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Posts posted by carni

  1. We once found a hedge hog in our garden and it had fallen down a hole that my husband had dug ,we had been away and when we found it the poor thing was quite weak,we asked around and we were told to give it pet food but not milk and bread as we first thought,it soon recovered and left the garden one night never to be seen again,Don't get to Close Mick2me as they are full of fleas, that is how we knew we had one, our dog came in with her nose covered in jumping fleas.LOL

  2. Hi, going back to you'r comment LizzieM on #5,you got me thinking ,and you'r right about being out at dawn when the lights were turned off, theres not much chance of that, so my memory must have been a winter time one when the dark nights start at approx 4pm and they would be turned on about that time,i would have been with some one even at that time ,being a village and very few cars at that time we played out more safely than would be today.Even so we would not be out after dark.

  3. I learned to drive when i had left Nottingham We were going to take over a Beer Off and i needed to drive for that reason, It was 1970 my lessons cost £1.12s i got a discount because we were in the residents association,i was put in for my test in the August and they couldn't fit me in till the January,my instructor said i could stop lessons and refresh a couple of weeks before my test but i carried on one a week, i had 34 lessons in all, I passed thankfully,but LizzieM i was never taught to parallel park and still struggle to this day.Being able to drive ensured i could come home to Notts to see family whenever i could.

  4. Does any one know when the street lights went from gas lamps to electric,I have this image in my head of me sitting on a bench by the row of shops at the bottom of West Dale Lane and main road Gedling,and a man with a long pole turning the lamp off or on,i have always had this image and now perhaps some one can tell me if its just a figment of imagination,I think it would have been in the 1950s sometime.I hope its true i have always wondered about it.

  5. I am sad to say the last time i had a pub crawl with work mates in Notts was about 1965, and we went all round the Square,calling in every pub we passed,great laugh,is my memory right,did Yates have sawdust on the floor and music with a violinist.When i used to come home to visit family we used to go up the city on pub crawls,Start at King Billy at Snienton and then into town,we ended up in Admiral Duncan one night,It was a predominately a Gay Pub,We had so much fun and made so welcome that we didn't move on that night,The Bell and Flying Horse were faves,My Hubby from West Mids Absolutely loved the night life in the pubs ,he couldn't get over all the characters we met up with.Of course the old style pubs have gone now and they are to noisy for this old bird,give me the type of pub like in Sat night and Sunday Morn film.

  6. Hi,The Victoria Baths were our regular swimming destination,unless it was summer and warm,then it was all Saturday at Carrington Lido,I lived out of town as we got older ,but still had relations living at Vicarage St ,Magor St ,Leicester St, and the one that ran up Robin Hood Walk?My Aunt always took her washing to the wash house,i remember all the steam and heat in there,After swimming we would spend the rest of the day visiting all of these aunts and mamar,walking of course,no luxury of a car.I used to love walking round Snienton market and a run around in the park opposite the baths,Great Saturdays.

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  7. We lived on Hardys Drive, Gedling at the time and we didn't have a television along with almost every one,its hard to imagine what we did with our time,On coronation day we all went round to my friends house,who were the first people to have a telly .When we got there the front room was like a cinema all the neighbors were there,chairs all in rows for the adults and all us kids on the floor,as you say the telly was tiny,but fascinated us all.I would imagine we all went on to the Chesterfield Arms after for the party.

  8. I was just thinking about the coronation and i can remember quite clearly,all those years ago,aged 5yrs,we celebrated behind The Chesterfield Arms,Main Road Gedling,There was all the usual party foods, and Fancy dress competition,my brother was a little soldier and my sister and i were dressed the same as each other,carrying a banner with the Union Jack, all home made in red white and blue Crepe paper,a good job it didn't rain,we didn't win but enjoyed it any way.All the dads were inside the pub, just coming out with a glass of mild for mam and crisps and lemonade for us.Smiths crisps with the little blue bag of salt or nibbits,that's all there was,until they brought out Cheese flavor,lovely what memories.

  9. Thank you so much for you'r help LizzieM,It sounds really brilliant,i can't wait to read one,i will definitely contact them tomorrow,I had an aunt who i used to visit at Clifton who used to save the Evening Post for me,sadly she passed away 2yrs ago,and i miss her very much,and i haven't been able to read any Notts news since.

  10. I would forgive them everything if they put all the old Bygones supplements on line (for free) but doubt that will happen !

    Hi i keep reading about a magazine on Nottstalga called Bygones,is it some thing i could get delivered to West Mids it sounds like something i would enjoy,any information would be appreciated.

  11. I agree LizzieM they can be expensive,the saving grace with the West Midland Safari Park is you get free entry for a second visit,which is good for the likes of us as it is only about 30/40mins drive,but not so good if you have a long journey,i must add the free entry must be in the same car and same amount of passengers,your car reg is noted on your ticket.They don't have the monkey enclosure any more i think the monkeys got some kind of illness and they had to get rid of them,but they were funny it was a shame to lose them.

  12. I forgot to add at the Safari park there are the usual rabbits,little goats etc for the little ones to feed,and Hippo's in the pool to watch,i am sure you'r little one would enjoy it Pixie, and any one else with children to keep amused during the coming school holidays.