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About october10

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  1. Hi All Does anyone remember Babels night club on Huntingdon St. We used to frequent it mid seventies.
  2. Were the lions an important meeting place for you in the Square? If it was a blind date or you couldnt remember her from the last time, you got an early view of what you were in for. If you were early it was the same strategy for her! Any experiences? Richard
  3. Hi Ian I remember it as the Jacobite Bar, I think. I also remember the Tartan bitter! When in town the other week I walked over to the Strathdon, steps still there, must climb them again one day soon. Who knows she may be there waiting for me! Regards Richard
  4. Hi All The bar below the Strathdon was called the Jacobite I think. I remember the Tarton bitter. Richard
  5. Hi All Thanks for the welcome. Does anyone remember the cocktail lounge Strathdon Hotel? Again about 1970/1 the four of us got off the Bartons bus from Stapleford on Mount St. We were all 18 and somehow we saw the steps up above the hotel and wandered in, it was, to our surprise a cocktail lounge, probably the first we had ever been in. Everyone was smartly dressed but we were made most welcome. The girls spotted a drink on another table they liked the look of and it turned out it was an American High Ball with Rye. They stayed on them all night. we stayed there until closing and never went
  6. I remember the Mint bar fondly. Went there with my girlfriend 1971, it was a Saturday night. I think the live band were a tribute but I remember them playing an Argent number. Happy days, the 70s planners should have been lined up against the old Council House in then slab square and...well you know what I mean. Nottingham was ruined, no Flying Horse, no driving around the Square. I remember I saw Tony Blackburn driving past the Square in his sheepskin coat. He was in a yellow E Type. Must change my Username. Richard.