interesting reading how English has and still is evolving, over here, stateside, there are still some remnants of old English still used in everyday speaking, like "I dove into the water" or "He pled guilty"

    Presumably you're talking about the US/UK divide? I've been expressly told by a retired US solicitor friend that US English is based on the dictionary that went over with the founding fathers. That is the reason for some of the different spellings and, even, pronunciations. It's the Brits that have changed the language not the Americans. What I don't get about the US language is the way they bastardise latin derived works such as "paedofile". Paed means 'child' in Latin but 'ped' (as they say it) means 'foot'. So, how do they manage with such things in court? I'm surprised some clever wag hasn't used that to get off a charge.

    And, it's scone as far as I'm aware.

  5. Oh, my minds sprung alive. Do you remember Mick Pike blowing up the wall at the bottom end of the forge with a thunder flash? That was funny, he also drove a dilly into one of the gun barrel wagons they used to park down the bays. Were were all very drunk at the time as it was Christmas eve and the apprentices had all been to the Cremorne on the lash at dinner time. You wouldn't get away with that nowadays.

    I always remembered that bright green Cortina you bought, how do I remember that stuff yet forget where I am most of the time?

  6. Probably got locked up, he was in with Pete Blood and the likes. I used to see more of him out of work than in as he was a clubber like me. I used to meet him down the Beachcomber and Dungeon all the time. You can probably imagine what we used to get up to?

    If you remember my old man was a copper and I was constantly treading the line but I got away with most of the things I did that were a bit naughty.

    I'm a good boy now though :sleeping:

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