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Posts posted by carni

  1. We are definitely testing our new roof out today. Tis blowing a gale. the noise coming down our chimney reminds me of my childhood listening for ghosts in Mappleh Tunnel...Woooooo! :Shock:


    The house whose garden adjoins the bottom of  ours has lost one tile, so far. I can't find any sympathy in my heart seeing as it is their bl00dy dog that wakes me most nights. PS. I wouldn't like it to have landed on the poor animal though, it has enough to put up with. :mellow:

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  2. Well Mi Dears. Here is my update on Triple Glazing. We had three estimates from different firms. £1,460.....£1,840. The second price was knocked down(by phonecall to the office by the rep) his boss then knocked it down to £1,450........Strange that, that is just what happened with the first one too?    Robbing Bo99ers the lot of them.


    We had a rep call today from a local business  and this is what we were offered and have accepted. 

    1 UPVC White Casement Window with Accoustic Glass. 6.4mm Laminate/4mm Toughened total cost £676.00. We are awaiting the surveyer at 2.30pm,  so the window can be made and he will give us a date for fitting.


    Thrilled to bits. Half the price of the other Robbering S..s. Can't wait for a good nights sleep. :sleeping:




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  3. 9 hours ago, Brew said:

    Any sale that has a discount that is time dependant is a bluff. I'm sure more than a few of us have had offers of big discounts for an immediate signature or those that have to phone the manager for permission to give an extra discount, 'just for you'....


    I am so glad I asked for opinions. When I read these two lines Brew, it finalised our decision straight away this morning.  This is exactly what happened. The rep actually made the phone call sitting on our sofa. Many thanks to you all for pointing out that triple glazing may not  keep the noise out.


    The window in question is just an ordinary two opening bedroom size with double glazing. Waddo and all, many thanks for alerting us to the fact that £1,400 is a lot of money for one window of that size.


    If it was a noise we could live with, we would do nothing, but it is way past that. Strangely, the dogs were silent last night and I got a full nights sleep, but that only happens very occasionally.


    Just realised I haven't read the link Brew. Will mash some tea and have a gander.

  4. Thankyou Denshaw, due to an ear injury years ago it is not possible to use earplugs. We have the heavy curtains, but the noise the dogs make needs to have something more than 'Accoustic lining'. As i wrote in my first post, I have noted the W-ton enviromental officers advice and will write a letter, and start logging the noise. Thank you Miducks for the tips.:)

  5. Thankyou Stuart. I have read all the information you have given and it is very informative. No we were not offered 'Accoustic Glass' but I had read about it on the internet, also 'Secondary Glazing'. I am now doubtful about having the Triple Glazing'. I think the information has strengthened  what I have been thinking about anyway. I have to do something soon, having disturbed sleep is almost making me feel ill, but at the same time we don't want to waste money. Some questions will have to be asked in the morning. Thank you again.

  6. We are experiencing sleepless nights because of thoughtless neighbours putting their dogs out at night and they (the dogs) are howling and barking constantly through the night. We cannot sleep in our back bedrooms because of this.


    I have been on the W-ton Council website and to start, I have to speak to the people (if possible) but not compulsary, a letter would help just to be sure they know the dogs are causing a problem, also keep a log for about two weeks of times of barking. What I stress is that in no way do we blame the dogs, in fact I feel sorry for them, but at 2/4am being woken with a headache and too uptight to even try to get back to sleep with the row outside, I'm afraid my thoughts are not too kindly.


    Tonight we have had a windows rep call and basically we have had enough, so after lots of chat we are thinking of having a new bedroom window with 'Triple Glazing', it will cost £1,400. He is phoning back in the morning to see what we are doing. We have been given discounts on condition that we have it installed at a time they choose. I would value hearing what opinions any of you have about triple glazing or an alternative.


    What does the team think?  One desperately tired Nottstalgian awaiting your thoughts.

  7. Welcome to Nottstalgia elizza. One thing guaranteed, you will find plenty of help offered as soon as the members start logging in for the morning. It will give people something to work on if you add what you need help with.

    Hope you have fun joining the group.

  8. The house on the corner of Westdale Lane and Main Rd, must have been demolished  in the 1950s for some reason, even though on the photograph it still looks in good condition. Not sure of the photo date. The name of the house on CTs map is Pembroke Houses.  


    I didn't know the name, so thanks for the info CT. The place holds many happy memories of my childhood, playing in the remains of the garden. No one seemed to mind us being there? Today Elf ans Safety would have it all closed off. SueB48, was my playmate and I'm sure she will have more memories of the house and gardens.This would have been in the 1950s, many moons ago. 



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  9. Aah benj, sorry but you made me laugh again. Thankfully it was the remote that woke you? Your words keep making me smile.( I hope that was your intention)?


    You reminded me of an incident that happened to me a couple of nights ago, similar, but different? I also woke about 4am for my usual stroll to the powder room. I had a a sensation on a part of my anatomy that felt odd and abit scarey.


    Any way after further investigation, I realised my skin wasn't falling off but the plastic bag that I keep my earphones in was firmly stuck to my right Buttock. Phew, thankfully the earphones were not still inside. You gotta laugh ant ya Miduck.:biggrin:

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  10. 2 hours ago, Waddo said:

    Would be about 1950 - 52. 

    Waddo, I was born Carlton in 1948, but we lived with my Grandparents at 51 Vicarage St for a while until we moved to Hardys Drive Gedling, not sure what year? We would visit them often over the years. I remember a few neighbours names, no53, Sammy Heap, no55, The name Wood(I think)49, H Meadwell, no47, Ward.

    Would your name be Ward, because of your name Waddo?


    No51 was three houses up from the Mechanics Arms, near the alley leading to the backs of the houses.

    If you look on the streets list on the St Annswell Rd site you can see all the residents names and numbers listed there. Very interesting, brings back many happy memories. 

  11. I know it's early, but I am going to Bee Byes now. I am full of chocolate, and other stuff.  Had a verrrrry busy day and all I want is mi pillow. I hope the doggies are quiet tonight. They woke me at 2.45am in the night again. 


    Out for dinner tomorrow, but family coming for Bubble and Squeeeeck on Boxing Day, always a double celebration, our 53rd Wedding Anniversary anawl. Polished the Silver, washed the Lady Carlisle (Only wash it at Christmas)Detty Bo66er I hear you say. Anyway I'm off up the wooden hill now.


    Don't forget to listen for the sleigh bells, but don't let the reindeers see you peepin' through them curtains or they might give your prezzies to some other old kid instead. Night night all, Sleep well.  Merry Christmas.xx

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  12. Well Done Compo. It all sounds very complicated to me though. A puzzle in a puzzle in a puzzle.:faint: I think we will be sticking to the  Gibsons 500 piece Jigsaws for quite a while yet. 


    As a matter of interest, what do you do with your Jigsaws once you have completed them. We have ours tucked away in the corner behind the Tele. The pile is getting taller. I can't part with them. Some of them have been so enjoyable, I look forward to doing them again.:)


    Does anyone know if Bubblewrap is OK, and still doing his Jigsaws? He hasn't added any images for a while. Hope your OK BW. 

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  13. 4 hours ago, sue B 48 said:

    Can anyone tell me why when I get a pm from a certain person it notifies me on my e mail


    This happened to me for the first time today. I received a PM on NS from one of our members, which was Ok as normal, but then I came out of NS and went on to check my EMails as I do daily. The PM was there in my EMails? Never happened before?