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Posts posted by carni

  1. 20 hours ago, plantfit said:

    This is the shed I keep the trike in,just enough room for it to fit down the middle,


     Back home from hols now and at last I have WIFI again. I have missed so many posts during the last two weeks, with WIFI going off and on. This Sheds thread is so funny, you lot have started my day off with laughter. I never thought 'Sheds' could be so interesting, but you Nottstalgians have managed it. Great stuff.


    Plantfit, your shed is identical to our garage, attached to the side of the house. The only difference is the space where your trike fits is where our cycles manage to fit in.The two sheds at the bottom of the garden are equally as organised. One with garden tools and tuther with garden furniture. 


    Benj, I can't wait for your shed story. So happy to read your recovery is going well.You are  doing OK miduck.


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  2. Derbyshire Miners Convalescence Home.

    I'm sure we have a thread going on this place of past holidays and happy memories for some of our members, but I can't find it! Sort me out CliffTon. My post could be added to it if need be.


    Just heard on the local news at Skegvegas that 'The now named Miners Retreat' is finally closing, due to lack of customers and losing money. Tomorrow is the end of an era. I personally never stayed there, but because dad was a miner, it was there for us if wanted. Mam went a couple of times with her sister in the 60/70s. There are plenty of images on the internet, to remind people of happy holidays.

    Skegness Sands site is adjacent to the building and it wouldn't surprise me if the owner snapped it up. 

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  3. 'Cor Blimey Guv' My tummy is so full. We were quite happily cycling away down the lanes around Jinglebells when my eyes spotted a 2p piece in the gutter, off my saddle did I leap and into my pocket it went.


    We realised that we had stopped outside of the 'Cherry Tree' public house, advertising 'Sunday Carvery'! Well you have to try the wares when on holiday....don't you? Fabulous lunch I have to say, £6.75 or £5.75, husband paid for two large ones, not knowing the dimensions. Big mistake, there was as much on the plate as I would have served up between four. We will know to go small next time. Back in the caravan now, having dessert....Mince pies with custard (Freebies from the management yesterday, when I returned my contaminated pies)


    Only four days left here in Skegvegas, having a wonderful much needed break. Had so many things done to me lately  checking out a problem that I  have developed, and we have to return from hols a day early for a fast track scan on Thursday afternoon. Had a great time tho, weather been brillo, it forecast 22c but made it to 24c. Lots of sunshine over the last few days, really lifts the spirits. Just love Skeggy.

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  4. Results.

    The manager couldn't have done a better job. Well done to his efficiency. Straight away, the details were relayed to head office, who in turn  contacted the makers, who would instruct the shop as to their decision. I pointed out that; if the batch stayed on the shelf while this was happening, people could still buy one. I was told they had started the ball rolling and procedures were all happening at that precise moment.


    I will be contacted by the manufacturers at some point. No problem with that. The safety of the public priority, and for myself I was given two boxes of mince pies (their own brand, at my request) and the cost of my original pies refunded.

    Dilemma sorted.



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  5. Both replies have confirmed what I thought I should do. As expected, I don't have my receipt anymore, but If I make it clear that my intention is to bring the problem to light for the safety of others then I hope it will be dealt with properly. Really, the whole batch ought to be removed from the shelf.   We will see?

    Sorry reply is late, Internet connection keeps going off!

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  6. A situation that could have had serious consequences, but didn't, thankfully. Tell me what you would do about it or just leave it?

    27th Sept, here in Skegness we bought some mince pies,from a large supermarket, but not their own make. Last night, I sampled one. I had a second bite and just about to take another and realised there was a piece of soft blue latex type plastic, the texture was very fine, reminded me of the gloves you sometimes see staff wearing who deal with food, it was hanging out of the pie. I realised that I had probably eaten some of it.


    Dilemma. Do I go to the shop and show them or just forget it. If I had some in my pie, there could well be more in the batch made that day? What does the team think, I really don't know if I should ignore or report it?

  7. 10 hours ago, PeverilPeril said:

    I can't help reading newspapers from back to front


    Same here PP.  It is the same with magazines, papers, menus etc. I start from the back and if I find an article that interests me, then I go to  the beginning and read it through. I tried it with books, but it doesn't work.:rolleyes:


    I have just Googled the subject  and we are not alone, as to why we start at the back of the paper, I have yet to discover?:)

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  8. CAKE..........Did I read CAKE. I don't know what you are doing .....but count me in!


    Sorry you are not seeing much of me Miducks, but I am at Skegvegas in a caravan for two weeks and the flippin' WIFI is on off on off all the while. So if you can't read this will know it's off???:blink:. Seriously, there really is a bad connection, but I'm doing my best to keep up with NS and all the gang. The weather here is fabulous. Hope you're all getting some sunshine where ever you are.:)

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  9. My Maternal side of the family were Mansfield people.  lovely folks. Granddad was a teetotaler all his life, but loved a ciggy. Grandma didn't drink or smoke, but at my wedding she sampled her first beer at the age of 70 (my age now). Bless her, for the next hour she thought she was a fairy. :) 


    They had six daughters, four born in Mansfield and two in Vicarage St Nottingham.


    I  know that somewhere in a cemetery in Mansfield I will find my Ancesters. Must make a point of finding where?

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  10. HaHa, You could be right there plantfit. I bet that a big proportion of people smoked at the time when most of these suburbs and roads were built.  We have a thread on NS somewhere about unusual road names, we could add a few place names of interest to it, I do enjoy reading how places got their names.

    Thank you for the link DaveN, Very interesting again, I have just scanned through it, and will read in depth when I've mashed me morning cuppa.

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  11. I can understand  it not being on a menu, the cooked version with onions and mash, never tempted me, it looked and smelled disgusting (to me). I don't recall ever trying it. The smell was enough. The cut up tripe with s/p and vinegar was a memory that has stayed with me, after all these years, I can picture us four older siblings sitting around mam on the sofa, all trying to find the biggest pieces and laughing. The thought of eating it today, along with other cheap delicacys that we ate in my childhood repulses me now. What about Pigs trotters, cows heel, Oh my goodness, I'm not even going there! :wacko:

  12. 3 minutes ago, LizzieM said:

    I’m sure she said my grandad ate it raw, would that be right?!!!!


    Ooooh Yes Lizzie he probably did eat it raw. We did.Lol. Mam would cut it all up into bite size squares, put it on a large plate,, sprinkle salt/pepper and vinegar and we would sit round her picking a piece and dipping it in the vinegar. mmmmm, yummy. We all ate the favourite honeycomb pieces first. I don't think I have eaten any since I married and moved away in 1966. Long time ago. I couldn't eat it now!:wacko:


    Hope your boys stay safe Lizzie. They will soon be home.:)

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