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Posts posted by carni

  1. 3 hours ago, carni said:

    The first is two weeks in a caravan on the East Coast, our annual cycling break for last two weeks in May. The other one is a week at Deal at the end of June.


    Phonecalls made. The East Coast caravan holiday first. The person Chris spoke to says, we can re book for later in the year, but at this stage they are not taking re bookings for next year. We have to phone again in two weeks???  (How can we predict the situation later in the year)???


    The holiday at Deal. The deposit has been retained for next year, we just have to get a date sorted with Daughter/G,Daughter. Must be quick, I imagine quite a few people will be in the same boat. 

  2. Just looking for pointers and see what the team thinks. I know we are by far not the only ones who are in this predicament but we just don't know  if we  have to wave bye bye to our deposits paid on two holidays in England, booked pre virus.


    The first is two weeks in a caravan on the East Coast, our annual cycling break for last two weeks in May. The other one is a week at Deal at the end of June. Both, I would say are gone. We wouldn't even  risk it this year even if given the all clear.


    I just wondered what our rights are , seeing as we have no choice with the virus restrictions, and where to start. At the moment we have just accepted the money has gone. The two deposits amount to £600, not a lot to some people, but tis to us?



  3. So sorry to read of your mums situation Nonna. I can understand how worried you are and I hope you get some positive news soon. It sounds as if the management of the home need a good shake up, surely they must understand the anxiety you must all be feeling having no contact and information. I hope you hear as soon as possible.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Ayupmeducks said:

    I don't think Gedling had them either until the mid to late 50's.


    From the 50s I have memories of Dad just appearing at the kitchen window, with his Black face and especially his eyes black rimmed with coal dust. He thought it highly amusing when one of us children spotted him and after the shock we would all run to the door to let him in.


    No idea what date they started showering at the pit, but we were all aged below six. I don't remember, but I expect we were then whisked off to the bedroom while he had his soak in the tin bath before the range in the living room. We moved up to the pit estate late 50s so it was luxury with a real bathroom, but I think he must have showered at the pit. I doubt if they would have allowed the miners in 'The Grey Goose Bar' all covered in coal dust.

  5. 2 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

    I know we don't speak much to each other anymore let alone sing together...........but you know i still LUV YA,,,have a nice one Carnie  x

    Still singing in me art benj.xx I will get my tuning fork out mi duck, see if I can start trilling again.xx 


    Thank you for my Birthday wishes my cyber pals. Just got back from our daily 12miler exercise bike ride. We have a certain route which keeps us away from people and once off the tow paths we go down some pretty country lanes (Around the prisons) I hope we never encounter men running down the road when we are out ,or you will see one Carni panic and peddle like lightening. Probably swearing annawl.


    I have had Instructions to stay in at 12 noon. Some kind of Birthday Present being delivered. Hope It's edible. Let you know. Thanks again pals. 


    • Like 3
  6. I almost watched it all. Thoroughly enjoyed it. BUT. I  got to 1:25:53..'The lord Mayors Parade and the Scottish Pipers came on. Well, Pipers in Kilts, I  had to keep rewinding, just to make sure I didny miss anything,


    Just as I was getting over them, the Morris Dancers came on. That's it. All over, my weakness both on with in minutes of each other.  Can't beat a bit of tradition. Must watch the remaining few minutes when I get over meself. I was looking for relations and old friends, but no luck. I must say a great find Enigma.

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  7. Thanks Enigma. I have only managed to watch 15mins of the video, but as Lizzie says there is so much interesting information on Nottingham. I will watch as much as I can later and may even have to do it in thirds.


    A great find, though most of the Nottingham that I remember from my yoof had already been flattened and replaced by the time the video was made. 'Great to see Sneinton Market and Cattle Market again , a regular Saturday excursion with dad when we were kids.I think to give Mam a bit of peace for a couple of hours'.


    Did I ever tell you that I lost one of my front teeth one Saturday at Sneinton Market. Ruined my ice cream it did. What a memory. Pink icecream .YUK.:wacko:

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  8. So sorry to hear the sad news Sue. Your family played a big part in my childhood and I have always felt very close to you all even though your brother was one of your older ones, and I didn't see much of him, I still feel your loss very much. Take care Sue and you are all in my thoughts xx

  9. 5 hours ago, carni said:

    I couldn't agree more. Well done and Happy 100th  Birthday Captain Tom Moore.

    Whoops. I should have said 'On the 30th'. But he is well deserving of a congratulations today and on the 30th. 

    If anyone deserves a Knighthood it is Captain Tom Moore. I hope he gets one. :clapping:

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  10. I haven't got a political bone in my body, BUT. Dj and Brew, I read all of your posts on the subject and though I don't understand what yeron abaaht, I thoroughly enjoy your debates. Keep it up you two. You never know, one day I will get it? Don't hold your breath.:wacko:

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  11. Unfortunately the ones flouting the rules probably don't give a toss about naming and shaming. That is their mentality and as for paying the fines, getting them to pay up would be just as hard. It might appear controversial, but I for one agree with some of your ideas. The only way I can see forward is to get stricter with the rules as other countries have done. I have to admit the things that go through my mind about this virus terrify me, and if I  have to go without freedom for a while because of the thoughtless idiots out there then so be it. Lets do it.

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  12. Great turnout of neighbours at 8pm supporting the NHS. These Thursday nights are taking their toll on my little Pinkies all this clapping. Numb fingers for about half an hour.  Will copy next doors kids next week and take a pan and spoon out. Do a bit of clanging for a change.


    Past the 'Dustbin Men' today on our exercise Cycle ride. Hubs shouted 'Well done lads, I gave a thumbs up and a thank you. Really made them smile. I would have done the same as we passed the 'Sewage Plant', but couldn't see anyone about. Thanked our Postie as well this morning. We rely on so many people more than we realise. So grateful to every one out there.:) Thank you to everyone.

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  13. 4 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:

    I'm awarding you the prize for the most incomprehensible post I've ever seen on Nottstalgia 


    Well thank you CT Miduck. Can you add an Ology on that anawl. Me mam would have been really proud if I got an Ology in sommat.


    I would try to explain, but it can only get worse. Believe me! I will tell you this much.....I wanted to refer to a line in Benjs post, two before mine. I didn't want to quote the line as it was too close to mine. Sooooooo, I copied and pasted the line. Ooowa, it worr all down hill from there. Soz. Lol. :rolleyes:

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  14. I quite like this feeling. It doesn't worry me because in about five minutes I will have forgotten what it was  anyway?

    Forgotten what?

    My husband (the Black Country bloke) repeats throughout the day in his best Nottingham accent 'What yo on wi ,duck or What yo on abaat naah' He does the accent quite well, after being together 56yrs,, plenty of practice.

    Anyway Trogg, it's nice to know I am not alone in this befuddled state. Keep up the good work and one day you will be rewarded by an 'Elephants Foot'. The edible sort of course!

    Right then.Twaddle over with for a while, but I see another day of bafflement looming. :biggrin: