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There has been much chat about the various pubs in Nottingham and surrounds but the pub I remember from my childhood is "The Oak" in Gedling. It was in my mind the other day as I suddenly had a flashback to when I used to climb down and into the small stream running alongside the pub in order to catch sticklebacks in a jam jar. It used to fascinate me to watch as clever people could tie string around the tops of Jam jars in such a manner as to make it secure and still have a carrying handle and all out of one length of string.

The stream must have flowed down and into the Trent at Colwick but I was never sure where it originated from?.

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hellothere Hiya..

As kids we started fishing for sticklebacks and frog sporn in a little stream that came off from the river trent, don't know what the real name was but as kids we used to call it robin hood stream lol..... I felt so grown up when at the age of 8 or 9 my brother took me "proper grownup" fishing with a rod in the river trent itself .... almost 50years on and I still love fishing and force my hubby to take me night fishing.


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