city gent

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About city gent

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  1. I beg your pardon? you will remove ME? and my posts? and for nothing more than giving a simple reply? now THAT is a threat! OK you may remove my posts as is your perogative, but to remove ME is an entirely different kettle of fish, as ME is a human being and not a fiction of the imagination as exists within a mere mass of erudite scribblings, your mixing the two say it all, as it is now becoming increasingly apparent as to what the problem might be on this forum.
  2. ah, nice to see we're back. further to the above. Indeed Limey, I too am curious. you say you are not attacking this member, but if it was me receiving all those negative comments I would certainly deem it as such. and in regard to your question, the simple answer is, I do not wish to avail my details to all and sundry, good enough that I swap idle banter, as that is what the site is all about. once you start mixing reality with one's virtual persona, then that's when the play dough starts to hit the fan blades. if you know what I mean.
  3. Like it says on the tin 'Something's NOT right' indeed this seems to be the case and wonder exctly what the problem might be, as you all seem to be attacking one particular member (brian36) for reasons that remain unclear, maybe if you was to enlighten the rest of us as to why this member in particular should be singled out for persecution? as I in particular would like to know just what his crime might be, as I see nowhere any reference whereby he has used any insulting or offensive material, as is the case with other members of this forum who use profanity within their comments, the likes of
  4. and going back to the subject of eggs. this reminds of when I was a child lying in my hospital bed with a broken collarbone, and my old mam bringing me in a chocolate egg that was hollow, and when you peeked inside there was a scene depicting a farm, complete with pigs,chickens and a tractor, this must have been around 1953 as I also remember at the same time her giving me a miniature coronation coach, and I recall taking out of the box and asking how much it cost.. "sixpence" she said. funny how you remember these things from long ago, but nowadays can't even remember if you've turned off t
  5. Like anything of beauty it always gets destroyed, take for instance Mata Hari a most beautiful woman to say the very least, but just because she was a spy they decided to shoot her, such a crying shame!
  6. Would be interesting to know what the crack is with these TV mediums, Colin Fry, John Edward, Derek Acorah, etc, do they really communicate with the spirits or is it just one big con, it must be said they seem very successful in what they're doing, but is it simply luck of the draw, get a crowd of people together then tell them Ted is trying to communicate with Brenda, bound to be somebody out there who responds, then it's just a matter of generalising ie, "have you still got the bike" and "remember those happy times we had on our hols" bound to cause a reaction. I personally think it's all a
  7. never seen a ghost in my life, and I don't believe they exist, and I also don't believe there's life on any other planet, what you see is what you get. the only people that purport to see these things are the same people that can be made to do ludicrous things by being hypnotised, ie, there's some form of auto suggestion in their brain whereby they then accept things as being real. no other logical explanation.