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  1. Thankyou so much ladies, we will try and get hold of his death certificate
  2. A family member has told Ant that he was murdered, we just dont know under what circumstances thats why we are trying to see what the papers said about it, you are all so good at this, thankyou so much
  3. Thankyou, Yes that is definately him, we are trying to find out what actually happened to him
  4. Thankyou Katy and Rob, i will let Ant know, maybe we need to try further afield in regards to the newspapers
  5. Sorry i really should have introduced myself, my name is Shanida (i got left with the awful name after my brother and Sister got Kelly and Jonathan, yeah i know what you are thinking lol) i live up in Lancashire and i am an auxilliary nirse at my local hospital, my partner Ant was born in Grantham Lincs and is looking for some sort of newspaper archive on his late half brother David Thompson, he has only recently found out about this brother and has been told that he was murdered in Harby at 3 years of age, we cannot find anything archive wise though, we have been told it was all over local ne
  6. Hi i am looking for info on the murder of a male child in harby in 1979, the child was called David Thompson, cant seem to find anything at all about it in Lincolnshire/Nottinghamshire archives, but it was aparently all over the papers, i know this is a really old thread but any info would be greatfully received, thankyou