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Posts posted by carni

  1. Me too. I've completely lost the plot. Not sure if I had it in the first place? I understand that this thread is about our own  personal experiences of the day, so each one will be about different events, but I read the posts and some of them give me the feeling that there is some kind of secret conversation going on that only some know what the heck is being talked about. Very confusing I must say?:wacko:

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  2. It seems to me that quite a few of us in our childhood had some kind of bad experience at the 'School Dentist'. The behaviour wouldn't be tolerated these days. Pretty sure someone would sue them for cruelty. If you were unlucky enough to have one of these dentists, and I did, mine, I was told  was most often annebriated,  it can leave you with life long hang ups about going to see them. I am only just getting over my fear at the age of 70 and a bit ( well a bit more than a bit really, two thirds  but whose counting?). Too late for me, damage done long ago along with most of my teggies!!!

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  3. What a busy morning. We took our daughter to the dentist at 9.30am as an emergency patient. The poor gel has been in agony with  toothache, she is so frightened of the dentist that it has taken chronic pain for three days to get her there. This is the fourth attempt, the last three have ended  in a melt down in the dentist chair. The dentist finally got her to have two fillings, she wouldn't have an injection. I don't understand how a frightened person can do that? The dentist is making an appointment at the BDH for her to have sedation and three teeth removed. Great hospital, all top Surgeons and up to the minute equipment. She will be well looked after there, it is where I go now.


    On returning home I started my annual cooking frenzy, didn't get out of the kitchen for three hours. 21 Scotch Eggs for my son and his work buddies, plus 8 for me and mine. I am officially known as Mrs Scotch Egg. It gets a bit embarrassing when  I am out and about and one of the factory lads see me and  give me a call. Yo, Mrs Scotch Eggs loved your eggs  again this year. Ok, son, a bit quieter please.:blush:


    Sitting down relaxing now, full of Scotch Eggs, time for a mince pie. Merry Christmas everyone.:biggrin:

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  4. Brilliant RR. Don't they mek ya feel so proud. I hope your Lad has a great day celebrating his accomplishments, with you and the rest of his family and friends. thumbsup


    We are off today for a celebratory dinner with our Daughter and our Fabbo Granddaughter who is 18 today. She wants us to take her to 'The Food Court' at the Merry Hill Centre Dudley, then Cosmos for another meal on Sunday with close family. 

    The start of a new adventure next year for her when she begins her University life. She's a good gel, I know she will do well.smile2

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  5. Sorry to read your sad news RR. I didn't know your Dad or visit the Variety Club, but from watching videos I realise he was a very popular man and I'm sure anyone who knew him will have some great memories from the Variety Club days. Our condolences to you and your family.

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  6. 1 hour ago, MargieH said:

    To see the 3D image, start with your eyes very close to the picture, then move back gradually, still staring at it.  DON'T  try to refocus while you're doing it..  At least, that works for me!  

    This might help as well...

    I found it useful in the beginning to.....stare at the picture gently and go into a daze, try not to blink yet, keeping the stare but make your vision blur and the picture all merge into itself. At this stage you  might just get the 3D effect appear. If not, just whisper Bo99er it and have a cake instead.:biggrin:

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  7. All the best for Friday Compo. Hope you have a good result.


    I found the Giraffe.   Easy Peasy!

    When the three D fad was around, I got hooked on it, it fascinated me (Dunt tek much), kept me happy for hours. We bought three books at the time from a charity shop and four posters from a street seller down Newquay Cornwall. Every so often I get the books out and still enjoy staring at the images.

  8. 2 hours ago, loppylugs said:

    Yesterday I went for an MRI on my brain

    Hello LL, I'm sorry to read of your worrying health events. I also had a stroke in 2005 and though your symptoms and also mine didn't show all the classic symptoms as shown in the TV adverts, you could well have had a slight stroke . An MRI confirmed my main stroke, but  even years after, I still have partial numbness in most of my left side. In 2016 I had another heart procedure, all went well but four days later I had two TIA associated events in my right eye, best described as looking through crumpled cellophane paper? I'm telling you my story in the hope it gives you some peace of mind miduck. These days so much can be done LL, I am living proof of that. Warfarin or one of the other blood clotting medications will help you through. I hope you get over your ordeal quickly LL and I hope you  can get that right hand to obey and tinkle those ivories again soon. Take it easy and wishing you a speedy recovery.

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  9. Sorry to read you and your husband are both under the weather nonna and I hope you are well enough for hospital on Wednesday, to wake up with pain every day can really bring you down before the day even starts. I have heard of pain management but I have no idea what it is. I always had the feeling it was a training of mind over matter, with pain relief drugs as well. I must do some reading up on the internet . I hope you get some  help  nonna and  your new Oncologist will look after you well, best wishes for your Bloods and scan results.

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  10. I was a smoker from being around 14 till around 45. By that age I was quite a heavy smoker. I tried many times over the years to stop smoking and failed many more times, always leaving me a bit more down hearted. Someone once said to me 'Never give up giving up'. Sound advice, Immediately giving me hope. One day it worked, I have never forgotten those words and I pass them on to anyone who decides to stop smoking. 

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  11. I too have just read your post Beekay, Along with the others I was sorry to read of the loss of your two boys and the heartache you and Tina have had. You  have all your NS friends now always willing to share your lives experiences  happy and sad.when ever you feel like sharing. I have learnt over the years  they are a good bunch on here when you have the need to talk.  Best wishes and hope you enjoy being part of NS.

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  12. Update on Mince Pies.

    We received a phone call late October from the Supermarket head office. (Very sorry, I had health issues that took priority and I forgot to update NS ). The call was for my permission to allow them to pass on my details to the pie makers, due to the  'Privacy laws', they had to have my consent before they could do that. We were told it could take up to ten weeks before we heard from them. Watch this space, my reckoning is about early December.:)

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