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Posts posted by carni

  1. I just have to tell you,I have never heard thunder as loud and continuous as we are experiencing in West Midlands this (not so fine morning) just waiting to see the Lightening now,The gardens are sodden, Great!,No need to get the hose pipe today.Don't Know if its coming you'r way,Get you'r brollies out ready its a good one.Its been at it all night.

  2. If we used the answer "I Thought" The reply from MaM or Dad would be.."You Know What Thought did?" I never did know,Well, I just looked it up and there are many answers eg....Followed a muck cart and thought it was a wedding, but the answer that sounds probable is....Never to say "I thought"

    But go and make sure :huh: :unsure:

  3. I agree with you whole heartedly,I will always call Nottingham Home,I have lived in West Mids most of my life,46years,i left at 19yrs of age following my husbands work,I have had a good life here,but my heart is in Nottingham and always will be.Where ever you live there are good and bad things to be found,i would rather look for the good,

  4. When i used to search the net for anything reminiscent of Nottingham,i typed in Nostalgia about Nottingham one day,and Nottstalga popped up,i didnt get a computer until 2008 so you had been going about 4yrs by then, it was Google,and i used to just read what people had entered for quite a long time,before i plucked up courage to join,And it has brought me closer to home when ever i feel like. GREAT.

    • Upvote 1
  5. #26 Mick2me

    Yes the wrangler shop was at Calverton,i think your right about the factory as well,but it has to be 70/80s since we last went and i have forgotten,My hubbs has just cleared his wardrobe and took loads of the Wrangler shirts to the charity shop,they are still good condition but a bit dated,and as he says they have shrunk,nudge nudge slywink

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  6. It has been a lot of years since i saw this view,I never heard the name Dorket Head,but sadly that's what happens when you leave the area,places can some times fade from memory,we used to go to Calverton to the Wrangler shop when we came to Notts and that was when we would stop to see the wonderful view,And Poobear, #17 you made me fancy some blueies and bacon,but i have never seen any except when i came home,some times the men would pick them and sell them to us in the Grey Goose Bar.That will never happen again,cos its gone.

  7. Hello Again

    We have decided to go to the West coast in October for a break,and we are hoping to get some where around Lytham or Lytham St Anne's,We have chosen this coast as it is not hilly as we want to take our cycles,and we can go from Lytham to Blackpool and on to Fleetwood.Just about as far as we can manage.Can any one recommend a caravan site or ground floor self catering accommodation (because of cycle storage) We don't seem to be able to find any where.Any suggestions will be appreciated . :tanning:

  8. annswabey

    Hi, i have just been on,on the census forms,I have got Williams going right back to mid 1800s,the name just runs through the family tree,on 1901census there is a William and wife Naomi, If i have got it right this one is the son of George and Mary who are my gt gt gt grand parents, living in Carlton, and also one with wife Annie,they lived at Shardlow, That is just two,there are so many people in my tree all naming each other after each other,it is to complicated for me.I need an expert to sort them out :unsure:

  9. LizzieM

    Yes i joined in 2008,but then i had a run of illness and didn't participate very much,you can tell when i improved,its when i got really hooked and i have loved every moment,i am a none sleeper so it has given me something to do in the wee small hours,instead of staring at the wall LoL,I am looking forward to meeting as many off you as i can at a meet up,you'l have to be patient, because i know i natter a lot on here,but i am a bit shy really. :huh:

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  10. #14

    Hi annswabey, There was a William Comery in one of the branches of my tree in the late 1800s,Though Comery isn't a common name ,there were so many in mainly Carlton and Sneinton,My gt gt gt granddad originated from Thurgaton in around 1820,but ended up in Carlton,there the family starts to grow rapidly,all over the area,so many Georges,I believe That the William in my tree would be from around late 1800s ,He may have been nicknamed bill I will get on my tree and get back to you.Thank you for your interest.