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Posts posted by carni

  1. I just wondered if anyone can recognise the road the Shippo's Hosses are on in the photo's,it was a familia sight to me walking up Huntingdon Street on my way to work,the road looks like so many in those days with the cobbles,and i can't work out were it may be, so as to know which pubs they might be delivering to.

  2. Well i hope you do well Pixie,i had a few years of making celebration cakes,i have to say they were very good,but i put so much work into the sugar paste flowers that i could never have made it pay,it is a good thing to have an interest especially one that can be useful,having you'r little one you will make good use of you'r craft.Best Wishes Pixie.

  3. I have just done a bit of research on Water World today,and there is a story taken from The Independent,5th July 1993 Uk,with exactly the same kind of story,at the same place,but there is no mention of it happening at an earlier date,I will interrogate my brothers in law tomorrow and see what they come up with. unless some one recalls it tonight.

  4. I have just remembered a horrible sight in the river Trent,while walking at Stoke Bardolph some time in the late 1950s or early 1960s,The river was full of dead fish floating,I can remember the the fish ,but can't remember the cause or the date or how much of the Trent Fish were lost.Does anyone remember this,there must be some fishermen out there who would remember,It was quite devastating at the time,i often think about it,as it was such an awful sight.

  5. Going back to #1 ,We had our family get together yesterday at The Old Spot at Daybrook and it was very nice, there was 17 of us all together and we all had different meals,our food came within 30mins,and the young lady who served us was very pleasant,far to much food though,followed by warm choc fudge cake and icecream,I have to say i loved hearing all those fab Notts Accents all round me Miducks,It was good to be on home territory,

  6. VWGolf

    Hiya,Its nice to read your memories of The Pleasure Park,It was one of my favorite childhood places,It would be interesting to see your photo, as no one seems to have any,I did say i would go back and see the lady in the shop at the Marina as she told me she had some photos,But I keep forgetting(sorry Mick2me #38)I will make a special effort next time i come to Notts.

  7. VWGolf

    HIya, You brought back the memory to me Glad to hear we weren't the only ones who played the game with the chicken feet,I can remember pulling that tendon as if it was yesterday, :Shock: I can just imagine my granddaughters face if i showed her.It is one game i'm sure i wouldn't pass on.LOL

  8. I know what you mean RobL,when i came to West Mids i soon realized people dint know what i was saying,one of the things my hubby thought was funny was when i said to him, listen to the beds singing duck, and no one knew what babies pods were,sad to say i had to drop a lot of Notts Lingo,or Stand and explain worahweronabaaht.

    Any way who would really think a Bed would sing about ducks. smile2

  9. One more thing, to all, if you only had one night to spend in Nottingham, where would you go? I don't want to waste my one night by going to the wrong places! sad.gif


    If i had one night to spend out in Notts, I would spend it on a pub crawl,starting in Carlton, Bruno first,Windsor Castle,Blacks head,Chesterfield or Tavern and end up at The Grey Goose for a dance to the live bands and home for one of Dads home made curries,of course only if i could do it all 1960s style,In Cali Gals words where would you all go. :cheers: