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Posts posted by carni

  1. Dear Pixie

    I have just read your post and it is so sad, I find it hard to put into words how proud your father would have been to have heard your words.The fact that he always gave to the people around him shows he had a kind heart.You have given him a wonderful eulogy Pixie.I know you can't see us but I hope you find some comfort in Knowing you and your sadness are in our thoughts.

  2. One brand i remember was Pompadour lacquer, and Ponds, Astral and Nivea face creams, there were others but not in my price range.String bags that got bigger with the amount of shopping.

    For the men....String Vests, Cuban Heels, Old Spice,

  3. I just had a little read up on wasp nests to see how long it takes to build one, i was surprised to see that they start building in Spring through to Autumn and then abandon them, starting the whole procedure again next spring.We had one in our loft that proved a nuisance as the wasps stung us when we sat out side, but like you we put up with it, our reason being so as not to disturb them. It seems that the worker wasps pop their clogs in the winter and only the fertilised Queen survives to start a new colony next year with a new nest being built. Intriguing. Compo,Do you just leave the old nest as its not going to be used again or get rid of it?.

  4. #31 Mick2me

    Wow! He really did have some stories to tell, Some a pleasure to remember, and some he probably kept to himself ,I hope he had plenty of the good ones and passed them on to his children to remember. I can see by the photo of Thora Hird he had good taste in the ladies. Its nice of you to share a little of your Dads life experiences.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Commo #34

    Do the people from Ambridge take Umbrage if you offend them?

    I have never been to ' The Bull,' but my hubby says i some times talk it. Lol :blush:

    Mmmmm; I can smell the Mint, Thyme, Parsley and Sage.

    Denshaw #35

    Sounds like a good idea,i might give it ago to see if it works.

  6. Sitting on the step with Mam, the colander and pan and peas,is exactly how it remember to,so many of us did similar things in our childhood it must have been the way things were in those days,very down to earth,not much dosh about. I was allowed to pod the Broad Beans on my own as they weren't so tasty raw, lol Pixie,I wish i could pass on to you some of the meals Mam cooked, they were all on a budget, Rabbit, (stewed or roasted) Mince in Pies or with Mash, Something called Fry! served with Swede/potato mash,Yorkies and veg, Peas Soup made with Pork Bones, Breast of Lamb,(roasted or in Stew), all made with cheap cuts but so tasty, its marvelous how adding a few onions to a recipe can bring out the flavor. When she made Stew she always said to us. "shout Hoy! if you get a piece of meat". It was always delicious though.

  7. My short term memory is not so good, which can be a nuisance, as i am forgetting things all day long.If something is important i have to write it down or it is gone, and i believe it is one of the things we can all start to experience as we get older,and the long term memory better. That is probably why all these little,smells, and other things take us back so easily. Which is great and we can choose to stay in that moment for a while and enjoy it or divert our minds if we want to. Mick2me, What a great age for your father,I bet he had a few tales to tell.


    Your memory of the smell of the wood taking you back is great, these are just the experiences i hoped this topic would bring out,thanks all for sharing.

    • Upvote 2
  8. When i am shopping and go to the bread counter. Without fail when i see a "Bloomer Loaf", my Grandma (nannar) comes into my mind, On my way to work in the 1960s i would call at her house about 7.30am every weekday morning, and she would have waiting for me,two slices of "Bloomer bread", thick with unsalted "Lurpack" and a cup of tea.

    And Whenever i see light fluffy "Yorkshire puds",she is there again,because she would always give me them before dinner with gravy because i liked them so much. I would love her to have known how many times she, and her little foody memories are with me,she would have had a bigsmile.

    And all that for half a crown a week.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Left over Diced carrots, Peas, Frozen mixed veg, Cauli, Broccoli, Bobby beans, on their own or mixed together and covered in cheese sauce will go nicely the following day, with a Jacket Potato and salad for a cheap meal instead of throwing them away.

  10. My Parents and Grand parents all used to drink the Cabbage water, i never did but i always make the gravy with the water from what ever veg i have cooked, so that's the same really. There must be a lot of the vitamins and goodness from the vegetables lost to the water if it is thrown away.

  11. Steven,

    We used to have the Cocoa powder and sugar, but can't remember the dried milk, it sounds very nice. We used to lick it of our little fingers, until we got bored, then we would lick it of the plate like a cat. It used to set on our faces and took a warm wet flannel to move it. mmm mmm