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Posts posted by carni

  1. On 10/19/2018 at 8:22 AM, carni said:

    I just want to say that our fabulous and overstretched NHS is looking after me with such speed, and deserve our praise.


    I don't want to  high jack the thread again but just thought the NHS deserve all the praise they can get. Less than 24hrs ago I was at Cannock Hospital, undergoing an unsuccessful procedure. Discussions with the surgeon concluded with another appointment for General anaesthetic . Would you believe it, the post has just come and delivered a letter for pre op assessment appointment on Thurs 25th Oct. Ops usually follow quite quickly from pre assesment. Hows that for speed. Fantastic.

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  2. I hope your knuckle doesn't give you to much grief Margi. I quite often get a V shaped nick when I'm doing my hairdressing duties and they can sting sharply. No chance of doing my own. I have tried, but looking in the mirror and trying to cut hair is not easy. I end up with a very asymmetric look.  Interesting, but unintentional! I do have a little trim myself but mainly the fringe area. That does for me. 

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  3. I always cut Hubbys hair about every five weeks so no charge, around that time ,seeing as I have a simple style , I just book in for a dry trim.£10.00. On Wednesday I thought I would spoil myself and go for,shampoo, cut and blow dry. £28.00. Not a lot by todays standards, but a shock to this Dinosaur. Being the owner of dry hair I can get away with about four days between washes, so today it gets a wash. The shampoo and blow dry on Wednesday has cost me the extra £18.00 for four days. Back to my dry trims for a tenner for me, I think.  Living on a budget these days.:rolleyes:


  4. I have just been catching up on all of your posts. Wonderfully uplifting. I can't imagine there is another site on the internet with such supportive members, you really do me good, and make me laugh when I least feel like it. I wanted to quote parts of so many posts from you all but I don't know where to start so a big thank you all so much. I wish I could say my hospital visit went well, but no such luck. An attempt was made, using local anaesthetic, it was not happening so I have to go back for General anaesthetic, which has its own risks because of my heart problems. A big BUT....I still have options. I have avoided saying what my problem is, you really don't want to know Haha.


    Benj, sorry you have had to go back in hospital Miduck, I hope the professionals can get you back on track asap.

    Our condolences to Donna, you and your family on the passing of her father.

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  5. Nonna, Jonab and those Nottstalgians on here who are not well, sadly there are a few, I send you my best wishes for your future health, as I know you would wish me the same.

    My day began at one minute past midnight, as I have not slept! You see this yellow coloured Wimp is at hospital later this morning for....well I will not go into detail, but I know what is coming. Hence my sleepless night. I just want to say that our fabulous and overstretched NHS is looking after me with such speed, and deserve our praise. I only hope I can show my thanks to them by overcoming my fears and behaving like an adult. Any tips on how to calm my nerves, it seems the more I have done......the worse I get? :mellow:



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  6. Both of my Children now  50ish, have a love of Nottm, passed on to them from me. It comes from their visits home to see my family when they were younger. Sadly most have passed away now so we don't travel home as much these days.


    We live 25mins train ride from  Bham but I can't take to the place at all, another city that has lost some fabulous architecture.


    Our son and his partner really love Nottm and have a couple of city breaks there a year, not long back from one. They stay at the IBIS on Fletcher gate and come rain or shine have at least two visits to Wollaton Hall, lasting 3/4 hours a time. They were at Nottm on  Goose fair week but didn't realise at the time. When they found out it opened on the Wednesday, they walked up Mansfield Rd in the evening and had over two hours walking round. They loved the atmosphere and sampled all the treats of the fair(being foodies like Momma). It finished their break off  with a great tradition thrown in as well.


    They don't remember the Nottm that I knew, but they certainly love the city as they know it, and I am very proud to be a Nottm Gel, and after all these years I have never lost my accent, and no intention of losing it now. Mi ducks.:)


    PS Just remembered. The university is top of the list for Gdaughter as we have taken her to four now and Nottm specialises in Maths, which is her best subject.

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  7. I've just done a bit of sleuthing and have discovered that the banner and light background colour is the format when I first get on NS, as soon as I sign in  it goes back to the usual colour minus the banner again. No problem, only an observation. It gives me summat to do.Just call me Mrs Sherlock Holmes.:biggrin: 

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  8. I had the banner and colour change early this morning. The background colour was a lot lighter, but I had to switch off for a few hours and now it's back to the usual format?

    Just remembered, it was about 6.30am this morning when I had the changes. Mick2Me was on line, so perhaps he was having a twiddle with the format. :biggrin:

  9. First of all I thought there was some sort of rescue going on, as about a quarter of the way down the dark opening there appears to be a small head with a helmet on and a small hand, but then I noticed two big dark eyes and a nose?on the left top of the picture, looking straight at me. Is it a baby animal or bird. Perhaps an owl or sommat??? wanting to come in?

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  10. Thanks Jonab, We do need a reliable SatNav for when we have to find a specific destination and homeward journey, but would never use one for our countryside expeditions, you're right, it would spoil it for us. We never get lost for long, we know we are somewhere in England most of the time! In fact we are just taking Daughter and G-Daughter on one of those trips as soon as we have finished drinking tea and messing about on computers.:biggrin:

  11. Aaayup Miducks. As you know we are often out in the countryside enjoying the scenery and completely getting lost (well sort of) deliberately. We always manage to get back home though, eventually. All part of the fun. Hubbs would like to replace our oldish SatNav for his birthday next week, and he only wants one to cover 'The British Isles' as we will only ever be visiting these isles, neither of us has any interest in going further afield. I wondered if any of you NS have  a good or bad opinion on what is on offer in the shops and bearing in mind we can't spend a fortune, as we need to keep the spare dosh for any Cafes, Icecream parlours and Tea Rooms that we happen to pass while we are lost........:biggrin:

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  12. The bought sauce keeps for a while in the fridge, I'm not sure how the home made one keeps Miduck, so try half the ingredients for a smaller amount of sauce until you know whether you like it or not. We chop our Gerkins and Capers quite small. 

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  13. 4 hours ago, plantfit said:

    Notice how the trike is a nice snug fit in my shed,a thing of beauty waiting to emerge from the chaos of clutter,just like a butterfly changing from chrysalis

    Just like ours Plantfit only Cycles. Oh, I love to be neat and


    DSCN0886.jpgimg upload

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