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Posts posted by EileenH

  1. Oh yes. I recently did something similar. I'd been gardening and when I went to wash my hands I saw that my wedding ring was missing. (Not my original one because I'd lost that some years ago!) I searched the garden together with my neighbour but couldn't see it. I wailed to her, 'How could this happen when I had my gardening gloves on the whole time?' She gave me that look and shook her head. Doh! Yep, it was in me glove.


    • Upvote 4
  2. Jill (#21) I remember my dad talking about how things were down the pit. They had to use any convenient space if they were caught short and there was no running water to wash. Their snap came out and was eaten with the same hands. He'd tell a yeuky tale of a fellow miner who complained about the smell all through the shift and found out that he'd got a smear of somebody's faecal deposit on his moustache. (I know. Lowered the tone. Sorry. I'll get me coat.)

    • Upvote 3
  3. I think I must have just met one. I was in a queue behind a young woman and her very boisterous little boy. She said to him, 'Be careful. Don't bump into that old lady.' I looked around and THERE WAS NOBODY ELSE IN SIGHT!  I wonder what apparition she was seeing.

    • Upvote 2
  4. I was trying to remember Vic Centre and Broadmarsh from the days of me youth and found it a difficult task.  The bus to Calverton went from Huntingdon Street Bus Station - the last bus was 11pm in the week and 11-30pm on Friday and Saturday so that limited late night socialising somewhat. I realise that I've never actually been to a 'club'. The queue for the last bus was always a laugh, though. Saving a place for your mates - sharing chips - scrounging a fag - rushing to get a seat upstairs.

    Shopping was Central Market - hot peas (or shrimps if you were posh) - and C&A for fashion.

    • Upvote 3
  5. I went to the hospital for my regular blood test and while I was waiting for the okay to leave two of the nurses looked hard at me and started to talk quietly to each other. Then one of them approached me looking very serious and leaned towards me.

    My heart started thumping a bit.

    Then she whispered, 'Did you realise you'd got your jumper on inside out?'



    • Upvote 10
  6. I remember going to the trolley bus terminus to get change for the electricity meter. The conductors would change a shilling for twelve of the old pennies that the meter took.

    I wonder how much electricity you'd get for an old penny nowadays.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I've just been out to the garden to pick the last of the early strawberries. We've had loads this year. As I filled the bowl I thought to myself, 'Kids nowadays? What are they like?' I've had strawberries growing in full view on the front garden just yards from where children pass on the way to school or playing on their bikes and I don't think we've lost one, except to a cheeky blackbird. We've got just a low wall and no gate. Obviously modern children are more honest than we were.

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  8. Best excuse I heard from a 12 year old when he`d failed to hand in his homework again.

    I sighed and said, 'I suppose the dog ate your homework again Wayne?

    And quick as a flash and with a straight face he replied, 'Actually Miss, the dog ate my pencil so I'm afraid I couldn`t do it.'

    Bet he went far.

  9. The Co-op on Wilford Road, the Medders, was the first self service shop I`d ever seen. I was about 7 or 8 and I couldn`t understand how you could have a shop where you helped yourself. Thought everything would get nicked!

    There was a bank of sort of cages and you put your shopping bag into one and took a wire basket and you got your bag back when you paid.

    Our Mam`s number - 37581 - I emailed my siblings, in their 70s, and they all still remembered it.

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