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Posts posted by carni

  1. 2 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

    Just used my new voice to the wife by phone for first time,,must have told her sumat nice,,she was crying,,mind you i was too,


    You know what Jim Reeves says 'Put Your Sweet Lips a Little Closer to the Phone' Whatever you said benj, Donna will have loved it. 'I'm nearly cryin' annawl miduck'.

    As Lizzie says 'Onwards and Upwards'  Grand to see you posting benj.:)

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  2. Mess, Thanks for the warning. We occasionally think about it, husband is all for it and I am not. The adverts make it so tempting, but nothing is for free? We both have health issues but I am hoping we are around for quite a few more years. I darn't do the sums as to what happens to the house if we manage to be here for 10 or more years. I hope I never get talked into going for it. We will see. I do like to read the opinions of ordinary people who are like me. I tend to have more faith in their words than in the happy smiling adverts.

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  3. 44 minutes ago, trogg said:

    Whan that aprill with his shoures soote
    The droghte of march hath perced to the roote,
    And bathed every veyne in swich licour
    Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
    Whan zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
    Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
    Tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
    Hath in the ram his halve cours yronne,
    And smale foweles maken melodye,
    That slepen al the nyght with open ye
    (so priketh hem nature in hir corages);


    Hope this works trogg. It is a bit clearer.

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  4. Thank you David, I have been browsing through the page. So many names in there  that my mind was positively boggled. I think it's best to read a little at a time. I quite often go into that link when I feel in a browsing mood, lots of goings on in them there olden days. There are quite a few surnames still around in the Gedling, Colwick, Carlton etc areas, that I knew to when growing up there. Of course there is the story of Savilles murder of his wife and three children. I always look up when we drive past the  Colwick woods and get a shiver at the thought. Thanks again, I always like to read about Nottm, particularly my side of the city.

  5. I enjoyed reading the Link David, anything to do with 'The Pleasure Park' always intrigues me. It was a big part of a lot of our young lives, yet very few photos seem to be around. I am always on the look out for pictures, but never find any. We weren't rich enough to own a camera so the only pictures I have are the ones in my memory. Someday when someone is having a sort out there is a chance a few pictures will turn up. Please get the shoe boxes out from under your beds and see if there are any old 'Pleasure Park' images in there collecting dust!


     An interesting Link, I imagine Michael Booth will enjoy the link, when he sees it. There has to be some memories in there for you Michael. 

  6. Well mi ducks. We have had a busy day. Up at 5.30am, loaded the car up and  we were on the way to the car boot sale for 6.00am. We made £100 pounds between us, not a big amount I know but £50 of space each now in the garage. We still have most of our collection to sell yet, but wanted to get daughters sorted out first, so, not tomorrow (rain forecast) but BH Monday we will do it all again, pretty sure from what I saw today we should make that amount again. It is very unpredictable what people will buy, the things that you think will sell well come back home and the things you don't, go first?


     I think we must be getting on a bit, I have been to sleep on the  sofa for an hour and now it's Hubbs turn on tuther sofa. He is making some strange noises? Bless Him. Time to cook tea, I need a burst of energy from somewhere. Perhaps when Hubbs wakes up, I can persuade him to have something that goes ding today. Hope So!:biggrin:

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  7. Phew! Just had the fright of my life (well nearly). having just got home from my (first cycle ride since my little procedure on Aug 6th). Sitting by our Patio Door enjoying a sandwich, feet on the pouffe, watching the birds just outside on the feeders. Mr and Mrs Blackbird and a young one, one little robin, only just beginning to show some red on its breast and various sparrows, taking baths and drinks from our bird bath. Very Peaceful!!!


    All of a sudden out of nowhere, Chaos, the ' Robin Red' shrubs were shaking all over the place, ( just like a scene from Jurrassic Park) birds flapping amongst the branches, a dirty great big Sparrow Hawk hit the Patio Door about four foot from where I was sitting, tea and tuna sarnis all over me, a few expletives uttered, at the same time a cat scarpered off up the garden, we think it had something in its mouth (Murderer). All over in about two seconds.  I'll never be the same again. Where's mi tablets.

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  8. On 8/21/2018 at 11:35 AM, jonab said:

    On the top floor was an excellent restaurant.


     I had my first experience in Jessops restaurant of 'Welsh Rarebit' one Saturday lunchtime in 1962/3. Until then I had only had common or garden 'Cheese on Toast' at home! I had just finished my morning shift at my Saturday job, learning 'Silver Service table waiting' at the CO-OP restaurant. That 'Welsh Rarebit' took all my mornings wage up in one go. I never went again, but I enjoyed it so much that I learnt the recipe and still enjoy it, I never fail to think of my visit to Jessops when I have that meal.

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  9. It looks to me by the descriptions of the 'Meat Safe' from you all, that they were all similar. Grandmas was embedded in the wall, all you really saw was the mesh door on the front. It was completely sealed apart from the door. I imagine the cold earth would be what kept the contents cool.


    The last time I saw it was probably around 1966/8 so my memory might not be to accurate. Grandma went to live in a wardened flat behind the big church at the bottom of Carlton Hill around that time so I never went to the house again. I have Googled the house, and drove by when I have been back to Gedling but it is now overgrown with trees and large shrubs. No chance of looking to see if there is any thing left of the safe.


    6 hours ago, Commo said:

    smooth them out by running a halfpenny round and round on the inside of the top, made them skim even better!

     Commo, I've never tried that. I tell you what though,  I'm still pretty cool at getting a good distance with my skimming any road.:biggrin:

  10. The 'Meat Safe' in Compos Chapel St Leanards caravan picture on page 13 has bought back my memory of the one Grandma had. She lived at the top of Chatsworth Ave Carlton. Living on a steep hill, her back garden was raised and had a concrete wall holding it up 'I imagine'. Directly opposite the back door, was one of those 'Meat Safes' embedded in the wall. It always fascinated me as a child, and if we had to fetch milk for her she was very strict to make sure we closed it. I would love to see if it is still there?


    Talking about the milk bottles of old. How many of you can remember holding the silver tops between the index and middle finger and spinning them across the room, just like a flying saucer. Kept me happy for ages.:biggrin:

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  11. Just getting back in the normality swing after a very enjoyable week in Devon with Hubbs and Daughter and Granddaughter. Those two girls are in my life so much on a daily basis, it is a special feeling to be loved and to love back. 

    When my Granddaughter was born 18yrs ago in December,  my Daughter was really not well for quite a while. I spent a lot of time with her and that wonderful little baby. I believe I bonded as if she was my own. My daughter appreciated me very much and made sure I have been given the honour of being a big part of their lives.


    Today my feelings have been all over the place, so proud and a feeling of changes not so far away. Our Granddaughter got her A level results, when we got back off holiday. Maths, Biology, Science all straight As. Next year hopefully it will be University. and this morning she passed her driving test as well. So that gorgeous Gel is now a young woman embarking on adventures of her own.


    I'm a very mixed up ode kid today. I know what started it off. I was listening to the song from Mama mia. I think its called 'Slipping through my fingers' sung by Meryle Streep to her Daughter on her wedding day.  That's it..........where's the chocolate and ice cream.:biggrin:

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