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Posts posted by carni

  1. I am not sure if i have mentioned this some where on site before,so i apologize if i have, I used to work at a textile factory called Raywarp it was on Alfred St North in the early 1960s,we used to make a variety of things,i used to operate a machine called a Bar tack making mainly bath caps, hair bands,thick hair nets (like the one Ena Sharples would wear in Coronation St)etc,When the Gem had been built but not open to the public,we were taken there as work over time to get it all stocked up with goods for sale,i had never seen anything so vast and we were all overawed by it all.I do not know what the connection with Raywarp was,or why we were chosen to help with the preparation.Unless the store was selling some of their products which sounds probable.

  2. Mick2me, i was just doing my usual search one night for anything to do with Nottingham,and i typed in Nottingham Nostalgia in 2008 and this site came up,and i have to say you should be very proud of what you have achieved,i have had so many memories bought back to me from the kind people who contribute and so many places i had forgotten bought back to life for me,I may not live in Notts any more but you have bought it back so much for me.

    So This Is For You All :Kiss:

  3. DavidW,#6,Tell her she is not alone,i am inclined to do that kind of thing myself LOL. i have another one for you all.A few years ago before my ticker started misbehaving.we were in the local darts team and one boozy night we decided to do the W-TON marathon fun run,6 miles each,so we all went jogging to get a bit fit,males and females,i had forgotten we were going the second night,and when they called at my house i ran upstairs and quickly put my leggings on from the night before,when we all stopped for refreshments, i looked down and there in full day light was last nights knickers hanging out of the bottom of my left leg for all to see,and they did,i never lived that one down. :blush: BEAT THAT

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  4. Have any of you had moments in your life were you have done some thing that causes embarrassment to you, I know i have had many,some i remember well. Here is one that makes me laugh so much when i think of it.

    I was at the Dentist in the days when we had the gas masks to knock us out,and while i was under i had this dream,that i was in church and singing hymns not just singing,really belting it out,Full of joy giving it all i had got,HILLS OF THE NORTH REJOICE,any way when i was brought round,i couldn't understand why the dentist and nurses and anesthetist were all smiling,so i told them about my dream and the Dentist replied..............WE KNOW..............If you had ever heard me sing you would understand. LOL

    Come on any body got some. :laugh:

  5. I worry so much about the silly sun bathing i did from my teens right up untill my 40s i am constantly looking for any signs of skin problems,there was no one to warn me of the dangers and i am just the kind they say are most at danger,fair skin,(blonde hair once) If only the dangers were more advertised we would have been more careful,I can only hope i am fortunate enough to get away with out problems.

  6. When we were teenagers in the 60s and had no idea of the dangers of too much sun bathing,we would cut little hearts and stars and different shapes out of paper and stick them on our arms,legs,back and chest and after a sun bathing session we would be left with little white shapes where the paper had been.


  7. Any one know if any of the Gedling and Carlton pubs serve meals,the last time i went for a meal in Notts was the Windsor Castle on Carlton Hill, I am not sure if it is still there,or The Chesterfield Arms, Main Rd Gedling.

  8. What in your life has been a good bit of advice that has stayed with you and influenced your actions and ideas for the good. I have many, but one particular one concerning driving has had a continued effect on me when ever i set off in the car,after i had passed my test and was taking my dad out for a first ride,i was so nervous and a bit jumpy and hesitant,i kept apologizing,and he said to me

    Drive like you are the only sane bo***r on the road and all the rest are not,that way you are always prepared for the unexpected.

    It pops in to my mind every day.

    Have you any to share.

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  9. LizzieM #4 i will let you all know what we think of the Old Spot and i know what you mean about the temptation to pile the plate up at carvery's i have learned my lesson,i always think the dinner seems so much bigger once you put the gravy on,but its to late then.

    denshaw #5 We will check the Fayre and Square out for the £5 off.

    Thanks everyone for your help and any more suggestions all welcome.

  10. We are coming to Notts for a family get together and are going to eat at The Old Spot at Daybrook on 6/7 july (not sure which) has any one had a meal there,i would like your opinions.And has any one any other tried places to suggest,I have no idea which pubs are still around.I even thought The Old Spot had gone until we had this invitation.Any recommendations would be appreciated for the future MiDucks.

  11. Hospital appointments for a certain time,and when you get there,about 20 people are in front of you,all with the same appointment time,and when your name is called and you think you are going to see the doctor, but through the doors you find you have just moved into another waiting area,and also when you make all the arrangements for a certain day,lifts,someone to accompany you etc you receive a letter saying your appointment has been changed to another day.