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Posts posted by carni

  1. Can you remember the Fry's Five Boys bar,with the little boy who went from desperation to happy expectation when he gets the chocolate,well the little boy was called Lindsay Poulton,the photo's were taken in 1886 by his father,and Grandfather and uncle,he originally wore a sailor suit but was later change to striped jumper.the way they got little Lindsay to look so desperate in the first picture was to put a cloth soaked in photographers ammonia round his neck,he was 5yrs old and Fry's paid him £200 for exclusive use of the photo's (I bet Elf and Safety would have some thing to say)In 1962 Lindsay was living in East Providence,Rhode Island,The Five Boys Bar was discontinued in 1976. :huh:

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  2. We have decided to come to Notts for the Armed Forces Celebration Day and wondered if any of you Lucky people who still live in Notts can give us any personal advice on parking for the day,it is to expensive in Vic and Broad Marsh centers,we would like some where for about 4/5 hours if possible.Any tips would be appreciated Miducks.

  3. The Elizabethan Restaurant at the COOP Notts

    Seeing the picture of the restaurant in #122 brought back a memory for me,my sister worked there in 1962 she was training silver service at the Clarendon College,she arranged an interview for me for a Saturday job doing the same,and i was accepted,i found it a bit daunting for a 14yr old so i only lasted two Saturdays.

  4. Thanks LizzieM,we used to make a plate of chips last as long as possible especially if it was raining,From the age of 13 to 15 we spent more time in Arnold than Gedling,my first teenage romance was an Arnold Lad,aaaaah he broke my heart, not for long tho ,two years later i met my hubby to be.LOL

  5. Compo #55

    You reminded me Of the seats between front st and high st,In the early 1960s it was our meeting place,we used to spend alot of time just hanging round with the Arnold crowd there,a mixture of boys and girls,we were all quite young,i was 14 and we used to go upstairs to a chippy on front st opposite Woolies,is that the one you mentioned,it sounds familiar,we would stay overnight at the labour club and catch the bus to school next morning,Happy Days.

  6. We always used to find the pubs with a good old Free and easy,before The (karioki ) came here ,there were lots,i remember one called Jubilee,off Carlton hill some where,Mam and her sisters were good singers so that was what we did mainly when we came home to Notts in the 70/80s,all pile in the cars and head for the fave singsong pub of the day.Great, sadly i didn't inherit her lovely voice.

  7. In the 1970s we kept a Beer Off and sold lots of tuffees and dudoos for kids and grownups,can any one remember the sweet tobacco and sweet cigarettes,and for the big kids we used to sell bars of Milk Tray and same with dark chocolate (cant remember the name)i think it might have been Bourneville plain selection they had about 10 or 12 different chocolates to the bar.and Old Jamaica,can you still by that,They stopped doing the Milk Tray choc bars while we still had the shop.And spangles,they finished in 1984,they did an Old English flavors to.Can you remember Beechnut and Juicy fruit chewing gum,Oh Hum,got the nibbles now,just going to raid the duddoo

  8. HaHa,I'm not alone then,

    We never could tell what Procol Harem were singing in Whiter Shade of Pale,in the line after The Miller told his tale,so we sang

    That a face as Burs just coshie? now know it is That Her Face At First Just Ghostly You gotta Laugh


  9. I have just found out after 30yrs of belting out Karma Chameleon at boozy woozy get togethers and any where it took my fancy,according to my 12yrs old granddaughter that the last two lines of the chorus is Red Gold and Green and not In Golden Dreams as i have been singing,I bet there have been a few nudges and nods in my direction.LOL Any one else had this embarrassment,Just do what i did and say,I knew really I was just testing.LOL

  10. I know what you mean about the fleas Babs,it was quite funny really our dog didn't know what to do,there was fleas jumping all over her nose when we found the hedgehog,we soon got rid of the fleas no probs,

  11. Katyjay,

    thanks for the info on the lamp lighter,my granddaughter is researching the origins of the old sayings and she will be thrilled with that new one about knocking the windows,by the way *,i am still keeping my eyes peeled* for Muchgiggling, *There's another saying for her to research.LoL.*

  12. Sorry to stray of the lights but i just remembered, does anyone remember the big black beetles that always used to be round the bottom of the Lamp Posts,were they called Black Clocks or something similar,some of them were massive,horrible things,i recall them mainly on the Phoenix Estate,They were electric lights there,could that have been some kind off attraction to them.

  13. Hi Piggy and Babs,Read you'r post #13 and you reminded me about swinging on the lamp posts,there was always one or the other of us scrambling up the post,i could get up OK, but i would be stuck for ages ,i couldn't get back down,LOL I think we used some of mams old washing line to swing on,i Bet Elf and Safety would soon spoil our fun today.