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Posts posted by jonab

  1. 17 hours ago, Martyn said:

    I see that place of great refinement and breading - Yates Wine Lodge. Yates Ruby Wine - nectar of the gods for a 13 year old!


    THE Yates's tipple had to be their Birthday White Port - sold loose from their Offie on Market St at about 2d a gallon. Absolutely dreadful stuff, it could have powered the Apollo space missions.

    Supposedly only sold one day a year - on the founders birthday but, judging from the number of people who have told me of similar experiences to mine after drinking it, it must have been more widely available than that.

    Note: it wasn't really 3d a gallon but it was stupidly cheap - Mr Yates annual gift to his loyal customers.

    It appears from GSV that the Offie is no longer there.

    • Like 1

    I left Nottingham (and its environs) 45 years ago. I left the UK 31 years ago and yet, I can identify a Nottingham accent miles away (figuratively, that is - my ancient ears have suffered the ravages of time).


    I'm not so good now at identifying the nuances of the various Nottingham areas but Uckna and Bo-ul stand out as being quite characteristic - having been brought up very local to them.


    One of my reasons for joining NS was to maintain a link with my past and to try and re-learn how to speak proper like wot yo do. Let me say, it's not easy but, I'm slowly getting there.


    • Like 3
  3. Isn't Father's Day an American invention designed by gift and tat manufacturers to increase their already overblown profits.


    Clinton Cards comes to mind - they even once had a branch in Cannes. It may still be there.

  4. 11 hours ago, IAN123. said:

    Was there a blimp depot at Loughborough?

    One of my very early memories is of barrage balloons/blimps at Wymeswold Aerodrome. My granny lived at Rempstone and the aerodrome was situated on the (what I now know as) the A6006 just west of Wymeswold. This was most likely 1947. There was also an airshow held there which we went to a couple of times in later years (1948 (ish)). I think that predated the Hucknall Airshow which we also went to numerous times - as we lived near there. We didn't actually pay to go into the airfield, we went down Farley's Lane and sneaked in over the fence at the end of the runway.

  5. 8 hours ago, DJ360 said:


     They asked if I had a planned appt. with the Cardiologist.. which I don't.. and I think they said it can take 3-4 weeks for their results to get to him.



    Where does this cardiologist live? The Moon? Or do they use lame tortoises as messengers?

    • Like 2
  6. Jill,

    One of the directors of Gerards, when I was there, was a David Linday. Perhaps that is the cause of your confusion with Lindley. 

    The Linday family had their own soap manufacturing business, I think it was in Sneinton, where they specialised in industrial (laundry) soap products. Gerard's bought out the Linday company, closed it and moved the industrial soap (and detergent) manufacturing to the Wilkinson St. site. As a sop (note the funny there) the last survivor of the Lindays, David, was given a job on the Gerards board. I think, for a time, that Linday was incorporated into Gerard's company name.


    The industrial division was where I worked as a product development chemist creating laundry detergents, cleaning products and suchlike.


    I had very little contact with Linday himself possibly because I was too old (I was about 29) to arouse his interests (if you see what I mean) but he always made sure that new young, male employees had his approbation.

    • Like 1
  7. B & O equipment was a big con, at least in those days it was - all style and no substance.

    They claimed to be "high end" equipment (note NOT hi-fi) and charged huge amounts of money for stuff with a technical specification of about the same level as a Dansette record player. For example, their flagship amplifier at one time "boasted" a THD (total harmonic distortion) of 5% when hi-fi was commonly measured at 0.1 - 0.2%.

    It looked nice though.

    • Like 2
  8. I'm glad about your lemon tree. I think it was thermal shock which caused its earlier problems.

    I was going to suggest that it might be best to remove the young fruits to enable the plant to devote all its energy to grow new leaves but it seems that's not necessary.

    Of all the citrus trees I have, lemons seem the most sensitive to temperature changes. I'm always very careful in the wintertime to make sure I have fleece ready to keep the cold away from them.


  9. A bit further down Radford Rd - nearer to Shippo's was an excellent butcher/cooked meat shop - much like what is a charcuterie down here. They made their own black pudding, polony, cooked ham, haslet, savoury ducks amongst many other things but best of all was their dripping both pork and beef. When I worked at Gerard's I would go to Brown's bakers for some baps, then to this butchers/charcuterie for dripping - must be with jelly and back to Gerard's to eat it. As a special treat, I would have a black pudding as well.

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  10. It wasn't only Sundays at the Old General. There were also "gentlemen's shows" on Friday lunchtimes and weekday evenings in the back bar. Several of the lady entertainers also worked on the soap packing lines at Gerard's and had "street corner" jobs down on Gregory Boulevard.

    The back bar at the OG also had jazz entertainment and some really naff drag acts midweek.


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