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The recent picture of Campions on another thread reminded me that it was George Campion who retired as the MD and became a keen archeologist and excavated the so called 'Roman Fort' at Broxtowe in 1937/8.

I find it surprising that the site is still referred to as a Roman Fort,when the shape is not of a typical Roman site.The post holes discovered were dug for round huts...typical of the Ancient Britons.Making it more likely an Iron Age fort than Roman.

Nowadays opinions are more that the site was a British settlement that had made peace with and traded with the advancing legions at an early date.This being why there were finds of Roman crockery and coins at the site.

I wonder how many tenants living there now realise that they may have interesting finds just underneath their flower beds?



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Well, with a bit of luck we may soon discover if the site was indeed Roman or not. I sent an email to T.V's Time Team a while ago, and received a reply this morning.

They expressed interest in Broxtowe and said I will know by May if it's made it to the shortlist for a televised dig!

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