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Posts posted by jonab

  1. It seems that I am being accused of being a member of the grammar police.

    Let me point out that it was Cliff Ton and LizzieM that brought the up subject of grammar a few posts previously. All I was doing was offering some assistance to anyone who thought they might need it.

    As far as I'm concerned, it's good to see my dialect written down so that I can attempt to practice getting my heritage back after so many years.

    • Like 2
  2. I think the Max Miller ban was because had had a short quiz in his programme where a punter was asked to tap out notes on a toy xylophone and Miller would identify the piece. Well, the contestant tapped the required notes and Miller identified them as being the tune for the then Danish Blue Cheese advert.


    In those days the BBC was extremely strict about any hint of advertising so Lord Reith (or whoever was in charge at the time) banned Max Miller for a number of years.

  3. It was on Doddy's Sunday afternoon radio show that I heard my first "naughty" thing on the wireless. Doddy was "interviewing" a "Russian" spy.

    "What's your name"


    "Oh, if you feel like that about it"


    Immediate turning off of the wireless by my dad.

    • Like 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, catfan said:

    Let it be also never be forgotten of the numerous premature deaths associated with tobacco smoking either.

    Doubtless, that is true and please don't think that I am advocating the habit but, it remains true that 20th Century Nottingham was built on tobacco, bikes, drugs, knitted stuff and lace.

  5. Not sure!


    I had a holiday job at Players as a student. I was mostly packing JPS into black plastic tubs ready for the Christmas trade.

    Although there were loads of security checks (especially amongst the student contingent) a lot of tobacco was smuggled out stuffed into people's underpants. This was then sold off (complete with stray pubic hairs) in several local pubs - including the Grosvenor.

    I didn't smoke myself and I was put off by this and also by the story that elastic bands and, wait for it, condoms were dropped into the hoppers of tobacco waiting to be sliced. Gave them extra flavour, I suppose.


    There was another Players story that in the pipe tobacco department, they made Players Whisky Flake. This did actually contain whisky which was poured from a watering can on to a heap of tobacco on the floor and mixed in with a pitchfork. Some of the men doing this job would drink part of the whisky then top up the watering can by peeing into it.


    Don't know how true this last story is but I'm sure there are loads more tales of a similar nature!

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  6. Stayed at the George a few times whilst visiting Nottingham, just before I left for France. It had some ghastly, poky little guest rooms but, they were cheap - it had some nice rooms as well.


    I remember an excellent steak I had there. I asked for bleu and it was perfectly cooked for my taste. I'm sure a lot of diners would have preferred it a little bit longer on the griddle but, as far as I was concerned, it was a steak that sticks in my memory.