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Posts posted by katyjay

  1. I can't remember, honest. I do remember the houses and the inside of the square, but I don't remember a shop. Maybe it was before my time, you are that much older than me, aren't you. ha ha. I do remember Ford's though, and was it Marsden's at the bottom of Broxtowe Lane? And the Post Office, and Patrick's men's hairdressers where the bridge was.

  2. Hey Rob, I resent that! When I get up indeed! I was up and couldn't get on the website, it kept telling me it was disabled, and no matter how many times I put my username and password in, it just kept going back to the same message. I wondered if the Weird Welsh Wizzard had buggered it up [scuse the wording on that!]

    I see just about all your clues are answered [or maybe not, if they're incorrect]

  3. Crikey, I'd have never got that connection. I was looking for the word eye, or see or something like that in the village's name.

    BTW I put LOL when I'm joking, which you can't always tell from my statement. It might look like I'm being serious.

  4. I saw Anne's postings on a website and thought how funny she was, so got in touch [funny as in ha-ha] We rattled on to each other like we had known each other for ever. We did go to the same school, but 11 yrs apart, and she only lived less than a mile from me, but we had never met. Like she said, we almost met in Florida Feb 2006, and missed by minutes. [she didn't know I would try and find her]