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Posts posted by carni

  1. We have just looked at our water bill. It is paid over eight months then a break of four months payment free. Last year it was £57.85 per payment this year it was £60.43. A rise of £2.58.  What do you think....a meter or not a meter?  We are genuinely interested in your opinions.

  2. Most of my wardrobe is sooooo old. Though I do top up with new items.I have a lovely photo on my mantle piece of me holding my 9month old granddaughters hand as she walked along the wall at Mablethorpe. I wore a red and white flowery skirt and sleeveless cotton Broidery  Anglais blouse, she is 19 in December and my skirt and blouse still get worn every summer. I didn't come from the kind of background where I could just discard clothes if I got fed up of them. They would be altered over again into something else until it could be done no more. For some reason, these days my clothes all seem to have gone short and wide. Strange That?:rolleyes:




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  3. It just popped into my mind this morning, and drove me mad all day. I will have to read the thread. Crazy how these things just rise up from nowhere. I couldn't shake Hitchcock from my mind, but couldn't find a reference to his wife anywhere and I thought the typing bit was just my imagination in the end. Makes you wonder what memories our brains hold that we forget.

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  4. Well Miducks, I survived my 'Procedure' yesterday, we didn't get home from hospital until nearly 7pm so was shattered. I needed my pillow. All went well, but being 'A mardy little bu99er' I went straight to bed. Glad it's over for now.  I've been eating for England today,  no food for  29hrs, just  water. Worse than prison, at least they get bread with the water in there!:biggrin: 

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  5. Fantastic. Do you know I typed Hitchcock into Google  myself and it turned nothing up about marriage. I kept searching and  Hitchcocks name still kept coming up in my mind. I never thought we would find it. I can sleep tonight. Thank you so much you pair of fabo Notstalgians. So little information and you solved it.thumbsup


    PS. Did you know Alfred Hitchock hated his nose? Sorry, take no notice of the last line. Not sure if I have the right man? 

    It was Orson Wells. DOH

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  6. Help. I have got a question and it is driving me crazy. :crazy: I can't stop trying to remember, so here goes. Thinking Caps on Nottstalgians. All I have is this bit of info!


    In recent years we had a thread on a famous man who married a lady from St Anns. That's it.....that's all I've got. No idea what thread it was in?

  7. Barrie, When ever we are out cycling along our canal towpaths and a narrow boat goes by with the painted ornaments on, I shall always think of you and your talent. We are a pair of old 'Gongoozlers' Well done Miduck. That is a beautiful picture of Sheffield Park, with the reflection of the trees in the lake, so peaceful.

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  8. Good luck DJ, You are certainly putting your time and money into saving that tooth, not to mention all the pain while you are trying. I hope it can be saved  after all your effort, and especially in time for your Mehiko visit. Thanks for your concern, and good to know your physio is doing some good on your knees. I will definitely be seeing the doc again, now I know the physio  shouldn't be so painful. I wouldn't mind........if it was helping.


    Hope this is correct. Felices Fiestas DJ.:biggrin:

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  9. 12 minutes ago, MargieH said:

    Are they SURE  it's arthritis in your shoulder joint or could it just be inflammation of a tendon?


    The Doctor sent me for an Xray, she told me it shows some Arthritis in the shoulder. Apparently it has been slowly coming for a few years,(Which explains, my longstanding aches and pains) the fall I had has caused it to go to the next level? 

  10. I totally agree Brew. I took the doctors advice and went to the Physio, because I didn't know what else to do. What do I do, I really can't lift my arm, I am having to do everything now with my left hand. Which the professionals say is the wrong thing to do, as my shoulder will set. Dropped and broken more crockery this last few weeks than all my life. Simple things like combing my hair or just scratching my shoulder are impossible with my right arm. I even have to hold my right arm up on the elbow while  picking my cuppa tea up. My arm just drops like a stone. I have had some serious illnesses over the last 13yrs, life threatening, and still going on, but this Arthritis has stopped me doing far more than anything else. A pain in the neck really or should I say Shoulder!:rolleyes:

  11. 50 minutes ago, loppylugs said:

     That gal's making the exercises tougher.


    LL, I had a fall last August and apparently triggered Arthritis in my right shoulder. It is very painful and I can't lift my arm higher than straight out. I was sent to a Physiotherapist for exercises. I did my best, but when I told her it was very difficult and painful, she replied 'Good that is what we want'  What is the saying 'No pain, No gain'. I'm afraid, six weeks of trying to do  her exercises and not only could I not lift my arm, but every muscle down my arm, across my chest and down my side were so painful, I couldn't carry on. I have to arrange an appointment and not looking forward to going, but I must do something. I'm hoping there are some alternative exercises to try.  All the best LL, keep up the good work.

  12. I worked there for a very short time in around 1963. I can't remember much about it only working on the belts packing soap into boxes. Very repetitious, perhaps the pay was good, there must have been some reason for being there. The girls were known for the soap smell being overpowering on the bus at the end of the day.  Sorry I can't remember much about it, but I at least can remember being there. One of my many jobs in the 60s.

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  13. 40 minutes ago, MargieH said:

    Very impressive looking scones, nonna.  Who ate the seven?


    It wasn't me yer Honour.:biggrin:


    MmmMmm, they look good nonna, definitely got the taste buds going. I will bake a batch with the recipe I posted, as soon as possible to see if I can work out what might have caused your mixture to stay runny. I  haven't had chance today as we have been out more than we have been in . See what tomorrow brings.

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  14. 7 hours ago, nonnaB said:

    .wait for it Carni. Got the recipe on video which I saved. Measured everything and it was like a batter dough. Checked video again in case I'd made a mistake. I hadnt so added more flour which really isn't a good idea. It was never going to make into a dough so down the sink it went.


    Sorry the recipe didn't work for you nonna. I can't understand how it resembled a batter, I don't remember that problem. I have only used the recipe once and was very pleased with the results. So, I will have another go in the next couple of days. If they work, I will add a picture. If not, down my sink it will go!:Shock:

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  15. After leaving our Beer Off in the 1980s I still needed to earn money, so took up a counter assistant position in a town center Butchers shop. There was sexual harassment  on a daily basis, not only that but bullying as well. We had a large walk in Fridge freezer by the shop floor. It was guaranteed that if you had to go in there, one of the male butchers would run in and shut the door. I will leave the rest to your imagination.


    You may think 'Why not report it'? To be honest, no point, you might as well leave the job as you would be shunned or laughed at for being a prude. We had one particular Butcher who was about 6ft 5in and well over 20stone, ( No problem there, if he had  had a few manners )he would come to the counter with a tray of meat to stock up, he didn't say excuse me, but would just side shove you out of the way, no contest, being 5ft 2in and half his weight. 


    I don't think for one minute they would get away with it today.