Hey Arnold

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Everything posted by Hey Arnold

  1. Was the barber on Nottingham Road almost opposite the Greyhound pub? I can't recall a barbers on High Street but that would be close. The one my dad used to take me to when I was little, and which he insisted I go to when I first started to go on my own, was Keith's on Hallams Lane opposite the gates to King George V playing fields. I remember he always used to wear a maroon nylon jacket, shirt & tie and was very dapper with a trimmed moustache and brylcreemed hair. Like most men of his generation he'd probably been in the forces and it showed. I used to hate going to him because in t
  2. @Stuart.C Yes! Sulley's....I was racking my brain last night trying to remember the name. I can recall my mum coming in from shopping on Saturday morning with bread that was still slightly warm, heavenly
  3. Yes Mary1947 I'd forgotten about Stanley Dennis and of course Fine Fare which was built on the old Hardstaff's yard
  4. And to think I've got a crap memory according to my other half @RadFordee!!
  5. @LizzieM Sorry it's taken a while to reply, @RadFordeehas had my nose pressed firmly against the grindstone!! Unfortunately my dad died young in 1990 but now that you've said it I remember Westminster were the builders, but I don't remember any names he might have mentioned. To be honest since my mum died in 2000 I don't really have a reason to go back to Arnold, no close family that I'm in touch with, so it is nice talking to someone from the old homestead. What shops/buildings do you remember? Starting at the Greyhound and walking down Front Street - Toy shop (Hallams Lane)
  6. @mary1947 I understand and totally agree with you, different people learn at different speeds. Some will pick things up very easily and some less so and a good teacher/trainer will understand this and recognise those that aren't picking things up. Then they can try to identify what help they need.in order for them to progress.
  7. To be honest @Jill SparrowI'm well aware of how much @RadFordeehated Manning, it's been drummed into me for the last 40'odd years I will say though she's very happy she's found a soul mate!!
  8. If a trainee hasn't learned, then the trainer hasn't trained. A maxim followed in the armed forces and good training departments throughout industry which also applies to schools. A pupil might not like a subject but a good teacher should be able to find a way to put a basic understanding across. Obviously if there are learning difficulties they should be able to identify them. Maths left me cold and I can't understand to this day why, for the life of me, why some teachers find algebra sexy!
  9. Also Mr. Evans was the headmaster. He was a justice of the peace, had slicked back hair with a pronounced widows peak and always wore a gown. As such he looked like Dracula swooping down the corridors
  10. I went to Redhill starting in 1973 and leaving in 1978.......Five long years! A lot of the names you've all mentioned were still there, Mr. Pilgrim (caned by him for various misdemeanours) Mr. Allsop - geography Mrs. Abbot......"I've never heard such a hullabaloo" in a screechy voice every time she walked into the class Mr. Fahey - maths Mrs. Hough Mr. Smith - PE Mr. Strachan - PE Mrs. Bird - History....... 1st year form teacher and a nasty piece of work Mr. Brownlee- history........ pay attention & try and he was sound
  11. @LizzieM yes I know Winthorpe Drive. My father was actually the site foreman at some stage while the houses on Laneham Avenue were being built and as such received a discount to buy one. Mum and dad arranged a £50 bank loan to pay the deposit, legal fees etc and on the day they were supposed to pay the deposit to reserve the house he went home, said he'd been thinking about it and couldn't see how they could tie themselves down to the payments for the next 25 years. With that they pulled out, moved in to Ravenswood Road with my grandma, got their names on the rent book and spent the £50 on new
  12. Thought I'd posted my introduction in oo ar ya but for some reason it's ended up back in here. Can't se a way to copy/cut the text so I can try to move it. Anybody help please?
  13. Joined yesterday and have had a bit of a conversation with LizzieM and Katyjay on message test forum. I know, entirely the wrong place but I'm just feeling my way and that's why I'm reintroducing myself here. Born in Highbury hospital in January '62 then lived on Ravenswood Road Arnold until I married my wife RadFordee in May '84. We lived in Long Eaton for a couple of years until we bought our first house on Cheltenham Street Old Basford in June 1986. We then emigrated to Hatton in Derbyshire, in September '96 moving back down the road a couple of miles to Hilton in September 199
  14. Miss Costain became Mrs. Pratt and she was my first class teacher. We used to sing/chant Miss Costain went to Spain in a chocolate aeroplane Bought a hat, threw it back Now her name is Mrs. Pratt Now you've said it I can remember the two Mr. Johnson. I can't recall ever having any interaction with the head, thankfully, but remember him as this tall imposing figure moving around school which I suppose he would have done to young kids. Did you have school houses in your time? I remember them as red, yellow, blue and green each named after a figure in British history.
  15. LizzieM you're right about Pop Morley! He was 'had up' for interfering with a girl whilst giving her private violin lessons. I can remember Mr. Johnson teaching us woodwork, of course we all wanted to use the biggest saw to cut the smallest piece of wood which didn't impress him at all We were also married in St Aidans Church and had our reception at the Royal Hunt in Top Valley
  16. Hi Lizzie, A little more about myself then.... Born in January 1962 in Highbury hospital then home to Ravenswood Road (Definitely not the posh end!) Lived there, attending Hill Rise Infants, Kingswell Juniors then Redhill Comprehensive, leaving Arnold in '84 when we got married. Lived in Long Eaton for 2 years until we bought our first house on Cheltenham Street Old Basford. We Lived there for 10 years then emigrated to Hatton Derbyshire in 1996 to be closer to work at the Toyota plant, then moved back up the road a couple of miles to Hilton in '99 were we st
  17. As soon as I'd posted I realised I'd had to register to do it! Anyway thanks for the replies and Beekay my wife's originally from Gamble Street, I'll get her registered later
  18. Thanks all for the welcome Bit busy at the moment so forgive me for being brief, I will get back to everyone and get my wife signed up later
  19. Hello everyone, With the benefit of hindsight (wonderful thing!) posted a bit of a daft question about registering. If I'd have thought a bit more I'd have seen it was pretty obvious. Anyway, been a follower of the site for quite a while which brings back some great memories. Originally from Arnold, 1962 to 84 and now retired in Derbyshire. Looking forward to joining some conversations
  20. Both my wife and myself have been following the site for quite some time, she's a Radford girl I'm from Arnold, but not as yet contributed. How do we register?