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Posts posted by carni

  1. What a narrow escape you had there, and what a picture that would be, I can imagine you dangling upside down laughing, Once you are sure your not injured, you can laugh, i get in some right predicaments on my bike and if i'm not hurt i always end up laughing. I enjoyed your story but i hope you don't have action replay any time.

    PS........Did your fellow Trikers see you. TeeHee.

  2. Hiya

    At home we have WI-FI so no problem with signal,but at Perranporth, Cornwall we have none at all. Can anyone recommend anything that will enable me to get a signal, so long as its not to expensive, £20 quidish is OK, or i will have withdrawal symptoms if i can't get on Nottstalga in the wee small hours of sleeplessness. :rolleyes: Thank you for any tips.

  3. Sounds wonderful, but i know we will never be up to your standard of cycling, I can only manage maximum 20miles and that has to be flat ground, We will make do with the tow paths and nature trail, I was going to say it is safer, but i'm not sure any more. Lol. By the way i love all the locations you photograph for us and it makes it so much more personal seeing your recumbent trike in the picture. We absolutely love riding our bikes and i have only fallen off 4 times in 20yrs, so that's cool. :biggrin:

  4. DeDa Pete,

    Thankyou So much for your kind offer, My granddaughter is so proud you have offered her this opportunity, she asked me to thank you and say, if you don't mind at this time she would just like us Nottstalgians to enjoy her poem, I would like to put one of my poems forward DeDaPete but i'm afraid my poetry is on the same lines as Paulus on #20 LOL.Thank you for showing interest. :biggrin: Best Wishes.

  5. DeDaPete and Jackson

    Thank you for your comments on the poem written by my Granddaughter, it was a school project, whereby they all had to choose a topic and as you see she has a good imagination. All of the children did really well and my granddaughter is thrilled you are impressed.

  6. Got another chance to see Perseids Meteor Shower again tonight so,I will give it a go, I am going to get my blanket and cocoa and biccies and sit on a comfy

    chair out side on the slabs, (They were grey ones but we upgraded to Pink ones so it is now called a patio) put my feet up and stare at the sky once more.The sky looks beautiful and clear as was last night so i will try to stay focused and try not to nod off after staying up all last night. :sleeping:


    All i saw last night was a Chinese lantern.


    Just been told there may not be a lot to see now it has peaked. will take a look any way.

  7. PS

    It was a Beautiful clear night here in W-ton, I was up at the window at 12.30am...2am....3.30am and then at 6am (tode ya ah dint sleep dint ah) and i saw all the usual star formations at their best, (sorry i know the names, but don't know which is which) Anyway i stared at the sky until i wuz bozz eyed and even hallucinating about shooting stars,Eventually I got on my own nerves imagining i saw one. So i made a cup of tea and got on Nottstalga. Some lucky people according to the news had a really good view, NOT ME. Lol

  8. Here is a poem written by my Granddaughter 12yrs old

    What's Happening To Our Planet

    An urban jungle, in which we live,

    Pollution swamps the skies,

    Foggy smoke, the chimneys give,

    And slowly our atmosphere dies.

    Smog engulfs the cities of our land,

    Gradually destroying our clean air,

    Nature needs a help in hand,

    This just isn't fair.

    Global warming is getting worse,

    Killing off our natural surroundings,

    Like it is some kind of curse,

    We must take action now, the alarm bells are sounding.

    Our landfill sites are overflowing,

    With all the waste we make,

    Our waste is ever growing!

    It's time for us to take control, the future of our world is at stake!

    So now you know the reasons,

    Can you help me get rid of my pet hate?

    If you can, don't be afraid,

    Just help me get rid of my bane.

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  9. Hi,

    On Thursday we went for a cycle ride on the nature trail (old train line) and went off route down a dirt track back to the canal tow path.The path had all tree roots on top of the ground making it dangerous to ride, so i got off the bike and promptly fell sideways onto a barbed wire fence, I was completely stuck and tangled, i now have two holes in my arm,a 2inch wide bruise and scratched face.On Saturday we ventured on the canal tow path again, a cyclist approached us, so i moved over behind hubbs to let him pass, he warned of an obstruction over the bridge, at which my hubbs slammed on the brake....i ran into him we both ended upside down, cycles on top of us in the nettles, and had to be untangled by passers by,concluding in bruised and scratched legs..elbows...faces and nettle rash every where.Today i tripped over my charging up cable for my laptop (while on Nottstalga) and hit the wall...the chair ...flat on my back with cup of tea some where up the wall,yet to find it. Do you think its safe to go out yet. :biggrin:

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