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Posts posted by jonab

  1. Again?


    It used to be a regular thing when I lived in Nottingham.


    More common, though, was his arrows were nicked so often there was a stock of spares kept in one of the caves further down the road.


    BTW, has the statue been changed? He looks a lot younger than when I was around (or is it just me getting very old?)

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  2. Did you ever go to Ellisdon's shop, DJ? It was on High Holborn, London. The ads. in comics made it look enormous but it was really quite small but, an absolute paradise for wayward kids (like we seem to have been). I think the original Ellisdons was a theatrical makeup and wig supplier.


    The Sign of Four used to sell quite a lot of Ellisdons stuff.

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  3. Yes, I remember the Fine Fare regional headquarters down Nottingham Road almost opposite Elkington's farm. It went through some name changes, I think. It was at a time when Garfield Weston was involved in buying out Burtons (of the Council House arcade) and Fortnum & Mason of Piccadilly, London (the Queen's grocers).

    I don't know when it closed, I had left Nottingham, certainly left, Hucknall before that time.

    Wagon Wheels are the things I remember that had the Westons biscuits name attached to them.

  4. I remember those tiny engines. They were intended for model aircraft. Arthur Saxton's (electrical shop) on Hucknall High Street used to sell them. There were two distinct types: Jetex which used solid fuel - much like a firework and use a fuse for ignition and "diesel" powered which used a mixture of some kind of petroleum spirit, castor oil and amyl nitrate as fuel. These last were the cause of many fires and explosions which all added to the fun.


    I remember we had an alternative use for Jetex fuses (which looked like a thin wire). That was to thread a piece of fuse along the length of a cigarette (preferably nicked from some unsuspecting kid) and then make sure you were around when he lit it. What would happen was that the fuse would burn down very rapidly, and quite violently, then the fag would fall apart leaving smouldering tobacco all over the place.

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  5. Had a look at the mints this morning. It appears that the most attractive ones are the apple mint (almost completely covered with flies) and one that I call chocolate mint (not so many flies but still plenty). The peppermint plants seem pretty much clear.


    Had a word with some of the locals and they are fascinated by what has happened. They're coming to have a look later.

  6. I have several types of mint growing in my garden (apple mint, orange mint, peppermint and several others).

    Anyway, looking around this morning I noticed that some of the plants had changed to a shiny black colour with green/blue iridescent spots here and there.

    Looking closer (and disturbing the plants in doing so) the blackness disappeared in a great swarm of flies (or fly-like insects).

    It wasn't a fly here and there on the plants, they were completely covered. Oddly, it wasn't all the mint plants just certain types, particularly apple mint (my favourite for making mint sauce).

    Anyone seen anything like this? The flies look like ordinary houseflies.

  7. My favourite Stilton was the stuff that they put in the sandwiches at the Bell - back in the '70's when old Mrs Jackson was around. Next best was the Old Corner Pin Stilton sandwiches.


    I'm not fond of the modern Stilton, it seems to have changed into something bitter tasting. Perhaps that's me but, I do still enjoy the Stilton that you get in pots at Christmastime - I make sure I have several sent down here.


    MargieH, have you tried extra mature Gouda? It's not very much like the ordinary tasteless rubbery stuff you can get but has a strong " tang" to it. Burton's used to stock it but you can get it at other places - I bought some from Waitrose when I was over last winter.

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  8. What these pictures of MMW fail to do, unfortunately, is to give any idea of the proximity of the Castle. Non-Nottinghamians may not realise that only a few metres away are buildings of major historical importance, not only important to Nottingham but to a wider British history - the Trip to Jerusalem, for example.


    Who knows what else may have been destroyed by this mindless destruction of a historical part of the city?


    What was achieved, apart from the construction of a box-like abomination (People's College) and the Ugliest Street in Europe?

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  9. My dogs were very attracted to socks when they were young. As well as collecting them, they would fight with them like some sort of prey. That made me think that they considered the socks as practice rats as both dogs have grown up to be expert ratters.

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  10. Sorry if I misled. F1 hybrids are produced by selective breeding - that is a human decides which plants will be the parents and then the fertilization takes place naturally (perhaps with the help of a brush or tickling stick). There is no messing about with the plant genes per se.

    Most of the living things around us are the result of selective breeding - including ourselves.

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  11. 10 hours ago, NewBasfordlad said:

    Jonab not quite right some cumbers have both male and female some do not, I grow all female varieties so have no problem with pollination just let them get on with it.


    All-female cucumbers are the result of man's interference with nature and are usually F1 hybrids which do not breed true.

  12. 5 hours ago, DJ360 said:





    I understand it's Arabic and means something like "attractive young lady". There is a perfume sold in the Middle East (but almost unknown elsewhere) called Bint el Sudan which is one of the largest selling perfumes in the world in both quantity and value.

  13. 9 hours ago, NewBasfordlad said:

    What does the woman expect special gaming chair for his comfort, he breaks his tele they buy him a new one, he don't need a sore back side they all need a bullet.......

    Can she claim extra on their benefit (state handout) for such dire events?

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