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Posts posted by carni


    Hiya,I have been reading your post David and you speak of the news paper archives, I am interested in reading about events in the Nottm area in the 50/60s and would love to be able to browse at leisure, i know you are knowledgeable on this subject and i wondered if there a site for this purpose and if it is a freebie or a yearly fee to be paid. It is only the Evening Post or local Nottm papers i am interested in. Thank you for any advice you can pass on.

  2. Some times when i fancy something a bit different (not very Genteel, but blumin delicious) i butter two slices of bread and fill with four fish fingers and Heinz spaghetti in tom sauce, mmmmmm heaven, and i bet you can't eat it without having to wash you'r hands and face and change you'r clothes, wipe every thing around you, You certainly couldn't eat it in front of the Queen. unless she secretly likes it to. :)

  3. Hi #5

    I was at All Hallows from 1953 / 59.Can you remember Miss Smith in the first class, and the two dolly mixtures she gave us all for being good and the little sleep, where we had to rest our heads on our arms for ten minutes,and peeping to see who else was cheating.

    I was at Gedling Secondary modern from 1959/63, in G1 all the way through, i'm sad to say i went a bit haywire in my early teens and wasted my learning years, I was told i would be sorry and they were right. :tease: I may not be clever but i hope i am caring and compassionate.

    One thing that has always been a problem for me is the little ditty, I before E except after C, It isn't always so, for example bieng or being, I remember it from infants school and it has caused a problem all my life. i say the ditty and still get it wrong. I have looked it up and the explanation is to complicated for me to take in at this age.

    Back to Uniforms, Thanks for the suggestions, i am sure it would have been one of them, perhaps mam fetched them while we were at school.

  4. Quick alternative steamed pudding enough for two.

    Approx 2oz sr flour

    Approx 2oz sugar

    Approx 2oz butter

    1 egg, drop of milk.

    Beat all the above together,( no need to be to fussy)

    Syrup or jam or lemon curd

    Butter microwave friendly bowl,put syrup etc into the bottom of bowl, top with mixture,pop in microwave,approx 2 to 3 mins and Wallah, Speedy comfort pud.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I was just thinking about my granddaughter starting back to school in September here in W-ton, and taking my daughter to get the new uniform to start back with. I was trying to remember where my mam would have brought ours from for All Hallows and Gedling Secondary Modern In the 50/60s.With never having to buy my children's uniform in Nottingham i have no idea where mam would have got ours from. Can anyone enlighten me.

  6. I was in the garden today pottering about ( I'm at that age now where every thing is done at pottering speed) and i saw the little holes on my some of my flower leaves, and it took me straight back once more to my childhood,and another pastime, when we used to lift the leaves on cabbages and Nastyertions and collect the little caterpillars, and put them in our jam jars, probably kept them on the kitchen top and thrilled mam when they escaped. :unsure:

  7. I also played the paper and comb very well, but had to give it up as it made my mouth itch. lol, My other musical talents are hitting a variety of different tins and bottles with a wooden spoon, taught to me my granddaughter and not forgetting miming to the Music Man, at least there was no sound,(a blessing), so my musical talents are very limited. I mastered God Save Our Gracious Queen on the Recorder, and just about any thing on a Bazooka, but it all sounded like a wasp stuck in a tin, I stick to singing but even that scares people.

  8. Our all time favorite has to be Bacon, Fried egg and tinned tomatoes with salt, pepper and a tsp of sugar. sometimes for breakfast or teatime, depends when we

    fancy it. 2 slices of bread and i save a little bit of everything to make a sarni at the end, just so i can dribble down my nice clean top.

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Loverly.

  9. "Can you remember these?" These are programmes that i used to really look forward to, had a teenage crush on Herbert Lom and David Jansenn, COR.

    The Human Jungle with Dr Roger Corder......Herbert Lom

    The Invisible Man with Peter Brady.....Johnny Scripps

    The Fugative with Dr Richard Kimble.......David Janssen

    Quatermass and the pit (" I never knew what it was about, scared me though")

  10. Hiya,

    We used to have two Irish Red Setters. But sadly the one called Sharmi died at 18months from' Parva Virus', when we got over the sadness, we had another, i wanted a name close to Sharmi and came up with Carni, They lived long happy lives and at 11yrs and 10yrs they passed away within 10days of each other,So my lovely Red Setter is where i got my name from.


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  11. Thank you, every one for your suggestions, You have all been so helpful, We have quite a few commitments which mean we have to take our opportunities some times on the spur of the moment. I know we will find some where now, thanks to your help, we will probably use the information as well when we come for one of your meet ups.

  12. Hiya,

    We want to come to visit Notts and stay near the City center if possible, and spend a couple of days being tourists, visiting all the places in my memory. We could stay at my home village but want to treat it as an adventure and be nearer to the City, does anyone know of any reasonably priced hotels within walking distance of the center,( not forgetting the legs don't do distances any more). Any suggestions appreciated.