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Posts posted by jonab

  1. When I stayed with my Rempstone granny we often used to pack a picnic and walk to Stanford Hall (grounds only) to eat it. It seemed a very long way to go and, I suppose to a five-year-old, it was. About halfway to the hall, on the left, was a water mill which milled flour although it was all but derelict by then.

    There was a theatre in the hall and when I was a bit older we would go to amateur theatrical productions (local theatre groups). It was VERY dark when we came out (no street lighting) so we all had candle lanterns and torches to light the way back to Rempstone (very few cars in those days). Quite spooky, especially when you reached Rempstone church.

    • Like 4
  2. 12 hours ago, jonab said:

    Off to Monte Carlo for the second time today. Out to dinner at the Hôtel de Paris (supposedly the best hotel on the Riviera).


    I'd prefer to dine at home - which I will tomorrow as I've invited the Canadians to dinner chez moi.


    I prefer my food to look like food and not something that should be on show in an art gallery. I also don't like to leave the table feeling as though I haven't eaten anything.

    The nutritional equivalent of two Smarties and a jelly baby is NOT a meal.

    Glad I wasn't paying.

  3. The dogs seemed oddly self-satisfied when they returned from the hairdressers yesterday. Usually, they are in a mood after such 'trauma'.


    Off to the airport shortly to greet my Canadian visitors and transport them to Monte Carlo. I suppose I'll be acting as a tour guide for a day or so - none of them has been down here before. Imagine - a tour guide in a wheelchair!

    • Like 2
  4. I very well remember the steam rallies run by the Beebies. Jack and Mary Beeby lived next door to my granny on Wymeswold Road. The had a son, Michael and a second son who "was not talked about". Just a bit further up Wymeswold Road were the engine sheds where I was once set upon by a load of angry geese. A bit further up from there on the opposite side, the Beeby's built a garage/filling station.

    I see from GSV that the Beeby's are still active in Rempstone and my grannies house is still there, even though its front door and privy door have been bricked up. The engine sheds have gone - replaced by bungalows for townies.

    • Like 1
  5. Are you sure that Hair was at the Empire?

    I remember seeing it at the Theatre Royal in 1970 with, what claimed to be, the original London cast. It starred Paul Nicholas - also Richard O'Brian (Crystal Maze, Rocky Horror Show) and Floella Benjamin (Blue Peter and now a baroness).

    The show had a great influence on my life - completely turning it around into (probably) what I am today. I went to see it several times and each time I was influenced enough to go up on stage to join in at the end of the performance (if you've seen it, you will know what I mean).

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  6. The dogs are off to the beauty parlour later to have their autumn trim, ready for winter.

    I have a busy week ahead as I'm being visited by the CEO and senior staff of the company who licence my patents. They are coming over from Canada and insist on staying in Monte Carlo. I tried to point out that it's not anything like what they see in James Bond films but, they insist - at €600 a night. Obviously, have more money than sense, only hope they pass some over to me.

  7. 57 minutes ago, FLY2 said:

     'If you don't like it here, then get the hell out'. 


    I did.

    I was living on Sherwood Rise (Forest Fields, Hyson Green area) in the years immediately prior to my leaving Nottingham (a place I still hold very dear in my memory).

    I left Nottingham at the end of the 1970's and even then there were definite rumblings of unease in the area well before the too well publicised riots. I was working at Gerard's (New Basford) and my route to work took me through Forest Fields and Hyson Green. I became increasingly cautious about the streets I used to get to and from Wilkinson Street and, towards the end, I felt safe only if I went Gregory Boulevard – Radford Road to get there. All the back and side streets I considered too dangerous, especially if I was working late in the winter. Even Berridge Road (which is quite wide and well populated) I considered no-go.

    I’ve recently been doing a virtual tour of the area on GSV and, I have to say I am astonished on how different things are and look now. I genuinely had difficulties recognising many things that I used to consider landmark buildings. The frontages were comparable to North Africa in appearance.


    (Even though I said I hold Nottingham very dear in my memory, that's how it will have to remain - in my memory. The very idea of returning would be too upsetting).

    • Like 3
  8. Sadly, my attempts at humour failed in the posts here, even though I did add the riders regarding irony and sarcasm - which were completely ignored.

    Perhaps I have lived overseas for too long and lost the je ne sais quoi of English, more specifically, Nottingham humour.

    There is no point in explaining any further as all that would do would be to deepen the mire of misunderstanding.

  9. 1 hour ago, catfan said:

    I suggest jonab, you read the previous umpteen posts regarding TV licenses etc. This "Mr Blunders TV You tube video was broadcast at that time so is relevant to this thread which incidentally was started by mick2me in early February 2006 !!

    Obviously, your irony and sarcasm detectors have been disabled.