Willow wilson

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Posts posted by Willow wilson

  1. 4 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

    ripping the seats out in the Vernon Pictures while watching Bill Haley's ''Rock around the clock'

    It happened. I was in the Vernon at the time minding me own business, watching said film when a row of 5 or 6 seats arced across the auditorium in front of the screen accompanied by a lot of shouting and laughter. We then settled down to watch the rest of the film when the cops barged in, marched to the front and working front to back cleared the whole auditorium, guiIty and innocent. I never got a refund.

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  2. On 3/2/2021 at 12:20 AM, DJ360 said:



    Also, as I recall there was a water pumping station on the corner opposite Paynes.  from the upstairs of the bus, you could see into the pump house where there were what looked like steam driven pumping engines.




    There were 2 rocking beam engines in those engine houses, the beams were at the top just under the roof. Each one had a flywheel about 25feet diameter, half of which were recessed in a big slot in the floor. The engines were built in the 1850s and installed when the station opened in 1857. They were still pumping water in 1957 when I had a school visit there. One of the engines was dismantled and erected at Wollaton hall museum.

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  3. I'm same as Stavertongirl. Got no avatar etc on the top, I've turned the brightness up full. Android 10 on phone and on my tablet so I'm not going to log on me tablet.

    Both devices show no avatar.

    Cleared browser settings on both devices, restarted devices without success.

    Maybe it's an Android compatibility prob.

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  4. In 1955 my dad took me on one of his mystery cycle rides. Nuthall rd to Cinderhill Island, under the rail bridge and up the old 610 Nottingham Road which runs to the west of the now Nuthall pub. About 60 yards past the now Houghton close there was a footpath (still there) which went east across the open fields (before the dual carriageway was built) about the same alignment as the (new) Armstrong Rd and then ran through the south of the cemetery. Apart from the cemetery it was all empty fields then as i remember, no Crabtree etc. I guess it was the path shown on the map above which ended at Greasley st.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Brew said:


     a yob must be equaly entitled to make his mark and claim it's a social comment on the human condition.

    Indeed, and in its basic form and even by an untrained artist. Introduce money and status into it and the art element is a shared  consideration. But a skilful experienced artist has a way with their chosen medium and an experience of the various facets of the human condition and is able to reach into the observer's world. This would raise its value in some quarters. A child's ventures into visuals is treasured by few but the child must have imagined something and the parent saw something unique and meaningful even as it was being created, at least i did in my experiences. 

    What is art? A physical form of communication from one (abstract) mind to another at best but probably slightly more effective than spoken words for some things. What's it worth. Nominally the worth is suggested by expert artists.

     It's real worth what you can get at auction.


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