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Posts posted by carni

  1. I don't know what BP is like at the end of the day because we are usually done in and flopped in our comfy chairs, feet up, tucking in to our fuddles by then. The main area has such a lot of entertainment and lots of people go there just for that, as we have done ourselves in the past, but we are out too much in the day to face the nightlife anymore.  During the day just out of season it is great, so much improvement has been carried out over the last few years. The Prom is so clean, the sand is so clean and even the sea looks clean. The view for as far as you can see each way is pure golden sand. Lovely. A bit different to  the 1980/90s when we used to visit. I won't describe some of the disgusting stuff floating in the sea, and on the sands in those days. Who ever has had the improvements done, should be very proud. We cycle from Lytham along the road and then get onto the prom where it begins, giving us a clear ride for three miles to the Tower, very pleasant. Can't wait for September, going to do the same again at Skeggy.:biggrin: 


    Just read your post catfan, and I agree about the beggers. We were asked for money three times in about twenty minutes one day. Back in Lytham one day, inside Tesco Express, we were actually asked if we had a spare pound, the young man had his arms full of Lager and wine. He said it was for his friends and they hadn't given him enough money. I wont tell you what I said to him!

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  2. Glad you had a good time at Blackpool catfan. We are still here at Lytham St Annes until tomorrow. We have had a really great two weeks, a very quiet holiday, just what we needed. Fabulous sunshine every day until today, and it has rained most of the day, but that is not a problem, it makes it easier to accept the holiday is over. We like to have the two weeks running up to the bank holiday every year, everything is up and running but not  too hectic. We were probably out on the cycles the day you went to St Annes, we cycled every day. Definitely  need to go home now for a rest. :biggrin:

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  3. Had another smashing day here in Lytham St Annes. The weather couldn't be better, but today we have been like two 70odd year olds instead of youngs. We have cycled 113miles over the last 8 days, not a lot to some people, but to us rather plump, foodies, it has taken its toll. No cycling today, we decided to take it easy, wish we could say the same about the munching. The weather looks good for tomorrow, so we will probably be out early in the morning, I feel a 20miler coming on. :biggrin:

    • Like 9
  4. 1 hour ago, loppylugs said:

    She aint 'ere.


    She aint far away miduck. Livin' it up at the seaside. Never like to miss a sing song . Ok Choir, let us begin

    Goodness Gracious

    How Flirtatious........It is Me...........It is You......Ah I am sorry.............IT IS BOTH...........AAAAH.. Applause for the NS Choir. thumbsup

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  5. To you all who are not fans of Blackpool, believe it or not I am with you. I wouldn't stay a night in Blackpool if it was offered  free. I can't take the noise anymore! In years gone by we have had some great times, lots of laughs and happy memories made there,  but that was when we wanted the nightlife. Shows, Dancing, Singing, Laughing, and meeting people. These days all we want is the quiet life. I can't drink Alcohol anymore because of health issues and medication, so late nights out don't hold much interest for us, I realise that most people under the influence of too much booze aren't much fun, they just think they are.

    For a lovely, peaceful, slightly upmarket place, just travel five miles past BP to Lytham St Annes (where we stay) or approx nine miles to Lytham which is even nicer. We choose this part of the coast as the terrain is very flat and we love to cycle. Catfan, I'm not sure what you will think of BP these days.Most of what you hear about the place, seems about right. Go with an open mind. I sincerely hope you both have a good time,  

    • Like 1
  6. Bostin'  bit of sunshine here in Lytham St Annes. Shorts weather as hubbs puts it.  Just off for a car ride now to Freeport shopping outlets at Fleetwood. I feel a serious spend coming on at the Sketchers outlet, then a little rest for an hour before it's cycles out for our daily peddle to Blackpool. We can only stand the Razzmatazz for about an hour, so we don't stay long. Just long enough for an Icecream. Must to be had.:biggrin:

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  7. I really loved that song. I learnt to speak 'Proper French ', Gedling style of course from listening very carefully.

    All together now.......No Noyleh Tar?

    Dunt sound right does it.:biggrin:


    Only jesting. As with so many songs with foreign lyrics, I found a way of singing along.

    Elvis Presley singing Wooden Heart was another one, .......


    Lucy Den Lucy Den, Oowoo Shtate a lady now, Shtate a lady now, Ooh Doo my stut bline stin. I learnt 'Proper Gedling German' from that one.:biggrin: Don't get me started on  Charles Aznavour, Swoon.


    Anyway, we are here in sunny Lytham St Annes, just starting our second day of a two week holiday. Sun Shining, already sampled the fish and chips yesterday so not sure what delights today holds for us. The cycles are awaiting as I type. Mustn't keep hubbs waiting, he has his foot on the peddle as we speak. Bye for now NS buddies.:biggrin:




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  8. 13 minutes ago, Cliff Ton said:

    (I realize you may have been struck by predictive texting)

    Not really predictive texting CliffTon, just me typing too quickly for my grey cells to keep up with! I meant You Tube.:wacko:


    Hers a boster, or Hers bostin, in Black Country talk translated to Nottinghamese means, She int arf loveleh. :biggrin:

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  9. We picked our son and partner up at 8.30am this morning and headed for Chasewater, which is a very short drive from home. When we got there just after 9.15am it wasn't too busy and already very warm. The youngies walked around the lake while us oldies sampled the delights of the cafe in the disused railway station. A very nice destination for anyone looking for a day out. All the usual attraction plus speed boat rides, chuffa train rides,cycle hire?, small fair rides plus areas for  food and icecream. A lovely couple of hours spent there.


    From there it got very busy everywhere. We drove to Stourport, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, dropping the youngies off at Bewdley, so they could walk the 4miles (approx) along the Severn to Stourport and we would be there to pick them up!!!! Wrong, after dropping them off, we tried to park at Bewdley for a walk round the stalls that were there for the holiday, but no chance of parking, so we drove to Stourport to await our phone call, couldn't even get into the place. At that, we got a phone call from son, saying they couldn't walk by the river any more and the road was to dangerous to walk. The last time we did that walk was nearly 30yrs ago and all the little bushes are now full grown trees making parts of the walk almost impassable, so off we went to find them. Picked them up and headed for Bridgnorth. No chance of parking so Chris hovered in the car while we popped in the F.C shop and pulled up out of the town to eat them.


    So all in all it was a very hit and miss day, but always nice to get together with sonny boy, besides, he paid for the F/C.:biggrin:

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  10. We never saw the first series, so I look forward one day to catching up on it. We used to go to Butlins quite a lot  in the 70/80s and some of the episodes of BD really remind me of those crazy days and nights. We met a few people on those holidays that could have fit in with the BD cast easily. You can always give the real Benedorm a whirl benj, pretty sure you would soon have a few tales to tell.:biggrin:

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  11. 30 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

    ..anyone else admit to enjoying it ?

     I love Benidorm. Did you say it's the last one tomorrow night. Shame, I love daft, and you can't get much dafter than BD. My favourite characters are, Kenneth, Joyce Temple Savage, (The late Donald) and Jacqueline, Geoff Maltby, played by Johnny Vegas and my all time favourite is his mum Noreen Maltby played by the lovely Elsie Kelly, but in reality I think most of them are great.

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  12. We had in the past three Irish Red Setters. The one died at about eighteen months with Gastro Enteritis?, The vet did an autopsy,  he suspected some kind of poisoning.  Long story, so I will leave it there. That one really broke my heart.The other two lived full happy lives, though not particularly long ones. the one had various illnesses through her life and eventually succumbed to one of them at 11 yrs. The really sad ending was that the other one must have been so sad that she went into a coma and died ten days later. We couldn't take the heart ache again so never had anymore.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 18 hours ago, katyjay said:

    'Blue against green, should never be seen, except on fools' . Nowadays, anything goes, and very often does,


    11 hours ago, Gem said:

    This one was used when I was young  Blue and Green should never be seen without a colour in between


     The first saying I remember well and would never mix those colours because of it. BUT. I like the idea best that Gem recalled. I have a plain light weight round necked  emerald green jumper, and an azure blue silk scarf with pink roses, flashes of cream and green leaves that compliment the jumper. As I have got older, things like this don't bother me at all and I wouldn't be a slave to someone elses colour matches anymore. I wore these colours for my birthday yesterday and thought they looked lovely together. :)

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  14. I posted a picture onto the 'Nottingham Falcons' thread earlier today and there was no sign of a warning message. I have just clicked into 'Postimage' again to check and there is no message again. I feel concerned about this. Does anyone have any information on how to check the safety of 'Postimage' and have I compromised my Laptop by adding a picture earlier?