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Posts posted by carni

  1. That's the one Mick2me,some thing in between the two,You can imagine how the evening went with us all drinking that,all good fun though,The first time i took my hubs in there in 60s,after being upstairs with the music trio we went down stairs and a customer didn't want his drink so he just threw the lot on the floor and no one took any notice,he should have been drinking laughing water like us. :cheers:

  2. Hiya Every one,

    Just a bit of nonesense for you, Can any one recall if there was a drink measure at Yates called a Dock (not sure about the spelling),I can remember one night out in the 80/90s when my siblings and spouses all had an hilarious pub crawl in the city,ending up in Yates,and some how the measure came up and my brother, who is very comical had us and every one around in stitches with his version of a Nottm person offering a friend called Richard a large drink,it went

    Do You Want A Double Dock Dick Duck

    Another fab night out in the City.

  3. Thankyou David,

    and those of you who can remember the bridge,I was beginning to doubt myself but my memories were so strong it was just baffling me,I suddenly thought i may have described the bridge to you a bit unclear it dawned on me it was a foot bridge and when i got back on site,you had sussed it out,I read doggieb's post and when he wrote about the train drivers letting off the steam as they approached the bridge,that was what i remembered and it was our cue to run across the bridge through the steam,Great Fun Who Needs Toys.

  4. Hi David,

    The image of the bridge is not the one i mean,on the little map, the area i mean is where the loop road passes by the side of the cricket field,and in that corner of the field there was a typical bridge,steps up both sides and i am not sure but i have a feeling there was some kind of wooden floor across the top and i know you could get to Netherfield.The bridge you have shown me is not the metal one that is in my memory,i will get onto my family tomorrow and see if they can give me any clues,I am sorry i can't give you a better description,but i will get some info tomorrow,I know it was there somewhere.

  5. Hi David, I have had a look at your map and if you follow the Burton rd to where it changes into the loop road,follow round a little and where it crosses over the railway line,That is the area where the bridge was,coming down the steps on the opposite side of the bridge you see Chandos St and Midland Grove in the vicinity,We are going back a long time but it had to be there some where,though i can't explain exactly where,we played there so many times,i hope we find where it was,i will ask my relations tomorrow and see if they can pinpoint its location.

  6. Hi David, I just had a look on Google Earth and the railway line i spoke about is definitely there but i can't see the bridge, i can only see the A6211,would the bridge have been removed and the road built over the line,we played there such a lot it has to have been there somewhere. :unsure:

  7. Hi David re #29

    Yes, That was the cricket field,The small park was in the bottom left hand side,straight down from the building that i presume is were the players changed and the bridge was on the right hand side,leading to some where towards Netherfield, we played there nearly every day,i can only guess but i think it would have been sometime around 1958ish,we lived in Hardys Drive then and Dad would have been on night shift at the pit,so mam would take us all and any friends down there,probably to give dad some sleep,there was hardly any traffic then so us kids soon were able to go on our own,i imagine that's when we played on the bridge,If only she had known.Ooh Dear.

  8. She had her eye on you all the time,What a shock you must have had and sudden panic until you spotted your mam, Talking about the thick fog,did you ever go on the railway bridge down the cricket field and run through smoke when the trains went by,we spent lots of our childhood down there and i will never forget that smell,not unpleasant,just a treasured memory.

  9. More often than i care to remember,In shops or car boots or any where among people i have sidled up to my husband and grabbed his hand,and nattered on about

    some thing only to look round and it has been a total stranger, it is embarrassing but usually causes a giggle thankfully. Who cares really,Ya gotta larf


  10. Hahaha MIck2me, i have searched my house for my glasses only for my hubbs to tell me that same thing,you gotta laugh cos it don't get no better.

    A while ago i was having a heated discussion with a member of my family,and getting really frustrated at the awkward bo99er i turned to walk away and stuck my

    tongue out and pulled a hideous face,only to look up into a 4ft by 3ft mirror above my fire place to see my relation looking straight at me.OOPS

    How do you get out of that one,I just Blushed and left the room

  11. Another one!

    I was having a busy morning and suddenly remembered my doctors appointment,quickly got ready and went,i sat in the very busy surgery for about an hour,then

    did my local shopping,and on to the hair dresses,waited my turn, had my hair washed and sat at the mirror,at this point i looked down and for all to see i had one

    white trainer on with bold silver embellishments and one with bright pink flashes and to make matters worse a few weeks later i strolled round Ludlow with two

    completely different shoes on. :crazy: