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Posts posted by carni

  1. Hi every one, my hubby just reminded me of another great destination for you day trippers,in need of a change,these places are all mainly West Midland way and we have visited them many times, from when our offspring were small to adulthood and still thoroughly enjoy.

    The West Midland Safari Park


    There are plenty of things there to use up a full day,Fair, Restaurants, Cafes,Reptiles,You can even walk through a closed in area with bats flying among you,and a MeerKat enclosurer,my fave part. Miniture Train free to take you back and forth from car park.As usual check the Internet to make sure its OK for you.

  2. I'm sure she will enjoy herself there Pixie,When we were there one of the monkeys stole some ones scarf and ran up the tree much to every ones delight,the babies are so cute and the females look after them and cuddle them just like we do,well similar anyway,and its nice when they are fed because the keepers involve every one in it ,hope you have a nice day if you make it sometime.

  3. mmmmmm ,i replied to you'r post above Michael but it wouldn't post,i don't know where it went,i will try again,When i fancy one of those burgers

    that you mentioned above nothing else will do,not Burger King or McDonald or any of the modern burgers,they are completely different,i love loads of onions and red and brown sauce,mustard as well, very dribbly,and as you say in moderation every thing is OK ,That's it,The seed is planted I must have one today.LOL

  4. Just wish I had the patience to work it out too! Got Photobucket installed but my brain can't get around the next challenge!

    LizzieM,It took 1 hour and the guidance of my 12yr old Granddaughter to get the image posted,i am going to have another go but i can't face it yet.LoL,i am a long way from knowing how to do it fact i may not be able to do it again.LOL

    • Upvote 1
  5. we're is the monkey forest (trenthem, never heard of it) my little one loves animals, especially monkeys! she does the noises, ever so funny!

    Hi pixie, the Monkey Forest is just outside Stoke at a Place Called Trenthem,i am not sure how far from Notts,it is,I can't imagine it is more than 1 1/2hrs,but check it out on internet,approx 5mins off junction 15 on M6 at Stoke.i Looked on the internet and there is plenty of info,best to see just in case its no good for your little one.The monkeys roam among you.

  6. Our plans have just changed,So we have decided to get the bikes out and get on the tow paths,will check out the duck family there was 11 ducklings, but haven't been for a week,that can make a big difference,sadly they rarely all make it.I'm up to 12 miles so getting better all the time,great,hope the sunshine stays,enjoy you'r day every one.

  7. Thought of another 2 we thoroughly enjoyed Conkers in the National forest,great assault course,kids loved it,i got stuck a few times much to their amusement,but very educational as well,and Twycross Zoo which has all the usual attractions and a bonus that it is all flat for easy walking.

  8. Just Thought where we are going today,If you fancy a day with a difference try The Monkey Forest at Trenthem,you can walk among the monkeys,plenty of giggles at there antics,restaurant,adventure park,we always take our picnic but you can get the usual food,and of course my icecream.Check it out on the Internet for travel distance and entry prices. Have a good day every one.

  9. 44years ago i gave birth to my daughter at home,which at the time was my sisters house,my little baby was taken away in an incubator with under developed lungs and thankfully she fully recovered and is fit and fabulous,at the time i was very distressed and vulnerable and very young,my sister had to go out and my hubby was at work so i was alone,i opened the door to Jehovah's Witnesses,who saw i was distressed and offered to talk to me,i didn't have it in me to say no thank you so they came in,they had me kneeling on the floor praying and eventually left me with books to read,coming back the following week,leaving me upset,, I had to let my hubby see them when they came back,my reason for writing this is to say that some times these people don't realize that vulnerable people can be led into some thing they may not really want . Sorry i have strayed of Broad Marsh.

  10. That is the same in all the big shopping centers where ever you are,its a nightmare,trying to say no thanks with out sounding rude wears thin after you have been asked to try so many different car insurances,phone companies,eyebrow twirling,(cant remember what its called!)LoL,etc,In the end i just keep my eyes looking forward and just keep repeating no thank you.

  11. Sounds good,wish we were there,would be nice to see some thing happening on the square as we were in Notts in March and the Square looked all grey and dull,the square used to be a meeting place for so many people,especially the lions,when my hubby came to Notts for the first time,guess where we arranged to meet,By the Lion on the left,Where else! LoL