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Posts posted by EileenH

  1. I was a Brincliffian as well. It was strange in a way as it was a County school in the City so we all had to come to school by bus. Don`t think anybody was driven into school in those days and there were no school buses.

    I had to get the 8.10 bus from Calverton to get to school and if I missed it I didn`t get in until after break! If it was foggy or snowy the journey was slow and nightmarish.

    Going home we walked down Mansfield Road to Huntingdon Street or waited, often in the dark, by the entrance to the Forest.

  2. You don`t get carol singers any more - or I haven`t had any at the door anyway. The last one was a few years ago. A little girl about 7 or 8 knocked on the door. When I opened it she said, 'I`m carol singing.' and just stood there.

    I said something like, 'Go on then, sing us a carol.'

    She looked nervous and just repeated, 'I`m carol singing.'

    I saw that there was a group of older children knocking on doors along the street but there was no singing.

    I didn`t know what to do so I just gave her a few coins and she ran off down the drive.


  3. Crikey! Some bold Nottstalgians here! I get dizzy on a thick carpet. What a wimp!

    Years ago I went up the Arc de Triomph to the museum in the cross piece. I suddenly became conscious that I was up in the air and, although there are no windows and no way of seeing how high it was I had to sit down and grip the edge of the bench.

    More recently I took a school party to Matlock and a ride on the cable car was part of the trip. The kids could tell I was apprehensive (terrified) and two of the big lads took me in hand. They said, 'Come on, we`ll sit on either side of you and you keep your eyes shut. We`ll tell you when we get to the top.'

    They each held one of my hands and talked to me all the way. And - to their everlasting credit - they never mentioned it again. It would have made great ammunition to some of my miscreants ( I mean challenging students).

    • Upvote 3
  4. Thank you Cliff Ton and others. That`s fascinating and turns an old family story into reality.

    TBI #9 - that`s a coincidence. My aunt moved to the Medders when her home was demolished. She used to say that the back room of her house was actually hollowed out of the rock. We thought she was making it up at the time, or at least exaggerating.

    Perhaps it was true. Too late to apologise.

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