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Posts posted by carni

  1. On 23/11/2014 at 3:50 PM, Chulla said:

    When people hear my nickname 'Chulla' for the first time they invariably ask how it came about - it happened twice at one of the Nottstalgia meet-ups. It comes from schoolboy silliness back in 1953 and is a bit complicated . Having the surname Birch (it should be Newton, but we won't go there), I inevitably got the nickname 'Butch' in class. At that time there was a comic-strip cartoon character called Butch the Burglar. The two were put together by a lad named Brian Austin and for a little while I was 'Butch the burglar'. This was quickly shortened to Butchelar, (Butch the burglar) and then finally became the rear-end of the latter to give the phonetic Chullar (Butchelar). Some called me Chillar, others Chulla - I settled for the latter.

    Daft I call it, but it has stuck. I have met people I have not seen in decades who immediately call me Chulla - and I rather like it. As for Brian Austin, we shared a sense of humour, and sadly he died many years ago. I subsequently learned that among the varied jobs he had, one was running a club in the row of shops near the Capitol cinema, opposite Berridge Road.


    Here it is. I knew he had explained his name some time ago.


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  2. Do you know, I had a conversation about where the name Chulla arose from, and I could kick myself because for the life of me all I can remember him telling me was that it was a mate,  who dubbed him Chulla. He even told me his name? What a shame I can't remember. There you go, I've just told you something and nothing. Perhaps KJ will know.:rolleyes:

  3. 4 hours ago, denshaw said:

    One of our members has done a nude calendar, pictures are on here somewhere.


    :) In the words of Maurice Chevalier 1958 GIGI 'Yes, I remember it well'.  I just can't remember which thread? Very tastefully done  miducks.:)

  4. 5 hours ago, DJ360 said:

    Howabout we get the choir to pose for a nude calendar? ( Tastefully done obviously... no Liberty Bodices..) I bet nobody's thought of that before....


    I bet there are a few people out there who are glad about that DJ. :faint:

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  5. Looks like Morrisons are celebrating St Georges Day. (About time someone did) Chris has just got back from ours and every one is being given a red rose to celebrate the day with them.. I asked him why he didn't keep popping back in, I could have had a lovely bunch for nowt in the end. 


    PS. When he walked in with the rose and I went all gooey and dewy eyed, he did confess that he hadn't bought it. :rolleyes:

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  6. When Whipoorwills call.

    And evening is nigh,

    I'm happy in my

    Blue Heaven. Sorry LL, I couldn't resist it. Another one mi mam used to sing to us.


    I bet it sounds like the deepest jungle round your way, when that lot start singing LL. I have only heard a Woodpecker a few times and one of those was on a tree in our back garden. I don't know how ever they don't injure themselves pecking at that speed, they must have very hard beaks.

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  7. Well, you learn something every day. Jonab, very interesting post, it got our inquisitive juices flowing so I just Googled St Patrick. Thought this was an interesting site. He could even be Welsh according to this account?


    Hope the sun shines for you RR.


    PS, Will be flying the flag tomorrow. Must get the board out today, it could do with ironing!:)



  8. Don't the birds always sound so happy. I was woken at 4.15am to the sound of a multitude of birds singing. I personally haven't felt like singing at that time of the morning for years. I must say they sound as if they haven't got a care in the world. Are they just singing or nattering to each other, probably deciding what they are going to fill their day with, trying to survive must be priority I think.


    Ah well, just finished my Ovaltine, the birds are still going for it, I'm wide awake now so no point in trying to nod of again. I'll just wait for daybreak and check the Nottm Falcons, see if I can get a decent picture. Yaaaaawn,  they are still singing, but a bit quieter now, perhaps they are all going to have an early morning nod zzzz .  Ayup.....sudden silence. mmm. Well perhaps I will shut my sleepy eyes and try again. Here goes. Can't say 'night night' 'cos its not any more. :sleeping:lol.


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  9. I have been sitting here with my  finger poised waiting for inspiration to come and I can't find the right words, nothing is coming into my mind. All I can say is I feel so sad but also so glad to have got to know Chulla for the short time we had.  Seeing everyone today showed how much we all thought of him in our own way. It appears he had such a knack of being natural, comical and caring and he endeared himself to us all. Chris and I already miss him on NS and think we always will. The service today was very appropriate to how Chulla shared his beliefs with us. Thank you to Linda and Barbara for letting us join in today and share the farewell for Chulla. I hope this post is OK, I wanted to write something and have found it hard to put into words.

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  10. 38 minutes ago, Compo said:

    I was on my old British made mountain bike, so no damage was done.

     Have to agree with you Compo. I have had my Raleigh Transcend over ten years now and I have put the poor thing through some serious ordeals. Spent many times on its side in the mud, hit a few walls and pavements and apart from quite badly scratched paintwork, nothing has ever broken. Love It. I dread the day it can't take anymore and I have to have another one.:) 

    Just putting my laptop down now so as we can go for a towpath ride. Not sure if it will be Staffs and Worc, Shrop Union or the Birmingham Main line.Love them all.

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  11. 1 hour ago, catfan said:

    As much as Mrs C tells me she loves me, there is no chance of me letting her loose with a razor near my throat, thankyou very much !


    I had to laugh catfan, I saw your post just after I finished Chris's monthly hair cut, ear and eyebrow pampering. He looks so sweet now, posing in front of the mirror with pursed lips. How ever that man trusts me near his ear holes with a pair of very pointy scissors, I'll never know.  Must be love.:crazy:

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  12. 7 hours ago, IAN123. said:

    I saw him the year he died and looked tanned but tired and signed an old EP for me.


     We followed him around the West Mids on his last tour. He was wearing his original leather trousers on stage, and was very thin and fake tanned, being a big fan, Billy could do no wrong and even though he had had to alter the notes on some of his songs as his voice was a little weaker, he was still the best for me. We queued for his autograph after the show at the 'Kingfisher Club'. I still have it and all the paper clippings following him until his sad end came far to early. 

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  13. During our childhood in the 50s, the big house on the corner behind the road sign was just a ruin. We spent many days playing around in the garden and the remains of the house. It was a doll factory of some kind at one stage and remnants of broken dolls would be found scattered around. These days Health and Safety would have had the place made out of bounds, but not in those days, it kept us local children happy playing amongst the rubble.

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