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Posts posted by carni

  1. No CT, not quite like that. I can't remember exactly, but the bottom option was to sign in or out. Another was to sign in anonymously, which I haven't used for a while. I always sign out at the end of the day so I can close my lap top down completely. Never had a problem until today.

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  2. Thank you RR, will do our best. :)

    I will be at the front of the queue when I get the chance for the vaccine. I am worried in case of any adverse reactions, but after this last few weeks, I don't think our lungs would be able to take the illness again. 

  3. 3 hours ago, radfordred said:

    Not sure everyone's afraid,

     I really wish that more people were afraid. For their own safety.


     I don't think anyone who hasn't witnessed in reality a person down on their hands and knees gasping  with a chest full of liquid trying to drown them with each breath they take, can honestly not be scared. That was me, four weeks ago for nearly two weeks, and watching my husband carted off to hospital to be given oxygen, and having to go, frightened without me.


    The people who aren't frightened might just change their minds if they have to endure the very frightening reality of Covid 19.


    Five weeks down the line and we are still having dreadful symptoms, still causing panic when we struggle to breath through the coughing fits. I'm sure if the people who keep flouting the rules would carry on if they  saw someone going through this illness.


    I dread to think what will happen in January, as so many people are going to carry on over Christmas. as usual.


    I do hope you all manage to keep safe.

    • Like 15
  4. Margie is right. I keep popping in to see how you all are. Thankyou all so much for your posts.


    I'm afraid we are not very well the pair of us. This must be the 'Long Covid' that we hear about because we seem to make an improvement and then  drop right back again. Which is where we are now. I have had to go back to bed and Chris is downstairs horizontal on the sofa. I like the peace and quiet , and he likes to be where the tele is. We will eventually get over this but for now we have no energy or umph between us.


    First thing on my day and last thing at night, I check you all out to see what you are up to, and throughout the day I like to know If I am missing anything. 


    I never thought anything would put me off my beloved cream cakes/sweeties, but this bloomin' virus has  certainly  made my sweet taste so strong I can't eat sweet stuff at all.


    I just want to add, Covid 19 is a horrible illness in many ways, but to have two people ill in the same house with it, who feel that bad they can't help the other one is awful. Anyway to you all, take care and I know this is a long post, but again, if it puts just one of you off taking a risk, it's worth

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  5. Thankyou all. 

    1 hour ago, Beekay said:

    Ps is anyone able to keep an eye on you?

     We have had a lot of offers of help. Daughter is cooking daily to tempt us to eat, more often than not, we put it in the fridge until next day. Messages getting to us to phone neighbours for any reason. I think it took a few days for people to realise we haven't been seen cycling for a while. We are blessed with good neighbours and caring family. 

    • Like 9
  6. On 11/21/2020 at 8:58 PM, carni said:

    Chris is now on antibiotics for chest infection. The coughs are horrendous, there is no let up day and night.


    Little update on CV..At 10.30pm last night I had to send for an Ambulance, Chris was struggling to breathe and was getting panicky. The Paramedics were brilliant, they decided to take him in after tests showed oxygen levels low. They suspected a small clot had formed apparently, this can happen with Covid. I wasn't allowed to go with him as I am positive as well. He was brought home at 4.30am, still coughing. No let up still. I am not as ill as Chris but still very much sofa bound!

    I hope my posts can be a constant reminder to you all that anyone can get ill, if reading makes you all extra careful, that is my aim.

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  7. Thankyou Lizzie.

    I keep popping in to NS throughout the day, but I'm afraid I haven't got any staying power at the moment, This virus has really knocked us about. I don't know if it  our age but there is a lot more to it than we expected.


    Our daughter/granddaughter are both fine now, but we are far from it. Chris is now on antibiotics for chest infection. The coughs are horrendous, there is no let up day and night. We have no strength between us, can't even walk from one room to another without getting exhausted.


    We are just hoping for some improvement soon, it would have  been  the supposed end of our  isolation on Tuesday, but we have been told that while we still have symptoms we must stay in. That is no problem, because we haven't got the strength to go anywhere 

    Look after yourselves Miducks.x

    • Like 11
  8. 58 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

    '''come on baby and be my guest' we'll have some dancing and the rest......GO  Carnie  ........

    Aw Miducks,

    Wish I could get up and Go, sorry to be mardy miducks but this ere virus has knocked us for six. I will give you a singsong when I can stay awake for long

    • Like 8
  9.  Thankyou for your good wishes PP.

    There are more Girl footballers around PP. Our next door neighbours daughter is captain of the Wolves Womens Football team. Anna Price. fabulous player. I bet your Granddaughter and Anna will have crossed paths at some matches.



  10. 9 hours ago, nonnaB said:

    I was just thinking about your post a few days ago when you said your neighbours were positive. Is it possible that in some way you could have been infected by them

     Even though our homes are semi detached we have very little close contact with each other, even in the summer. We speak mainly from around 20ft  plus apart, when we catch each other out the front. That may sound like we are not a friendly bunch, but we couldn't possibly have better neighbours, both sides of us are brilliant. I would say definitely not the source of our infection.


    We have been bombarded with NHS track and trace texts, last night Chris received 32 texts in about 2hrs. We eventually got called on the home phone and spent 45mins answering questions about where we had been from around 5days before first symptom appeared. Then it was my turn, we had to be questioned individually. 


    Good news now.......I feel better in my self this morning, the scary cough is settling down a bit, though I am nervous in case there is a sting in the tail yet to come. Chris seems to be a day behind me in symtoms. 

    Take care all.xx

    • Like 6
  11. hearteyesThis is to all of you who I know I might have missed giving some likes for your encouraging posts, but my finger gets tired, so I have a rest, then I nod off, when I wake up I have forgotten what I was doing, so some of you might be missed? Does that make sense? slywink

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  12. Thankyou all, you are very kind. It does lift the spirits to know people care.


     It is so worrying the way this virus can spread and the speed it brings you down.


    On the day of my first symptom, I was perfectly ok, I felt normal, I attended a Warfarin Clinic early in the morning, I cooked a meal for us and gave one to  an old friend, also shopped in Morrisons and at 4pm gave our son a lift home from work.


    Today the government want a list of all people who may have contacted us while infected. All of these people came into contact with me in the hours before it became  clear that there was a problem., all on that same Tuesday10th 


    The reason I keep posting is, that I am so shocked  about it all, I want you all to hear about my personal experience in the hope it makes you all  even more careful. Stay Safe.x




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  13. The shop was an open fronted one NonnaB, and I didn't touch any of the goods. BUT. The two assistants didn't have masks or gloves. Between them they both handled the products I bought. (I never thought at the time) I went in last Thursday and got my first symptom on Tuesday, which  falls in with the expected  days. Tomorrow we will have to sort out who we have to inform. I was at the Warfarin clinic on the Tuesday, it was after going there that I felt the first tickle in my throat, so we need to get it made known quickly.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Brew said:

    any ideas where you picked it up?


    Absolutely no idea. We have cycled most days but not come into  contact with people. We have shopped at Morrisons but followed the correct procedure eg....Cleaned the basket handles with the cleanser provided, our hands also sanitised on the way in, and again with our personal sanitiser in the car after shopping. 


    I did one Christmas shop last Thursday, I only went into one place 'The Perfume Shop' in W-ton Wulfrun Center. In and out in approx 15mins. Everyone having perfume gifts this year. 


    Still in bed but my chest seems to be easier. Thank Goodness.  All I can say after knowing how careful we have been is, no one is safe.

  15. I just want to give you all (My Cyber  Buddies) a little insight as to the speed this nasty virus can take you down. We have been as we thought, more than careful in social distancing/ Masks etc all the warnings we have taken into account. But. Not enough.


    Tuesday morning, I developed a tiny tickle in my throat, slowly over the day it got worse. By bedtime I had the kind of cough we have all had sometime in our life, but this time I couldn't break it! Very scary through the night, so much that we phoned for a test Wednesday morning. They fit us in for 11am. I have been in bed since. One hour ago we received texts to say we are both positive for the virus. Our Daughter and Granddaughter have tests tomorrow.

    Husband has had heart attack and is diabetic, and I have heart issues, so I am very afraid. 


    Please be extra careful, we thought we were safe.  Not So. x

  16. Sadly as time goes on, we seem to now know of people in our areas or relations coming down with the virus. It was figures and graphs once, but now it is names we know.


    I'm sad to say that the family living in the adjoining side of our semi have fallen victim to the virus now. The eldest of three children was diagnosed on Sunday so the whole family are now isolating themselves. Apparently the school at Telford has children with the virus, so they think she caught it there???? 


    Yesterday we took our Granddaughter to the Aston Uni, to bring all of her belongings back home, so she is not alone in the rooms on her corridor at the campus. She is not one for night life/Parties or revelling it up, and has decided to study from home, where at least she has her mums company and us Grandies just around the corner. The other seven students on her corridor  have all gone home already.


    Look after yourselves everyone.




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