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Posts posted by carni

  1. If it wasn't for our daily early morning 2hrs cycle rides I would be more browned off than I am. We do go to Morrisons etc, but completely masked, hands sanitised on the way in and again on the way out. The thing is, I am getting to the stage where I wonder if I will ever feel comfortable being among people again. We have lost two holidays, deposits yet to be sorted. The two weeks at Skeg, end of May, we are waiting to see what the site decide to do. ( We don't want to go this year if they offer it later?)The holiday at Deal, is being held for next year at the end of July.


    Hubbies Brother has been in hospital for a month, no visits or contact. Very poorly, he has had a stroke during his operation. I should have had a procedure in March, still waiting to hear when I will be called in.


    And apart from that I have that much hair I look like an over the hill hippie.

    Glad to be alive, so I'll shurrup moaning now.thumbsup



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  2. I could no more sit in a cemetery for one moment and enjoy the peace and quiet. I don't find anything relaxing in sitting among graves, seeing the names and ages of the people who have passed on can  be quite sad, especially if i knew the person. We all have our own outlook on Cemeteries, and we are entitled to them, even if they are different to our own thoughts. I have respect for what ever peoples thoughts on the subject are and whether it's different or the same as mine. That is OK.

  3. We have a German Cemetery on Cannock Chase and it is kept immaculately neat and clean.  All in perfect rows of white stones with inscriptions. I imagine when family come to England to visit the resting place of their loved ones, they can go home knowing they have been buried with respect and care. Thankfully not in run down unloved graves. It doesn't matter to me whether a graveyard is neglected or immaculate, they all give me the creeps. As a teenager, I hated walking up Arnold Lane past the Churchyard, and when I go now to Gedling Cemetery to visit the family Grave, I still get the same feeling walking up knowing I'm surrounded by many bones just a few feet away from me.


    Many of my ancestors are in Carlton Cemetery and during my search for my family tree I contacted the office at the Cemetery. I was given the location for the plots of my Gt and Gt Gt g/parents but they couldn't be direct as the graves were hidden under years of neglect. The area was in a shameful state, pots, broken headstones, broken graves. Very sad really.

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  4. Just returned home from our daily excercise by the canals. Must say it was blowing a gale. Hubby reckons it was the strongest wind he has cycled against since he was a teenager cycling his way to college.  I feel quite proud to say It didn't beat me into walking. Very Autumnal though!!!!


    This year the tow paths are overrun with 'Cow Parsley'. It certainly looks so pretty, as far as you can see along our stretch of  the Staffs and Worc canal, the banks are pure white both sides. I have never seen it like this before, I wonder if it is anything to do with lack of pollution (due to so much lockdown)?


    Being a village born gel, I grew up walking and playing in the local fields, especially Gedling Woods, and I just love the wild flowers and trees, but though I know a little about some flowers I know  nothing about most?


    Question......I have heard that the poisonous Hemlock looks very similar to Cow Parsley, so does it also grow in England, and if so, how would I know which one is which. I know I could eat some to find out......but not a good idea  me thinks.

  5. Visiting Wilford Hill last year,  as I do 2/3 times a year, I realised I was walking up the wrong row of graves, so carefully and respectfully I went to move through the graves to the correct row. The grass was above ankle deep and quite wet.


    As i walked around the one grave, the earth gave way and my foot dropped into emptiness up to my ankle. The grass was the only thing that was stopping subsidence, and I had the experience of discovering that. I don't feel comfortable in graveyards, and this experience strengthened this feeling. but while I'm still on this earth, I will always take flowers to the people I love. 


    Husband and I have our funerals all paid for and no graves involved, somewhere in a hedge away from public, in the countryside, along our beloved tow paths is where we will be pushing up daisies. Our off springs know our routes so they can chose where. Everyone is happy with this arrangement.

    Just thought to add, cremations will be the way out. :)

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  6. Not doing too bad on the weight score. No gain, probably due to our 12mile cycle every morning, thanks to the mild weather we haven't missed a day lately. I do have a problem with biscuits though, I have  just downed 7 custard creams. I didn't mean too, I forgot to count.:biggrin:

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  7. Referring back to my post about the Juke Box location. I got it all wrong. Soz. Hubbs believes it was down stairs in a pub opposite the pier, no idea what it was called, but we did used to end up in 'The Long Bar' up tuther end. Basically, we went anywhere that we could sneak in, being as in 1964 we where only sweet sixteen. I blame SueB48 for leading me astray.....well she was two weeks older than me and she still is???.:biggrin:

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  8. Yes I do benj, I have a photo of us in there, must find it. We always called it 'The Long Bar', right up the far end of the road, on the corner. Not sure if that was its proper name though. It had the Juke box with the videos. The one that stays in my mind was 'Screaming Lord Sutch singing Jack the Ripper'. You can see the video on You Tube. I can't remember if it was a tanner or a bob to play it.

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