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Posts posted by Compo

  1. I can be a right feckin' miserable b'stard when I am faced with the ordeal of having to go to things like weddings or parties. I'm ok with funerals but then...I did work at a busy crematorium in the north of England for some time many years ago. 

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  2. On 3/31/2019 at 8:06 AM, plantfit said:

    ".....Takes a brave man to admit his faults...."


    Faults I have many, here are but a few:


    1. I can be mean with money sometimes. eg I will drive for mlles to save a few pence on fuel.

    2. I have a tendency to be dictatorial when it comes to garden work.

    3. I voted "Leave" in the referendum.

    4. I hoard stuff. Came here with one vanload and now have six shedfuls of stuff.

    5. I squirrel money away for a "Rainy day"

    6. I also store large amounts of tinned food - just in case. I think this comes from my time in Ethiopia where plentiful food was not always available.

    7. I hate wearing new clothes. I'm comfortable in my old gear, despite the holes and threadbare nature of some of my things.

    8. I am not a good host.

    9. I don't like dancing.

    10. I prefer the solitude of a mountain top to a good "Do".

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  3. On 3/29/2019 at 3:44 PM, FLY2 said:

    "...We'll all soon be back to just grunting and nodding."


    Some folk are there already!  It seems to be mostly those who slouch around wearing jeans that hang around their knees.......

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  4. Racism is a very touchy and subjective topic. For example: Most folk will laugh at a joke about the Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman but add a Pakistani or Negro into the joke and it becomes racist. Is it not just as racist to poke fun at everyone or is it permissible to poke fun at everyone providing they are not coloured? I, personally, get piss*d off at people who say the eastern Europeans come over here and steal our jobs; whereas in reality they are mostly working in low paid jobs that no-one else will do. So, how do we decide if a comment is funny or just plain racist? I don't know the answer but would welcome thoughts from others on the subject. Is this a racist or a funny joke: "Rumour has it that one Scotsman is so mean that other Scots are beginning to notice!" You might say "Racist! Get off with you!" but what if I now tell you that the joke came from a Scottish friend of it racist now? Comments please.

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  5. I'm with Lizzie on the spelling. My left and right hand co-ordination is not what it used to be; consequently, when typing some letters they become mixed up.  My biggest problem is not that I can't spell but mainly that I don't proof read my posts properly before hitting 'return'. 

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  6. Ok, not Notts but here's why I'm posting: Back in 1980-2 I worked for Miller Bros on Parliament Street. The manager was called Pat something-or-other. in about 1984 he became landlord of a pub in Eagle, Lincs. I would like to know if the pub is still open and what his surname was...anyone know Eagle at all or have a contact number of a local history group, please?

  7. On 9/23/2018 at 7:10 PM, philmayfield said:

    I’ve just remembered - I did restore a 1952 grey Fergie TED tractor a few years ago.

    In 1992/3 Ilived next door to a bloke on Orkney who had a grey fergie. We used to go fishing off the Isle of Copinsay and the fergie was used to tow and launch the boat.....axle deep in salt water. I reckon a classic enthusiast would have a dicky-fit at the sight of a 1950 tractor in the sea!

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  8. On 3/16/2019 at 9:37 AM, philmayfield said:

    We were a bit more upmarket . It was referred to as the ‘coal place’. It was next door to the outside toilet though!


    I had a coal place next to the outside loo when I worked and lived in Annesley. Had 19cwt of employees coal allowance delivered every five weeks and the coal place was always full to overflowing.