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Posts posted by carni

  1. Yesterday we bought our brother in law his usual birthday present of 'Jack Daniels'. only this time I told him it's not to drink but to pour over his hands instead. I wont tell you his reply.........................slywink

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  2. What a good end to my day again. I have just witnessed all of my neighbours out in the front gardens all clapping, tinkling, banging pans and cheering for the NHS  It really warms the cockles. Lovely feeling, hope I can settle down at beddy byes time.  Big distant Hugs to all. :Friends:

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  3. I've got mi jimjams on and a mug of Ovaltine in mi hand, the other one is clutching two chocky biscuits, so there is no chance of me seeing the ISS tonight. I don't want any of the neighbours, thinking 'Oh crikey there's the crazy woman star gazing in her  jimmys again'. Perhaps I'll see it next time.:rolleyes:

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  4. I am afraid I couldn't tell you from my house which direction the sun sets in, but what ever it was, as Lizzie says, it was very bright and you couldn't see it moving, though it had gone from my view a after about one hour.


    I did doubt it was the space station because  a few years ago I used to track it, and you could follow it moving in the sky. With this one tonight you couldn't do that, and it also seemed lower in the sky, but that could have been an illusion?

  5. Thank you Stuart. I have just been outside and the sky is very clear, the ISS is still there glowing brightly, resembling a large star.  It appears to have moved further away, but not much. I thought it would move across the sky a bit faster but perhaps the angle i am viewing it from makes it appear static. So long as it's not aliens watching us i am OK.:)


    Margie,I spoke to my daughter when it had quietened down and she was very emotional, she set me off as well. Tears of pride for the NHS. 

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  6. Before the Corona virus came along, there were already many of us Nottstalgians who owed our being alive to the NHS. I am one of them. I have always been indebted to them and my appreciation and admiration is  boundless.  God Bless The NHS.


    I have just received a phone call to say the light in the sky is 'The International Space Station'. I prefer 'Guardian Angel :)xx

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  7. Just had a  wonderful feeling of togetherness. I hung out of the bedroom window and joined in as my community stood on their doorsteps and hung out of the bedroom windows clapping  and cheering as someone played 'Don''t worry, cos every little things gonna be alright'.


    As i looked up in the sky there was a bright light overhead, I thought it was a satellite but probably a drone, taking pictures. I like to think it was our guardian angel looking out for us all. Keep Safe Every One.xx

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  8.   I was hanging my sheets out on the line this morning (taking advantage of the beautiful sunshine to dry them) My next door neighbours were having family fun in their garden, they have three children, and all the family were playing on the three 'Space Hoppers' that we gave to them when our G/daughter grew out of them, she will be 20 in Dec, so the hoppers have lasted well.


    I heard a little voice  calling Chris (ME)  through the hedge, and I was presented with a lovely painted rainbow with the message 'Stay Safe'.that had been made especially for us cos we are old. Aaaaah! It is now in pride of place in my front window. :biggrin:


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    I had a visit from my Granddaughter this morning and it was as usual the best thing to happen all day. She went on her way and a while after she had gone, I went for a piece of fruit from the table. Look at this little secret message that I found. Call me soppy, but I love that banana. Can't possibly eat it ..........can I?


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  10. A few years ago, I acquired  a small tin containing an assortment of stamps. All British, of different values. None franked. The relation must have been a collector as there are so many. I have noticed that they are all issued after the change to decimal. Some belong to series eg Castles,  priced at £1.50 each. What do I do with them. Are they likely to be valuable. Can I just used them up on letters after all these years. Problem there, is that apart from Birthdays/Christmas we don't send many letters these days. It seems a shame to just let them  go unused, if I can get some cash from them. I know when Chris and I float off to that great place in the sky, my kids wont want them. Any suggestions please. Nice ones of course.:biggrin:

  11. BUMP

    For a while I've been trying to find images of a very ornate building somewhere near Trent bridge, no longer here. Possibly gone in the early 1900s All I can remember is a picture of it burning down. I think it may have been for music or arts? In the picture there were people all watching and the ladies all had long dresses on, possibly Victorian? I can't Google it because I don't know what it was called. Just wondered if anyone can make a guess from my small amount of information as to the building

  12.                            I'm just an old fashioned girl

    With an old fashioned mind

                                Not sophisticated

    I'm the sweet and simple kind

                               I want an old fashioned house

    With an old fashioned fence

                              and .........................................................  NS choir   :biggrin:


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  13. 4 hours ago, carni said:

    Yesterday we joined our local gym, £10 a month, concessions for oldies, a bit more than a gym really, its title is 'Leasure Village', going for an induction at 1pm. See how we go?


    We had a very informative induction at 1pm. The place was a little busier than we would like, but according to the instructor it is because it is half term. We are waiting until Monday to make our first visit to the gym, when the little B.......eauties go back to school. Love them really.:rolleyes:.


    We were very pleased to see that we were by far not the only 'Old Plumpets' on the machines. We need that little extra  ballast to balance us out and to keep us warm in winter. (Thats my theory) Any way we will give it a go. See if I can get past the six weeks  that I usually last for in any classes that I have joined over the years!:)

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  14. The wind and rain has dropped for now so today we got the cycles out and rode a 10miler on the muddy tow paths, just to keep us in action. So easy to get out of the habit in the winter. Had to do a bit of scrambling under and around a fallen tree, dragging the bikes along the bank  as we crawled. Felt just like a kid again, covered in muck.


    Yesterday we joined our local gym, £10 a month, concessions for oldies, a bit more than a gym really, its title is 'Leasure Village', going for an induction at 1pm. See how we go? I much prefer being on mi bike in the open air, on the towpaths or country lanes, listening to the birds and looking at the Cows in the fields. Love it.


    I have had a request from my gang for home made 'Hot Dogs and Burgers with Onions today', So colesterol city here we come. 12 hot dogs and 4 burgers. Good job I only cook these about twice a year. Got to get my pinny on now and get cracking in the kitchen.:biggrin:

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  15. 1 hour ago, Stuart.C said:

    I've got nets on my upstairs front windows and front door.


    We have always had nets up at all windows, the ones we have are in the Jardinieres style, very pretty with flowers at the bottom and small leaves going up to the top.and almost pure white. They were from Yarnolds and cost quite a lot at the time. It paid off because they have lasted well.


    We, over the  years have decorated and chosen furniture in  quite an old fashioned style,  with a few  modern bits thrown in. It seems to work. We even have the little cotton and lace   protecters on the two sofas to help keep them clean. 


    The new window is now in the bedroom  (the dogs haven't barked for a couple of nights, so still waiting to see how well our acoustic glass works) Oops, strayed off my net subject for a mo. Anyway the window looked good but so bare without my Jardinier (being washed to go back up). It is back up now and my window looks pretty again. I guess, in the vote for nets, our house is a  yes. hearteyes

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