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Posts posted by carni

  1. Anyone want to see how many made up words we can come up with for example....

    Teggies Teeth

    Jim Jams Pygamas

    Whirly Bird Helicopter

    Doodah or Doofah Anything

    Spondulix or Mazuma Money

    Im not sad just got time to spare,Humour me .lol

    • Upvote 1
  2. Thanks for the map and photo,they are very interesting,i wondered if anyone knows if there could have been any bombings there in the war,the building looks to good to have become derelict so quickly, we used to play there approximately 1955,i know Gedling church had some damage in the war because Cannon Watson pointed it out to us when we married there in 1966 so there is a chance that the house too could have been hit.

  3. I was brought up in Gedling village on Hardys Drive 1940/50s and i have always wanted to know what the building would have been at the bottom of Westdale Lane on the corner of Main road,it was derilict and we local kids would play in the remains of the garden,for some reason mam referred to it as the doll factory,does anyone have any old photos of that area,sorry if i have asked about this before.

  4. Hiya Fch782c,Sorry to hear you have been ill,Stroke is very frightening and it happens without warning,It happened to me in 2005 but i have not been left with any problems from it.I had a scare recently but it has turned out to be something else ,I hope you feel better soon and keep well in the future,and hope those nurses keep smiling for you.